Philokalia Ministries
Philokalia Ministries is the fruit of 30 years spent at the feet of the Fathers of the Church. Led by Father David Abernethy, Philokalia (Philo: Love of the Kalia: Beautiful) Ministries exists to re-form hearts and minds according to the mold of the Desert Fathers through the ascetic life, the example of the early Saints, the way of stillness, prayer, and purity of heart, the practice of the Jesus Prayer, and spiritual reading. Those who are involved in Philokalia Ministries - the podcasts, videos, social media posts, spiritual direction and online groups - are exposed to writings that make up the ancient, shared spiritual heritage of East and West: The Ladder of Divine Ascent, Saint Augustine, the Philokalia, the Conferences of Saint John Cassian, the Ascetical Homilies of Saint Isaac the Syrian, and the Evergetinos. In addition to these, more recent authors and writings, which draw deeply from the well of the desert, are read and discussed: Lorenzo Scupoli, Saint Theophan the Recluse, anonymous writings from Mount Athos, the Cloud of Unknowing, Saint John of the Cross, Thomas a Kempis, and many more. Philokalia Ministries is offered to all, free of charge. However, there are real and immediate needs associated with it. You can support Philokalia Ministries with one-time, or recurring monthly donations, which are most appreciated. Your support truly makes this ministry possible. May Almighty God, who created you and fashioned you in His own Divine Image, restore you through His grace and make of you a true icon of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

18 minutes ago
The Evergetinos: Book Two - XXIX, Part I
18 minutes ago
18 minutes ago
As we are drawn more deeply into the spiritual warfare of the Desert fathers and learn from their stories of how the demons will provoke a soul and lure it into sin, we begin to see how important it is to put on the mind of Christ; that is, to embrace fully the mindset of the person of faith and the life that we are meant to embody. One of the beautiful aspects of the Evergetinos is that it does not simply present us with teachings but also with the concrete struggle of the fathers and the nature and subtlely of demonic provocation.
We begin to understand that there is no room for pride in the spiritual life. In particular with the passion of fornication, it is the coward who is the victor; that is, he who flees. Our strength is found only in the Lord and clinging to him. We must have no illusion about the strength of our virtue, no matter how long we have engaged in the spiritual life or how virtuous we may seem to be. “Pride rideth before the fall”.
We also see in these stories how the demons sing out to the soul in order to present the temptation as the most attractive and beautiful of things. They can draw even the most seasoned of ascetics into a kind of crazed frenzy or mania. Therefore, we are taught that we must turn immediately to the Lord, raising our hands to the heavens and falling on our knees, begging for his protection.
The demons will show no mercy. In fact, their goal is not simply to draw an individual into sin, but also to draw them into despair where repentance is stymied. After a fall, they become the soul’s accuser and will even use scripture to mock her in such a way as to drive her into greater darkness. Their desire is to make us lose confidence in the mercy and compassion of God.
Text of chat during the group:
00:05:21 Bob Cihak: P. 212 # 8
00:13:45 Bob Cihak: P. 212 # 8
00:20:40 Wayne: What page?
00:20:53 Nypaver Clan: 213
00:21:00 Nypaver Clan: top
00:21:05 Wayne: thanks
00:28:27 Fr Marty, AZ 480-292-3381: It's interesting to consider that we can till the soil for this temptation by giving into other passions. Just reminds me to be vigilant, especially in how I consider others. And in fleeing too. Valuable insight to help me realize that I'm not as blindsided as I thought but I'd been opening doors to weaken me in temptation.
00:32:14 Anthony: Sometimes it takes getting sick and tired of the situation to develop a contempt for it.
00:35:04 Fr Marty, AZ 480-292-3381: Did you say the mindset is called phronema?
00:35:48 Kate : The mindset you describe is like nothing I have ever heard or experienced being a Latin Rite Catholic.
00:39:49 Anthony: The West by it honestly...having to know by size, weight a day number, which medieval texts extrapolate I think from Sirach. I prefer St Ephrem's poem on the Hidden Pearl taken as a unity.
00:40:12 Anthony: Comes
00:42:19 Nina and Sparky: Phil 2:2 πληρώσατέ μου τὴν χαρὰν ἵνα τὸ αὐτὸ φρονῆτε "fill up my cup of happiness by thinking with the same mind" See the last greek word phronete. In modern writing, I have heard the phrase "according to the mind of the church"
00:42:25 Myles Davidson: The word “re-enchantment” is being used more amongst some Catholic circles. The need to return to a more poetic pre-Cartesian worldview
00:44:00 Anthony: Reacted to The word “re-enchant... with "👍"
00:44:11 Nina and Sparky: Sorry, it is me, Forrest Cavalier.
00:51:36 Myles Davidson: The Jesus Prayer is the fastest way to shake off unwanted thoughts, in my experience.
01:04:33 Anthony: But if we can trust what demons say (something I really don't like) their mockery gave a clue of the problem....Exaltation by arrogance. So, do the opposite.
01:08:20 Fr Marty, AZ 480-292-3381: This seems to reveal that the devil's plan is more than just sin, from which we can again stand and receive forgiveness, but the devil, through sin stirred by pride, attempts to poison our mind into despair or to forget God and his love for us and our vocation.
01:09:56 Anthony: The devil made himself a bastard in relation to the Creator and wants to bastardize and neuter us.
01:14:26 ANDREW ADAMS: Thanks be to God! Thank you, Father!
01:14:28 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:14:34 Bob Cihak: Bless you, Father.
01:14:55 Bob Cihak: I forgive you.

4 days ago
4 days ago
It bears saying that we find ourselves upon a privileged path as we begin this new journey with Saint Isaac the Syrian. To have access to his writings and access to such a translation in the West is a recent phenomenon and one not to be taken lightly. Further it is often said that Isaac is the greatest of the Desert Fathers in that through his writings one can move from being a novice in the spiritual life to the heights of contemplation.
Immediately, one discovers that Isaac is unique and distinctive in his manner of approaching the spiritual life. He appeals to our capacity in faith to comprehend divine love and what has been revealed to us through Christ. It is what we comprehend in faith that fills the heart with wonder; that we are embraced by a love that never ends and that only seeks to raise us up out of the darkness of sin to the fullness of light. Isaac understands that, made in the image and likeness of God, we are going to be driven by desire; that is, a sense of lack and incompleteness. God has made us for himself and we only find our identity and the fullness for which we long in him.
Our struggle is our attachment to the things of this world, including our own ego – the self. There are so many things that vie for our attention that the “one thing necessary” is often pushed out to the margins of our life or out of mind altogether. The love out of which we have been created and the lavish love through which we have been redeemed is often supplanted by that which eventually turns to dust.
Our awareness of this should produce within us a fear that creates a movement toward God. Repentance is simply or acting on that awareness; turning away from our sin and our attachment to the things of this world and opening ourselves up to the healing grace and mercy of God. It is for this reason that Isaac does not focus on the development of virtue and the overcoming of vice as others do. For ultimately, we are not seeking the perfection of natural virtue or even to exceed what we understand as the heights of virtue. Rather, we are to understand the ascetic life is radically tied to being “in Christ”. In other words, the radical transformation that takes place through the grace that we receive through baptism, the Eucharist, and through the gift of the Holy Spirit leads to our participation in the life of the Trinity. Deification is what has been promised to those of faith. It is divine humility, divine love, divine compassion, and divine vulnerability that we are to embody. This takes place not through raw grit but rather through abandonment to Christ in a spirit of humility. As we let go of the illusion of self identity, independent of Christ, the true self begins to emerge. Thus if we take anything away from this evening’s discussion and reflection it should be the sense of wonder and desire that Isaac seeks to cultivate within the human heart. Love alone endures and the desire it produces inflames the heart to pursue the Beloved and the Life of the Kingdom.
Text of chat during the group:
00:15:34 Bob Cihak: Father's Substack comments are another blessing for me. The come by email to me, several times daily and are beautifully succinct, most of the time.
00:17:15 Sr. Mary Clare: Thank you, Father!
00:36:18 Ren Witter: Sr. Barbara - would you mind sending your question to the whole group in the chat so that the people reading/listening to the podcast know what you asked? (I think your question must have been sent directly to Fr. Charbel).
00:36:30 mflory: The whole first paragraph is a chain of practices/virtues: reflection on the “restitution” (providence/the second coming) leads to withdrawal from the world which leads to control of thoughts which leads to faith which leads to fear of God which leads to virtue.
00:36:33 Jamie: Reacted to "Sr. Barbara - woul..." with 👍
00:37:26 mflory: Mark
00:38:37 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: Sentence two begins with "It" - referring to fear of the Lord or to faith?
00:38:42 Eric Jobe: Some comments:The fear of God - it strikes me like the Freudio-Lacanian notion of symbolic castration, whereby we are inscribed into the divine order of virtue.
In Syriac, St. Isaac specifically says that one “takes the opportunity to withdraw his mind from the world” This is important I think - we have an opportunity that we must deliberately take.
…00:39:21 Ren Witter: Reacted to " Sentence two begins..." with 👍🏼
00:40:19 Eric Jobe: This “reflection on the restitution to come” is more evocative in the Syriac. There is a kind of dazzling imagination - sharagragriatha. And “restitution” is the order of the age to come - tuqana. It is a positive thing to meditate on imaginatively, not the judgment to come.
00:41:15 Josh: Would it be possible to get a link to the copy of the book that is being used? I missed the email that may've said it.
00:41:47 Ren Witter:
00:41:47 ANDREW ADAMS: Replying to "Would it be possible..."
00:41:55 Jamie: Can we interpret fear as aligned with awe? By that I mean: fear implies awareness of unknown about the object we fear. God is the ultimate mystery...we can't know him perfectly, so the fear is a healthy appreciation for "other". It's living in the reality that God is entirely other than creation. We appreciate how utterly other God is as object, so we fear God in awe and wonder. We will never fully know God, even as we grow in intimacy with him, so we continue to fear / awe God. It's a healthy thing. Is this a workable interpretation? If this is workable, it would seem the beginning of virtue is to appreciate God as not me, akin to he must increase and I must decrease. It's a fear that leads me closer to God -- not driven away, because this Utterly Other is the object who can provide for me all my needs.
00:42:04 Niño: I think the modern day problem is that we often associate the Love for God with emotionalism or sensationalism ...but like what you said father..the discipline, the virtues are ways of showing and increasing our love for God
00:42:05 David: Is the focus on fear of the lord similar to training wheels to focus our attention on God and push away the work of the evil thoughts often using fear. I see later writings say once you have mastered the fear then you focus on love of God and each moment and expression of love possibly leaving fear like training wheels behind?
00:42:07 Josh: Replying to "Would it be possible..."
Thank you!
00:42:15 Josh: Replying to "https://www.bostonmo..."
Thank you!
00:43:21 Eric Jobe: Replying to " Sentence two begins..."
“Fear” most likely. It’s ambiguous in Syriac, but “fear” is the grammatical topic.
00:44:16 Ren Witter: Standard procedure for questions: If you have a question you would like Fr. Charnel to respond to in the group, please type your question, and then “raise your hand.” Once Father sees the hand, and calls your name, send the message.
00:45:47 Anthony: So "restitution" is like "restoration."
00:45:54 Niño: Reacted to So "restitution" is ... with "❤️"
00:46:12 Jamie: Reacted to "Standard procedure..." with 👍
00:48:09 Anthony: A spirituality of "The Song of Songs."
00:48:34 Jamie: Reacted to "So "restitution" i..." with ✍️
00:50:34 Gina Marie: Reacted to "Standard procedure f..." with 👍
00:50:45 Rebecca Thérèse: I don't know about Syriac but in biblical Hebrew (a closely related Semitic language) "fear" as in "the fear of the Lord" can also be translated "reverence".
00:57:39 Anthony: $ for land too. 😉
00:58:08 Ryan Ngeve: Father is there a connection between Isaac’s phrase on the fear of God and proverbs 9:10?
00:59:04 David: Reacted to "Father is there a co..." with 👍
00:59:35 Nick Bodmer: People are realizing that they aren't fulfilled, so they are trying all these things to have a chance to fill the void within themselves.
01:00:22 Niño: Reacted to People are realizing... with "❤️"
01:01:48 Eric Jobe: “Contain himself” could be translated from Syriac as “recollects”, which brings up the prodigal son as well as the myriad of statements of the Fathers on the notion of recollection.
01:04:00 Eric Jobe: “Honor” is plural in the Syriac. It likely refers to many instances of others giving honor, like we may say in English: “He received many honors from the military.”
01:06:07 Jamie: In his high priestly prayer, Jesus prays that the Father would glorify him. Jesus can handle being honored, but he does NOT seek honor from men...he seeks it from his heavenly Father. If we are to imitate God in fear, healthy appreciate and awe for God as the provider of all our needs, then we should seek the glory God wishes to give us, which likely means Cross in this world and heavenly paradise in the next (because heaven we will see him face to face...the ultimate honor).
01:07:19 Catherine Eisenbrandt: Father how do you tell the difference between when you need to be obedient and accept “good” active things as service and when not to engage
01:12:13 Niño: Without Love for God, there is no real love for neighbor
Christ showed His love for us by dying on the cross to save us from sin death and hell... Therefore the Love of a neighbor also means to admonish them of obvious sin and to help them, if they are willing, to go to confession
01:13:49 St. Stanislaus Kostka Religious Education: Next Sunday's Gospel includes being concerned more abou the splinter in the other's eye rather than the beam in our own.
01:17:04 maureencunningham: Thank You Father Blessing
01:17:21 Jamie: Reacted to "Thank You Father ..." with 🙏
01:17:40 Niño: Salamat Padre (Thank you Father-Filipino language)
01:18:34 Julie’s iPhone: Thank you Father You are in my prayers
01:18:53 Laura: Reacted to "Thank you Father Yo..." with 👍🏼
01:19:14 ANDREW ADAMS: Thanks be to God! Thank you, Father!
01:19:15 Dave Warner | AL: Thank you Father!
01:19:16 David: Thank you Father. God bless you and your mother!
01:19:17 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:19:24 Jeffrey Ott: Thank you!
01:19:25 Mari: Thank you
01:19:31 Tommie’s iPhone: Glory to Jesus Christ
01:19:32 Gina Marie: Thank you, Father!
01:19:35 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: Thank you!
01:19:45 Ben: Thank you, Father! God bless.

7 days ago
7 days ago
Once again, we are blessed by the practical counsel of the fathers in regard to the struggle with the passion of lust and fornication. What becomes evident is that the struggle is primarily with the thoughts and how we address them in our lives. The origin of such thoughts may be from ourselves and our own memories, what we experience with our senses in the present moment or from demonic provocation. Whatever their origin, our asceticism must be such that we are willing to lay all such thoughts aside in preference for remaining in stillness with our focus set upon Christ.
It is always best not to engage the thoughts that rush upon us understanding that we will be overwhelmed, especially if their origin is from the demons. We are not to argue or wrestle with the thoughts but rather call upon the holy name of our Lord and to plead for his help and strength.
This is the source of our healing, even in ways that we do not comprehend. The more we call upon the Lord, the deeper the healing becomes and the more free we become from our attachment to the things of this world. The Jesus Prayer in particular can be used as a gentle weapon to cut away the thoughts as they come upon us. When we are able, it is beneficial to say the prayer in an audible fashion making use of multiple senses. Having a chotki in hand as we say the Prayer and making prostrations repeatedly involves the whole self in the spiritual battle. When we humble ourselves in mind and body before God, He rushes to our aid.
Thus, humility, vigilance and constancy of prayer must be the foundation of our ascetic practice. Furthermore, we must be simple and not count ourselves as clever in this battle. The wiles of the evil one can turn even our conversations about piety into instruments that agitate and stir up the heart. Let us examine our hearts well as we approach the Great Fast and ask the Lord to be our strength.
Text of chat during the group:
00:11:46 Niño: Have a nice day everybody 💞 it's 830 am Feb 25 Tuesday here Philippine time
00:15:10 Bob Cihak: P. 210, # G
00:15:46 Kathleen: What is the name of teh beginner’s book?
00:16:07 Kathleen: Thank you
00:16:28 Myles Davidson:
00:16:39 Kathleen: Thank you Myles
00:17:05 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "Thank you Myles" with 🙏
00:20:50 Josh: Can anyone tell me what page we are on tonight? Thanks.
00:21:03 Bob Cihak: P. 210, # G
00:21:10 Josh: Thank you
00:28:40 Maureen Cunningham: Maybe it was to protect women. It seems that women were used like property and could be cast away and killed.
00:39:46 Myles Davidson: This advice at the end of this saying reminds me of this quote you posted today Fr.“Unceasing calling upon the name of God cures one not only of passions, but also of actions; and as a medicine affects a sick man without his comprehension, similarly the invocation of the name of God destroys passions in a manner beyond our comprehension."
00:40:25 Adam Paige: We have to choose: the news or the nous ! ;)
00:40:30 Maureen Cunningham: Beautiful movie free
00:40:48 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "We have to choose: t..." with 😊
00:40:49 Bob Cihak: When I decided, a long time ago, to let passionate thoughts just go by me, and ignore them, it lightened me a lot. I call this my toreodor defense.
00:40:49 Forrest Cavalier: Reacted to "We have to choose: t..." with 👍
00:40:55 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "Beautiful movie free" with 👍
00:43:27 Niño: Is there a prayer before and after doing a prostration? I used to do prostrations 33 times while meditating on the passion of Christ ...
00:46:08 Niño: Reacted to We have to choose: t... with "❤️"
00:47:08 Adam Paige: Reacted to "Beautiful movie free" with 🎞️
00:47:24 Niño: The power of the name of Christ is calming the storms within and without ...
00:48:13 Maureen Cunningham: What is the nous
00:48:32 Nypaver Clan: Replying to "What is the nous"
The eye of the soul
00:48:39 sr charista: As well, regarding main stream news it is said that 6 people own all the stations, it is the deceptive mockingbird media with an nefarious agenda it seems.
00:50:03 Niño: Yperagia Theotoke Soson Imas
00:50:41 Suzanne Romano: Reacted to We have to choose: t... with "😊"
00:54:05 Adam Paige: Replying to "Yperagia Theotoke So..."
Yperagia Theotoke Soson Imas ΥΠΕΡΑΓΙΑ ΘΕΟΤΟΚΕ ΣΩΣΟΝ ΗΜΑΣ// Most Holy Mother of God save us
01:01:17 Niño: Thus having an icon that would remind us of our goal and skull to remind us of death would help our imagination to focus on the things that are eternally true
01:02:05 Adam Paige: Reacted to "Thus having an icon ..." with 💀
01:07:20 Kathleen: You mentioned earlier about conversations that go in an unholy direction…it’s awkward at best finding ways to change the subject or exit or be silent without any body language or gestures that may indicate approval of the conversation. i find myself in these situations so looking for ways to handle
01:07:38 Niño: Reacted to You mentioned earlie... with "❤️"
01:08:06 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "pic-a711b3ac-351b-4294-8af5-576d965386f4.jpg" with 👍
01:09:31 Josh: Reacted to "You mentioned earlie..." with ❤️
01:09:40 Josh: Reacted to "pic-a711b3ac-351b-4294-8af5-576d965386f4.jpg" with 👍
01:12:02 Adam Paige: Replying to "You mentioned earlie..."
"7. Do not regard the feelings of a person who speaks to you about his neighbour disparagingly, but rather say to him: ‘Stop, brother! I fall into graver sins every day, so how can I criticize him?’ In this way you will achieve two things: you will heal yourself and your neighbour with one plaster. This is one of the shortest ways to the forgiveness of sins; I mean, not to judge. ‘Judge not, that you be not judged.’" - THE LADDER OF DIVINE ASCENT, St. John Climacus, Step 10 - On slander or calumny
01:13:35 Kathleen: Haha
01:14:27 Maureen Cunningham: Praying for you when do we start fast
01:15:30 Niño: Grateful always to be part of this group 🙏 thank you Padre For making this platform public(what I mean free)
01:15:40 ANDREW ADAMS: Thanks be to God! Thank you, Father!
01:15:41 Bob Cihak: Thank you, father.
01:15:42 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:15:50 Adam Paige: Replying to "Praying for you when..."
Praying for you when do we start fast depends on your rite !
01:16:06 Kathleen: I have no books yet. Is this info on your website?
01:16:15 Niño: Pls pray for me ..I'm planning to go back to the sacrament of penance after a long time of being away 🥹
01:16:22 Adam Paige: Reacted to "Pls pray for me ..I'..." with 😇
01:16:26 Josh: Reacted to "Pls pray for me ..I'..." with ❤️
01:16:26 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "Pls pray for me ..I'..." with 🙏🏼
01:16:29 Suzanne Romano: Reacted to Pls pray for me ..I'... with "🙏🏼"
01:16:39 Kathleen: Hahaha
01:16:44 Niño: Reacted to Hahaha with "😂"
01:17:05 Francisco Ingham: Thank you father! Let’s all offer our prayers and fasts for the Pope this week 🙏
01:17:14 sr charista: what is the name again
01:17:45 Adam Paige: I have no books yet. Is this info on your website?
01:18:10 Anthony: Reacted to When I decided, a lo... with "👍"
01:18:26 Adam Paige: I have no books yet. Is this info on your website?
01:18:28 sr charista: Replying to "I have no books yet...."
thank you much :)
01:18:46 sr charista: BEAUTIFUL
01:18:46 Nypaver Clan: zacharias zacharou

Thursday Feb 20, 2025
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Appendix "To The Shepherd", Part XI
Thursday Feb 20, 2025
Thursday Feb 20, 2025
We come to the end of this journey with St John Climacus knowing that it is also only the beginning. What joy has come through sitting at the feet of St. John for these few years and to be led along the path that brings us to Christ and the freedom to give ourselves in love and receive love.
In these final paragraphs about the qualities and the responsibilities of a spiritual elder, what shines forth most brightly is the absolute and complete love that the elder must have for those in his care. The love of Christ that burns within his heart must embrace and give warmth to all those he guides and be a true source of light for them. There are times where he may have to be strict and forceful yet the love dwells within his heart, like divine love, is curative not punitive. Divine love offers itself completely, lavishly, allowing itself to be broken and poured out for others. Thus, the elder must have ever before him those in his charge; so much so that purity of heart allows him to see their needs and suffering and compels him to come to their aid.
There will be many times when he must carry those in his charge to the Lord through his own example, his hidden sufferings and constant prayer. Like a parent, there will be moments when he must take them by the hand and guide them one step at a time along the narrow path that leads to the kingdom. Despite the fact that the kingdom of heaven dwells within us, the journey is often toilsome. Left to ourselves, we may never find the narrow gate or enter.
The elder must be long suffering; that when the lack of dispassion in others pierces his heart like a sword his response is like the Divine Judge - restraining himself and looking at others only with compassion. He must be willing to receive and take up upon his shoulders of the burden of his office as Christ took upon himself the burden of the cross and he must not despise the wounds that may come through rejection and betrayal.
The elder’s love must run so deep that intuitively he knows the sufferings of those in his care even before they speak of them to him. Without hesitation and quickly, he seeks to apply the healing balm.
And perhaps most powerful and beautiful of all - - in the end, the elder must acknowledge that he must decrease in order that Christ might increase within his children’s hearts. There will come a time when they no longer need human instruction because they have given their hearts to the Lord and are guided by His Spirit. Blessed are those who bring others to Christ and whose guidance passes on from generation to generation.
Text of chat during the group:
00:12:41 Bob Cihak: P. 260, # 89
00:17:46 Anna Lalonde: It was a complete blessing the four months I was in religious life! Transformed my prayer life.
00:19:12 Joanne Martínez : Joanne Martínez here, just signed on
00:19:55 Bob Cihak: P. 260, # 89
00:20:13 Joanne Martínez : Reacted to "P. 260, # 89" with 👌
00:31:14 Kate : In order to be broken and poured out in love for others, does it necessitate allowing ourselves to be broken first by God, so to speak, and to have received the Love of God poured into us?
00:31:58 Rebecca Thérèse: Nathan
00:32:59 Jeffrey Ott: The daily meditation of Gaston Courtois was on that very thing…profiting first from God’s love so that we may reveal that love to the multitude of other souls
00:33:58 Tracey Fredman: Sometimes willingly pouring ourselves out for others is the way we are broken by God, particularly when we don't feel like doing whatever it is for others whether in ministry or simply serving another.
00:44:53 Joanne Martínez : In reading about the lengths to which the people of Mesoamerica went to receive baptism after the apparition of Guadalupe, I have a new understanding of the gift that sacrament truly is
00:57:21 Maureen Cunningham: There is a short you tube called The 21 remembering Martyrs who died in February 2015. The faith of these men was moving
01:01:58 Anna Lalonde: Fostered about 130 teens. 😂
01:22:16 Sr. Mary Clare: That is certainly a love that is not possessive
01:22:58 Joanne Martínez : Thank you! These last two years journeying with you all has been extraordinary.
01:23:02 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You Father
01:23:55 Zachary Morgan: This was wonderful - thank you Abouna!
01:24:37 Sr. Mary Clare: Beautiful
01:24:40 Janine: Thank you Father Charbel…looking forward to St Isaac
01:24:43 Jeffrey Ott: It’s been a joy. Thank you Father.
01:24:52 Lee Graham: Thank you, this has been wonderful
01:25:42 ANDREW ADAMS: Thanks be to God! Thank you, Father!
01:25:45 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:25:45 David: Thank you Father God Bless you and your Mom!
01:25:58 Art: Thank you for this wonderful journey with John Climacus!
01:26:08 Cindy Moran: Than you Father

Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
The Evergetinos: Book Two - XXVIII, Part V
Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Tonight we follow the thought of Saint Isaiah, the Solitary and St. John Cassian on the struggle with the passion of lust and fornication. One things stands out clearly: we must be fully engaged in the formation of the mind and the heart in virtue - for the devil is fully engaged in seeking to provoke us to sin. Therefore, we must guard all of the senses with great attentiveness. With this particular passion, we must engage in the battle both physically and spiritually. Thus, we must be attentive to both prayer and fasting; that is, humbling the mind and the body in such a way that we turn to God for our nourishment and strength. In shaping the habit of virtue, we must study the scriptures, engage in fervent prayer, and labor with our hands; in other words, we must keep our focus simple in order that we might be aware of what is going on within the heart.
Cassian makes it clear that the heart is the place where the disease is hidden – the depths of the soul. Yet, it is also here that the remedy is found. We must open our heart fully to God by guarding the senses and directing all of our energies towards the formation of virtue and the love of the things of the kingdom.
Humility is the foundation of all of these pursuits. In it, we recognize our poverty and so cling to God. As we cling to him, we experienced that he alone can bring not only healing where there has only been sin but also fill the heart with the love that he alone can satisfy.
Text of chat during the group:
00:02:12 Anna Lalonde: Hello! We missed last week due to sickness. Glad to hear Father Charbel you've gained 11 new brothers in the monastery!
00:20:51 Joseph Muir: What page are we on?
00:21:07 Bob Cihak: P. 207 E
00:22:00 Joseph Muir: Reacted to "P. 207 E" with 👍
00:27:58 Joseph Muir: After a period of my life of living in rampant sin, upon my reversion, returning to the sacramental life of prayer and repentance, I really struggled with talking about my past without ultimately devolving into my bragging about my past. This was something that I took to confession probably every week for a period, until the priest, whom I personally knew, eventually asked me, “Are these people asking to hear about your past? Or are you shoehorning it into conversation?” It was obviously the latter, stemming from a misplaced sense of zeal for my return to God, though the priest exhorted me to practice biting my tongue instead, and that it would afford me the silence so as to healthily discern when and whom to share certain bits regarding my past, if at all
00:30:59 Joseph Muir: 😂
00:31:56 Anthony: I recommend "Hope," Pope Francis ' memoiore released this year.
00:32:16 Anthony: He deals with his own shame
00:35:25 Anthony: Ossuary
00:36:08 Myles Davidson: There’s a great scene in a Mt. Athos doco of a monk moving a wheelbarrow full of skulls to a new home they were building for them
00:37:48 Joseph Muir: “Keep your eyes on your own plate”, as an old monastic maxim goes
00:49:14 Adam Paige:
00:49:33 Anthony: There's a related issue: I was working with a church youth group, and so, wanting to relate to their culture as other adults could, I watched a lot of movies like the Marvel Universe. That was a bad idea. That just uploads other people's malformed imagination into mine.
00:50:57 Myles Davidson: Replying to "There's a related is..."
Hollywood in general is very toxic
01:05:54 Niño: It's really hard to practice these disciplines especially if someone experimented with living a life of sin out of curiosity... I'd been away from the sacraments for 2 months to satisfy my lower appetite...but now I regret everything's a foolish thing to give a chance to the devil in the name of "choosing" between evil and good ... Now, I'm beginning from zero again 😔 it's good thing to find this meeting.thanks Fr.
01:06:22 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "It's really hard to ..." with 🙏
01:08:09 Myles Davidson: Oscar Wilde said the best way to get rid of temptation was to give in to it
01:08:16 Forrest Cavalier: Welcome back to the fold, N!
01:08:26 Joseph Muir: “[E]ach person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin; and sin when it is full-grown brings forth death.”—James 1:14-15
01:09:05 Adam Paige: Oscar Wilde also said the only feast of the church he kept was Septuagesima haha
01:09:18 Anthony: Mayne Wilde meant that temptation is a part of life, don't just roll over to temptation and play dead
01:09:41 Julie: Like Eve who had a dialogue with the devil
01:10:13 Cameron Jackson: Oscar Wilde is a contrary indicator.
01:15:23 Cameron Jackson: Thank you Fr Charbel!
01:15:31 Niño: Replying to "Welcome back to the ..."
I don't know...but, deep within me and every event that took place these past few days is like a deep calling from God to return ..I don't know and I'm not sure
It seems to be overreacting for me ..but, the events really are clear to me that God is calling me back
I know how to return..but I don't know if I am really sincere in my conversion
How will I know that I am really sincere of my concerns is that I only have the feeling to return because of guilt but really deep inside me I am not repentant ...I cannot abuse the Mercy of God
I am sure of the Mercy of God but not sure about myself ..pls pray for me
01:15:42 sr charista: Blessings to you Fr.! Thank you :).
01:15:55 Jacqulyn: Pray for me! Tomorrow is my birthday! 🎉
01:16:07 ANDREW ADAMS: Thank you, Father!
01:16:11 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:16:15 Aric B: Thank you Father!
01:16:16 Forrest Cavalier: Replying to "Welcome back to the ..."
Go to confession!
01:16:20 Laura: Replying to "Welcome back to the ..."
01:16:22 Bob Cihak: God be with you.
01:16:27 Laura: Reacted to "I don't know...but, ..." with 👍🏼

Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Appendix "To The Shepherd", Part X
Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
St. John does not hesitate to speak to us about the beauty and the extraordinary responsibility of the spiritual elder. To find oneself with the care of souls one must take up the work without question. One cannot approach the care of the flock as a hireling. As we have received so we must give. If God has given us the particular gifts to guide others in the spiritual life, then gratitude must compel us to offer the same consolation to others.
One cannot stress enough how great the responsibility is that is placed on the shoulders of the elder. He must be especially sensitive to the most vulnerable and the weakest within the community and understand how to offer guidance to multiple individuals at the same time. He must be able to strengthen the resolve of all the men in his community through timely rebukes and humbling the stronger members of the community even though their actions do not warrant such correction. An elder cannot set aside his identity, even while always seeking to be tender and gentle with those in his care. They must respect him and his life must be respectable in regard to his virtue if they are going to follow his counsel and if they are going to remain obedient. Only in this way will his monks have absolute confidence in his guidance.
He must hold their trust by also holding everything they say as private and not to be shared among others. Such trust is hard won and can be lost in an instant if the elder acts indiscriminately. While he is forbearing, he must deal directly with the disobedient. His failure to do so may, in the end, weaken their commitment or cause them to despise him when they are unable to endure.
Text of chat during the group:
00:09:32 Adam Paige:
00:10:54 Suzanne Romano: Thank you, Adam! That's it!
00:11:44 Zachary Morgan: I love your substack!!
00:12:04 Jacqulyn: Reacted to "I love your substack..." with 👍
00:12:20 Adam Paige: Reacted to "Thank you, Adam! Tha…" with 📽
00:12:33 Una: Reacted to "I love your substa..." with 👍
00:13:44 Zachary Morgan: I find that substack is more for other writers/contributors outside the now-prevalent "shorts" we see on other platforms
00:33:49 Anthony: I think this is helpful. When I'd read something like Desert Fathers and come across confessing thoughts, I thought it was literal.
00:53:50 Zachary Morgan: Speaking of openly wearing clerical garb, one of the biggest arguments that I have experienced among clergy is whether deacons should wear their clerics openly because not being a priest, they shoudn't be seen in "spiritual way" in public or be confused as potentially being a priest by others - almost as if the Deacon cannot be a source of spiritual good outside the service of the altar. Can I ask what your thoughts are on this? I think it is much more of a Western struggle.
00:58:25 Margaret: Thank you for your comments on Priests and Sisters wearing their clerical garb in public. I bristle when I see sisters that aren't in "clerical garb". It makes me think they are ashamed to be Brides of Christ
00:59:47 Suzanne Romano: It's not rigidity. It's zeal and lov ae.
01:02:05 Sr. Mary Clare: When I walked into a store with another sister, two Protestants said, "What a breath of fresh air to see Catholic Sisters wearing their long garb. We have seen them running down the street in shorts. We just smiled.
01:02:18 Suzanne Romano: All your comments on wearing the habit are spot on!
01:03:23 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "All your comments on..." with 🥰
01:03:49 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "When I walked into a..." with 👍🏼
01:04:09 Suzanne Romano: Reacted to When I walked into a... with "👍🏼"
01:07:38 Sr. Mary Clare: Why "Fear in our presence?"
01:09:53 Sr. Mary Clare: Thank you for explaining. I was a little confused
01:12:40 Sr. Mary Clare: Absolutely correct!
01:14:00 Suzanne Romano: Love cannot be divided from authority. Love requires authority.
01:20:16 Una: Reacted to "When I walked into..." with 👍🏼
01:20:20 Maureen Cunningham: Thank you Father
01:21:03 ANDREW ADAMS: Thank you, Father!
01:21:05 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:21:15 Margaret: Thank you!
01:21:46 Jeffrey Ott: Thank you! Great to be with you all!

Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
The Evergetinos: Book Two - XXVIII, Part IV
Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
The spiritual life is not lived out in the abstract. Among the fathers, we find a distinct emphasis on praxis; that is, the practice of the faith. We come to know God and to love virtue not through reading but rather through experience.
As a defense, often used to hold onto attachments, we make our faith into something that is purely intellectual or notional. Yet in this hypothesis, hearing tonight in particular from Saint Ephraim, the Syrian, we are presented with the experience of those tempted by the demons to minimize the effects of the embrace of sin and the loss of grace. Rather than holding onto our virtue as precious and maintaining a clear vision of our identity as temples of the Holy Spirit, we cast it all aside thoughtlessly for a moment of pleasure.
The struggle with sensuality in particular is challenging because of how it is experienced. We covet what we see and when something is seen it is held within the imagination and the memory. It remains with us even if for a moment we are drawn away from it. When we indiscriminately expose ourselves to what stimulates the passions, we make ourselves more vulnerable. Once the demons have been successful in leading us to embrace such thoughts and actions, then the images seep into the unconscious and emerge later in our dreams.
The loss that comes to us is immeasurable, and it is only by the grace of God that healing can come. Saint Ephraim counsels us to keep our eyes downward in their focus and not allow our vision to rove around indiscriminately. On the other hand, we must keep the eyes of our soul constantly turned upward toward God. Only when He fills us with his grace when we turned to him in a spirit of repentance can the imagination, memory and unconscious be healed. The more we fill our hearts with the love of virtue and the things of the kingdom the more we are transformed and begin to experience, once again, the freedom of those who have been made sons and daughters of God.
Text of chat during the group:
00:12:48 Suzanne Romano: It's certainly been a bad flu season for the chickens... 🥴
00:15:35 paul g.: Whoa. Great !
00:31:28 Forrest Cavalier: Priests can be more firm at setting limits. My wife was confirmed in the 1980's only because Fr. Vanyo at the cathedral refused to baptize her youngest sibling unless all were in catechism. I pray for him often.
00:32:11 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "Priests can be more ..." with 👍🏼
00:41:59 Mary and Al: Yes scary!
00:55:13 Forrest Cavalier: That reference to wax in this paragraph sounds like a reference to Ps 68:3 "As wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God"
01:03:23 Sheila: I find this holds the same when people tell you gossip about others. It changes how you see the person whether you wanted tonor not.
01:03:29 Sheila: Or not
01:05:13 Sheila: These images, can they be purged? Or are they truly as you say permamently there to be used against yourr charity and thoughts?
01:17:06 Lee Graham: The many “good” things we could do are enemy of the “best”.
01:22:45 paul g.: Yes
01:23:00 Forrest Cavalier: everge Teen o's
01:23:08 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "everge Teen o's" with 😂
01:23:10 paul g.: Reacted to "everge Teen o's" with ❤️
01:23:56 Bob Cihak, AZ: Preach it, Father!! Please! and Thank you!!!
01:23:59 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:24:14 Sheila: Thanks Father!
01:24:16 Forrest Cavalier: No fasting this week, though!
01:24:23 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father.

Thursday Feb 06, 2025
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Appendix "To The Shepherd", Part IX
Thursday Feb 06, 2025
Thursday Feb 06, 2025
I was struck this evening not only with the wisdom of St. John’s counsel in regard to the care of souls, but also the beauty of the heart of the Shepherd that emerges as we read through the text. Only a heart that has been conformed to Christ and a life that in every way has become prophetic in the sense of bearing witness to the love, humility, and obedience of the kingdom can give itself over to the care of other souls. The role of an elder is not simply to instruct, reprove and guide but above all to love. His affection for those in his care as well as for all people must lead him to console others as he himself has been consoled. He approaches this reality not with a spirit of condescension but rather as one who has been humbled by life and his own poverty and lifted up by the mercy of Christ. It is a spirit of gratitude that leads him to enter into the struggle of others with a spirit of generosity. He feels no revulsion at the sight of sin or weakness. Rather, it draws his attention and draws forth from his heart, compassion and mercy.
One of the most striking things we considered this evening was the nature of obedience. St. John tells us that it is the very definition of obedience to be fearless and to have no anxiety about anything at all. The truly obedient heart of an elder can calmly guide, direct, and comfort others without saying a single word.
It is this reality that we are to embody in our lives; whether priest, religious, married or single. The best and the beautiful are meant for all and that which comes to us from the hand of our Lord must be freely extended to others. Thus, to have the care of souls is part of the very nature of Christian life.
Text of chat during the group:
00:08:38 Bob Cihak: P. 257, # 64
00:15:03 Wayne: The idea of repentance is the major focus of the Eastern practise.
00:21:51 Myles Davidson: "Flee from discussions of dogma as from an unruly lion" St. Isaac the Syrian
00:23:43 Bob Cihak: Reacted to ""Flee from discussio..." with 👍
00:31:34 Daniel Allen: That’s the best definition I’ve ever heard of obedience. Applicable even to mundane things, unafraid of the death of the ego in order to obey on a whim.
00:32:00 David: Obedience is often faith and humbling of the intellect. What one believes can be based on feelings what one knows is very little
00:33:06 Anthony: An acquaintance told me theology is or should be like chemistry: predictable, according to something like law. I think it's more like cooking: the artful and beautiful and surprising use of "chemistry" without necessarily "knowing" the "rules" in depth.
00:36:58 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: I often find myself rejoicing as I do physical labor that because of my religious vows/dedicated life, even cleaning offers worship to God!
00:37:39 Suzanne Romano: Reacted to I often find myself ... with "❤️"
00:40:19 David: Reacted to "I often find myself ..." with 👍
00:41:48 Rebecca Thérèse: Reacted to "I often find myself ..." with 👍
00:42:10 Lee Graham: Reacted to "I often find myself …" with ❤️
00:44:44 Thomas Dilts: For me, Brother Lawrence best demonstrated day to day labors as service to God.
00:50:21 St. Stanislaus Kostka Religious Education: St. Andre Bessette...sickly and poor, orphaned and seemingly of a lower intellect
00:53:21 Adam Paige: All the T’s are pronounced in Bessette
00:53:30 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "All the T’s are pron..." with 👍🏼
00:53:37 Anthony: It maybe would be good to have a "Sons / Daughters of the Covenant" arrangement of single people to live within and among parishes.
00:54:44 Adam Paige: Pronounced like “buh-set”. We call him Saint Brother André locally (I live a 40 minutes walk from his tomb)
00:59:35 Anthony: In the Gospel, Jesus told a demonic Not to be a "traditional disciple" but sent him on his own mission among his peopl.
01:00:43 David: A convent I used to visit in Tlaxcala Mexico used to put a mirror in every room and waited till anyone that came asked for it to be removed as a sign they were ready to actually leave vanity and focus on Christ. I was really stuck by something that simple being used with novices.
01:03:39 Bob Cihak: Be careful about mud huts. My father was born in one. My uncle Frank lived in a mud hut when he got his own lad to farm. When he married, he built and outhouse so that his new wife wouldn't have to go to nature to do those natural things.
01:09:52 paul g.: My birthday is Feb 4th too😊.
01:10:13 Suzanne Romano: I was baptized on Feb 4!
01:10:20 Francisco Ingham: We love you Father
01:10:25 Anthony: ❤️
01:10:28 Francisco Ingham: You are the absolute best
01:11:11 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:11:17 Jeffrey Ott: Thank you! Great to be with you all
01:11:21 David: Bless you father and your Mom!
01:11:21 Mary Clare Wax: thank you
01:11:28 David: Thank you
01:11:29 Art iPhone: Welcome all

Monday Feb 03, 2025
The Evergetinos: Book Two - XXVIII, Part III
Monday Feb 03, 2025
Monday Feb 03, 2025
The struggle with impurity and fornication in our day is so fierce - as well as accepted and embraced by most of the secular culture - that those seeking purity of heart not only have to engage in the ascetic life deeply but also have to embrace a living martyrdom.
The fathers understood how powerful our natural desires can be; in particular our sensuality. They also understood the devil‘s machinations and the relentless nature of temptations that also come to us from our own imagination and memory. What is captured for us in the writings of this hypothesis is the necessity of engaging in the spiritual battle. We must of course cling to the grace of God and engage in constant prayer. Yet knowing the devil‘s actions, we must embrace many different remedies; such as doing violence to the self and depriving ourselves of the things that the culture freely embraces.
What we heard tonight from multiple writers is the need to remember our own mortality. What we behold as beautiful and covet with the eyes quickly turns to dust. With salvation in the balance, the devil can often tempt us to give ourselves over to satisfying a passion “just once” - as if that would resolve our need. We have to understand that desire does not work in that fashion. The more that it is fed the more its longings increase.
If we could only understand this in light of our desire for God! The more that we desire him in love, the more that we pursue him through prayer, the greater our longing becomes. Soon our attachment to lesser things begins to diminish and we are freer to pursue the Beloved.
Finally, we are encouraged to look to the heroes of our faith; in particular those who wage war against this particular passion or who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect their purity. In them, we see those whose hearts belong to the Lord and to Him alone. May God give us the grace to imitate them.
Text of chat during the group:
00:03:25 Tracey Fredman: I apologize if I'm in and out this evening. I'm on call for work and may need to in/out.
00:13:39 Anthony: Well, some of the women were looking for a female take on 6th commandment is a lead...
00:13:56 Bob Cihak: P. 202, top of page
00:24:32 Lee Graham: Brother Sun and Sister Moon
00:24:46 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "Brother Sun and Sist..." with 👍🏼
00:26:50 Anthony: This reminds me of an apocryphal story that after Adam and Eve sinned, they withdrew from each other for the sake of doing penance. They had the right to each other, but living a time of repentance is withdrawing from comfort - which is what vowed religious have chosen.
00:31:26 Forrest Cavalier: Father, I am wondering how to see this advice to control the imagination to see horrible things as being honest and pure of heart. I understand how it can be effective, but it seems to be contrary to reality and second, to rely on willpower, which is less admirable than a more excellent submission to grace, (as previous warnings we have read recently here.)
00:41:07 Una: The Buddhists have a meditation on rotting corpses too.
00:48:51 Kathleen: Interestingly Sirach 11:27-28 speaks about how death brings full understanding of one’s life
00:53:57 Anthony: Thomas Sowell wrote about the violent, irreverent character of the Scots and English Colonists in the South during the time of the American colonies. They have left their mark on American character and culture. There's an audiobook version of his book on YouTube where I heard it.
00:54:19 paul g.: Reacted to "Thomas Sowell wrote …" with ✔️
00:56:53 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "Thomas Sowell wrote ..." with 🥰
00:57:35 Nypaver Clan: Replying to "Thomas Sowell wrote ..."
Thomas Sowell is so gifted!
00:58:03 Bob Cihak: Replying to "Thomas Sowell wrote ..."
00:58:03 Anthony: Replying to "Thomas Sowell wrote ..."
I should clarify Sowell was talking about places like the Ozarks, that prioritized excessive pride and vendettas.
00:58:24 Jacqulyn: Reacted to "Thomas Sowell is so ..." with 👍
00:59:17 Nypaver Clan: Replying to "Thomas Sowell wrote ..."
01:09:58 iPhone (61): Thank You Father Blessings
01:10:27 Sr. Charista Maria: Thank you dear Fr. Abernethy!
01:10:39 ANDREW ADAMS: Thank you, Father!
01:10:41 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:10:46 Kathleen: Thank you
01:11:02 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father
01:13:03 Kathleen: Hahaha
01:14:04 iPhone (61): Beautiful Icon
01:15:22 iPhone (61): Who is Saint Catherine
01:16:38 Suzanne Romano: Replying to "Who is Saint Catheri..."
01:16:47 Anthony: Replying to "Who is Saint Catheri..."
An Egyptian philosopher whi also found Christ, decided to be a consecrated virgin. Virginity angered pagans and they tortured her on a wheel, to death.
01:16:51 Forrest Cavalier: Great story! Thank you!
01:17:07 Suzanne Romano: Replying to "Who is Saint Catheri..."
She's beyond the pale awesome!

Thursday Jan 30, 2025
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Appendix "To The Shepherd", Part VIII
Thursday Jan 30, 2025
Thursday Jan 30, 2025
The counsel and the guidance that St. John offers in this letter is unparalleled. His understanding of the role of the spiritual elder and the nature and manner of engaging those in his responsibility is deep and astute, both psychologically and spiritually. Yet what stands out the most in this letter is the dynamic that must exist between the spiritual elder and those in his care. The Abbot or the elder could never be described as an administrator or a master platoon leader in the military. Simply put, he is to be an embodiment of Christ to those in his care, being willing to lay down his life on their behalf. It is crucified love that saves and redeems us, and it is the same love that must guide the words and actions of one who has been given the responsibility for the care of others. What drives the heart of such an elder is the understanding of the care that he himself has been given, the consolation that God has offered to him. These realities move him to share what he himself has received an abundance. In fact to fail to do so is a reflection of a lack of charity as well as gratitude. By nature, a spiritual elder longs to help those in his care to avoid the pitfalls that the Evil One places before them in the spiritual life. He must be sensitive to the most subtle movements among the members of his community and the spirit that is manifesting itself among them. Likewise, driven by love he must foster a sense of generosity between the members of the community and those in his care. He cannot allow himself the luxury of treating everyone the same - any more than a parent addresses the needs of their children in a mechanical fashion. St. John tells us “the overseers must heed to the sowing of the seed: to the season, person, quality, and quantity.” The elder must nurture and nourish as need demands. And finally, the one who does this in the fullest measure acts in a hidden fashion so that all glory and gratitude is directed toward God. May God give us such faithful shepherds!
Text of chat during the group:
00:10:09 Suzanne Romano: I just this minute received word that Bishop Richard Williamson passed away this evening. Please pray for his immortal soul.
00:10:54 Anna Lalonde: Are you moving there?
00:11:06 Anna Lalonde: In California
00:11:23 Anna Lalonde: Awesome
00:16:20 David: One thing I like about my Dad who keeps a saying from my Grandfather is when someone says thank you. He always says No thank God I am able. A small detail but I have come to appreciate it more with age and now do the same
00:23:04 Zachary Morgan: alhamdulilah!
00:39:34 Anthony: This relationship of shepherd to sheep reminds me of the "royal priesthood" described by St Ephrem in The Cave of Treasures. Adam and his successor priest-kings on the mount of paradise took the care of all the faithful in their hands....until the numbers of faithful dwelling on the mountain dwindled, going into the plain and mingling with Cain's people.....and then God sent the Flood.
00:40:09 David: When I taught at a catholic school in Spain one of my mentors used to say there two types of teachers: One that seeks control and power and the other is one who learns more than the students about himself and faith.
00:51:50 Joseph Muir: For those who don’t have the book, the two quotes at the end of the last paragraph come from the prophets Jeremiah and Obadiah, respectively
00:54:57 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "For those who don’t ..." with 👍🏼
01:10:47 Anthony: That was the training at my Evangelical university. It's hard to break.
01:10:52 David: It's interesting you look at the early church and people were attracted by love. No where does it say a great Proof or having the best arguement, theology or put people in their place
01:12:11 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You Father Blessing
01:12:46 ANDREW ADAMS: Thank you, Father!
01:12:54 Zachary Morgan: Thank you Abouna!
01:13:02 Jeffrey Ott: Thank you! Great to be with you all.
01:13:19 Francisco Ingham: Thank you father!! I hope I can go visit the monastery some day 🙏
01:13:22 David: Thank you father and blessings to you and your Mom
01:13:27 Art: Thank you Father!

Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
The Evergetinos: Book Two - XXVIII, Part II
Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
We have continued our discussion of the farhers’ writing on fornication and the effects that it has upon the soul. Purity of heart is the foundation of the spiritual life and the immediate goal. We are called to remove every impediment that prevents us from not only receiving the grace of God but from offering him our hearts and our love fully.
In fact, our hearts can be divided, and this is exactly what the demons seek to accomplish. They know they have a strong bodily appetite and desire that they can stir up through our thoughts and images, words and the actions, and the presence of others. Even memories of conversations and the images of people from the past can be used against us in more vulnerable moments to lead us astray.
Holiness and purity is not something that one can judge from external realities. Even the most holy individual who seems to be most endowed with gifts from God can have a heart that is radically divided and even wholly given over to the spirit of fornication. To lack watchfulness in this regard opens one up to the experience of obsession. It does not take more than one instance of infidelity to open the door to taking another step in that direction where obsession can become oppression. Fornication can take hold of the mind and the heart with a fierce grip. Finally oppression can give way to possession where the demon of fornication takes hold of one’s life and darkens their heart completely.
Disconnected from the wisdom of the father’s we find the counsel of our day much akin to self-help. Such counsel sad leads a person more deeply into the obsession that wounds them. Under the false guise of prudence and wisdom there’s often deep foolishness that leads an individual to put himself and God to the test. The discipline and watchfulness the father‘s put forward would often be dismissed in our day as scrupulosity or unhealthy. Yet the Saints knew and understood what is precious and what must be protected. Unless one loves virtue and has tasted the sweetness that it brings to one’s life one will easily walk away from it.
I might hazard to say that very few of our generation know the kind of purity of heart of which the fathers speak and to which we are called. Our culture has become so permeated with disordered sensuality that our love for the virtue of purity has been compromised as well as our capacity to pursue it. Only radical humility and clinging to the grace of God can aid us.
Text of chat during the group:
00:04:28 Sr. Charista Maria: Fr. what community?
00:05:24 ANDREW ADAMS: Replying to "Fr. what community?"
00:41:37 Rachel: I think this is very important. fwiw not scrupulous at all
00:42:23 Myles Davidson: Replying to "I think this is very..."
I agree
00:44:16 Mary Clare Wax: Very well said! Thank you!
00:44:33 Forrest Cavalier: Attributed to St Alphonsus: “To avoid the sight of dangerous objects, the saints were accustomed to keep their eyes almost continually fixed on the earth, and to abstain even from looking at innocent objects,” says St. Alphonsus de Liguori.
00:45:35 Forrest Cavalier: There are many times I need to do this, in Sheetz. Or Walmart. Or wherever
00:53:34 Una: What exactly does she mean by prudent? Is there another word?
00:55:21 Forrest Cavalier: Greek is σωφροσύνην
00:55:37 Forrest Cavalier:
00:58:16 Una: What would the nuns have been leaving the convent for? Shopping? Visiting?
01:00:42 Una: One priest told me that in seminary he was advised to visit his family regularly to protect temptations against chastity
01:00:56 Una: To avoid too much lonliness
01:01:31 Sr. Charista Maria: Father I would like your thoughts if you are familiar with the story of Bishop Nonnis in the book: Harlots of the Desert, by Benedicta Ward? She shares of the beauty of the Harlot Pelagia, and Bishop Nonnis was so struck by her beauty that it led him to pray for her, and she converted. I happened to just read this on the Feast of St. Anthony.
01:03:07 Mary Clare Wax: Reacted to "Father I would like ..." with 👍
01:03:43 Una: I'm reading Harlots of the Desert too!
01:03:52 Una: One potato chip, yeah
01:04:25 Sr. Charista Maria: Reacted to "I'm reading Harlots ..." with 👏
01:05:01 Una: Today's gospel was about not dividing the Kingdom. A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand
01:06:19 Mary Clare Wax: The other clergy turned their eyes away from Pelagia, but Bishop Nonnis looked at her with love.
01:07:24 Anna Lalonde: Seeking prayers... Incense is gravely affecting my health after BioLab chemical fire exposure in September.
01:13:09 Sr. Charista Maria: Father I love your sharing on "oh I just want to watch a movie" or the like. It is so important to recognize the weaknesses of the flesh in order to be on guard against them when they surface.
01:14:46 Una: Or going to movies often
01:14:58 Sr. Charista Maria: Agreed regarding not escaping into family visits. It is such a grace to invite Jesus into the loneliness
01:15:43 Mary Clare Wax: Such jewels from the desert Fathers!
01:15:49 santiagobua: Thank you Father!!
01:15:51 ANDREW ADAMS: Thank you, Father!
01:15:52 Rachel: Thank you
01:15:52 Josh: Thanks father
01:16:16 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father

Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Appendix "To The Shepherd", Part VII
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
The deeper that we go into this letter, the more we begin to see the necessary qualities of an elder. In our society, we often value what seems to be productive. Yet what St. John emphasizes is the heart of the elder. One cannot offer care to another soul unless they have struggled long and hard with their own passions and are able to look at those who come to them through the lens of compassion, humility, and the love of Christ.
Repeatedly, we are shown the care that the elder must exhibit in his approach to those who come to him. He cannot be easily agitated when anger or hostility are directed toward him. Nor can he show disgust at the past or present behavior of another. He does not condescend, but rather makes himself the servant of one like himself – one who knows the deep wounds of sin; often wounds that are self inflicted.
Therefore, John tells us it is not right for a lion to pasture sheep, and it is not safe for a man who is still subject to the passions to rule over passionate men. One who does not seek to tend to the wounded, but rather to rule - one who does not seek to lead by example, but rather instruct with force - is going to be a gross distortion of the image of Christ.
The elder must have the greatest sensitivity to the needs and the struggles of those who come to him, realizing that there is great variety and difference between individuals. Thus, an elder must be the most obedient and humble of souls; that is, he must have a refined ability to hear the truth, to hear the word of God spoken in his heart, and he must possess discernment that is born of humility. An elder can only see in others what he has contemplated in himself.
His awareness of the wounds that others bear only help him to understand that they are his responsibility. He approaches others not in a detached fashion, but as one who shares deeply in their sorrow and desires their healing as he desires his own. In this, St. John tells us Christ is the standard. The elder must receive all that is thrust upon him with the same selfless love that we witness on the cross. It is here that we begin to understand that John is not simply speaking about monks. He speaks to all of us and the necessity of taking Christ at his word; to love others as he has loved us, to be willing to lay down our lives for others, including those who treat us like enemies.
Text of chat during the group:
00:09:11 Anna Lalonde: Pray because I was just anointed. Been not well since late Sept.
00:10:02 Janine: Yes Anna…I will pray for you!
00:10:09 Bob Cihak, AZ: Replying to "Pray because I was j..."
Will do. God bless you.
00:10:50 Rebecca Thérèse: Reacted to "Pray because I was j..." with 🙏
00:11:18 Suzanne Romano: Happy Feast of St Paul, Proto Hermit!!!
00:12:50 Anna Lalonde: What's your special day Father?
00:13:09 Tracey Fredman: Reacted to "Pray because I was j..." with 🙏
00:13:53 Anna Lalonde: Yes a BioLab Chemical Fire happened Sept 30. That caused me life threatening health issues in my lungs. So thanks for prayers.
00:14:12 Anna Lalonde: Congratulations!
00:15:16 Suzanne Romano: Maybe St. Paul is responsible for your love of the Desert Fathers! 😇
00:15:18 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 254, # 44
00:16:16 Eric Ewanco: what step are we on, and what's the lede to the paragraph?
00:16:38 Myles Davidson: Replying to "what step are we on,..."
P. 254, # 44
00:16:50 Eric Ewanco: Replying to "what step are we on,..."
I don't have that book.
00:18:05 Bob Cihak, AZ: Replying to "what step are we on,..."
Lede: Let the established order...
00:18:38 Bob Cihak, AZ: Replying to "what step are we on,..."
of To the Shepherd
00:32:28 Anthony: Gamal Nasser?
00:32:50 Art: Edi Amin?
00:32:50 Myles Davidson: Mubarak?
00:33:03 Adam Paige: Hosni Mubarak ?
00:34:08 Adam Paige: The Life of Repentance and Purity (Pope Shenouda) pdf
00:41:23 David: Without detachment of the world we cannot even glimpse heaven.
00:42:01 David: I can't remember the saint that said that but when I looked for a spiritual director someone told me look for detachments first.
00:58:40 David: I love the saying of Mother Teresa- We are all pencils in the hand of God.
01:05:08 David: I have on my bedroom door a saying Fr. George Maloney had which is really hard to practice every day- In loving one another God in us is made flesh. I try to keep this in mind but as the day goes on I sometimes get lost.
01:06:11 Daniel Allen: Terrifying thought… what if instead of the explanations we give or hear to make the gospel more approachable, what if Christ meant the things He said? That’s the most terrifying thought because who really has embodied that? And yet that’s what we’re called to.
01:09:20 Anna Lalonde: Reacted to Terrifying thought… ... with "❤️"
01:11:24 Eric Ewanco: yes
01:15:00 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you. Have a good retreat🙂🙏
01:15:46 ANDREW ADAMS: Thank you, Father! Have a good time with the monks!
01:15:48 MOME hermits: Excellent!!!!
01:15:52 Suzanne Romano: Thank you!
01:16:14 Anna Lalonde: Yes
01:16:16 David: Thank you very much Father. Isaac is worth the wait
01:16:19 Vanessa: i'm fine with that
01:16:21 Jeff O.: happy to finish this!
01:16:22 Lori Hatala: yes comtinue
01:16:23 MOME hermits: Continue
01:16:26 David: Not in our time but God's Time
01:16:27 Janine: Yes…continue with it..
01:16:28 Art: I’m fine with that.
01:16:29 ANDREW ADAMS: I’m good with whatever the group prefers.
01:16:33 Kate : Please continue!
01:16:40 Eric Ewanco: I'm fine finishing it FWIW
01:16:41 Bob Cihak, AZ: Preach it, Father.
01:16:42 Adam Paige: It’s worthwhile to take the time to complete Climacus
01:16:43 Jessica Imanaka: Makes sense to complete it.
01:16:43 Anthony: Isaac's waited 1500 years to talk to me, he can wait a bit more :)
01:16:46 Lee Graham: Yes, finish it up
01:16:48 Jeff O.: Thank you!
01:16:50 Leilani Nemeroff: Thank you!
01:16:50 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father!

Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XXVII and XXVIII, Part I
Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
Once again, my first thought at the end of this group is “Revolution“. When read in the context of all that we have considered from The Evergetinos to date and from St. John Climacus, our entire way of viewing reality is being challenged, overthrown, or illuminated. One begins to see that our capacity as Christians to read and hear the Gospel, let alone the writings of the fathers, has been compromised. We have been formed in and by an atheistic secular culture. That culture has permeated the Church in modern times in ways that we cannot even comprehend.
God has revealed himself to us; not only the depth of his love and compassion, but also the reality of sin and the struggle that remains for us within this world. We cannot understand the danger of fornication and lust to our salvation unless we come to understand the importance of purity of heart. God has created us for Himself, in His image and likeness, and our desire must be directed toward Him if we are to experience the fulfillment of the deepest longings of the human heart - let alone the right ordering of our bodily desires. Thus, our lust or fornication is not simply a moral infraction or a negative view of human sexuality but evidence of an idolatry of the self and so adultery in regard to our relationship with God - infidelity in regard to the Heavenly Bridegroom who has given Himself to us completely.
Text of chat during the group:
00:22:39 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 195, # A
00:31:49 Myles Davidson: There’s a book called Your Brain On Porn about the brain changes that happen
00:35:05 Myles Davidson: Yes, its a book… Your Brain on Porn: Internet Pornography and the Emerging Science of Addiction
00:43:58 Myles Davidson: John Cassian does a good job of outlining the difference between abstinence and chastity (Conference 12)
00:49:41 Forrest Cavalier: If they are unrepentant in a state of mortal sin, the attempt to be married will fail.
00:55:26 Anna Lalonde: Yes! I don't wear makeup because I feel the same way.
00:57:28 Anthony: Someone on substance wrote an article that dressing to be titillating is a way to exert power over others and is socially worse than pornography which often is in red light areas.
00:57:48 Anthony: Substance. Sorry. :)
00:57:56 Anthony: Substack
00:57:58 Myles Davidson: Substack?
01:07:32 Anna Lalonde: When is a thought a sin? My child asks.
01:12:21 Anthony: There's got to be an "easier" way to approach this. God wouldn't make us to be so easily manipulated without help ready at hand; God wouldn't make us so that we understand the value of chastity only after experiencing sin in thought word and deed.
01:17:17 Anthony: I wasn't being facetious.
01:20:53 Cameron Jackson: Evil is real. Warfare is not really a metaphor.
01:27:15 Myles Davidson: Replying to "202501131635300000.jpg"
That’s a beautiful book! Where did you get that?
01:27:39 Nikki: Wonderful teaching
01:30:59 Anna Lalonde: Replying to "[Full message cannot be displayed on this version]"
What's the book link? I got kicked out
01:32:37 Lilly: Sorry I didnt hear. No class Wed?
01:32:40 MOME hermits: Thank you dear Father :)!
01:32:44 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You it always a Blessing every time we gather
01:32:48 Cameron Jackson: Thank you Father!
01:33:25 Suzanne Romano: Pax!
01:33:27 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:33:33 Dave Warner | AL: Thank you Father!
01:33:47 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father
01:33:48 Simon Greener: Thank you for my first session from down under.

Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Appendix "To The Shepherd", Part VI
Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
One of the reasons that I’ve decided to prolong our study by reading this letter of St. John Climacus is that it speaks to our hearts about not only our interior life, the struggle with the passions and the growth of the virtues, but it also exhorts us - warning us that the care of others in love, our concern for their spiritual well-being trumps all things. In other words, our spiritual life cannot lead us to become self focused. Rather, it is meant to create hearts that are selfless and attentive to others and their needs.
What St John says about the care of souls and the responsibilities of spiritual elders he says to all of us. The consolation that we have received from Christ and the wisdom that he has bestowed upon us in our spiritual life and through experience is not our own possession. We seek to console as we have been consoled. We seek to protect as we have been protected by the grace of God and the guidance that we have received at the hands of others. The Church is not a business nor is it to function like one. We come to Church and receive the Sacrament not to “take something” for ourselves. We are drawn into the very life of the Holy Trinity and our “Amen” when receiving this gift means that we are saying “so be it” - let this be the reality in my life! Like the good Shepherd, I will lay down my life for the good of others.
We can never set aside our identity to fit in with society, any more than a spiritual elder can set aside his responsibility and his role of guiding and forming others. Therefore, this letter we are reading is not simply a pious exhortation but rather a call to revolution; that is, a call to radical repentance. We must turn to God in every way in order that by His grace we might love others as He has loved us.
Text of chat during the group:
00:04:54 susan: asking prayers for my son peter and 16 week pregnant wife in la brea la below fires.
00:11:19 Rebecca Thérèse: Reacted to "asking prayers for m..." with 🙏
00:20:42 David: Having lived in Latin America for 12 years. Another notable difference is the priest often goes and meets everyone in the parish. I do think a lot of vacation days and shorter work hours help community as well.
00:25:21 Myles Davidson: The Protestant work ‘ethic’ has a lot to answer for
00:25:40 Wayne: Reacted to "The Protestant work ..." with 👍
00:25:50 David: Work to live not live to work is the saying in Spanish
00:25:56 Anthony: For the change in culture, see A History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland by Cobbett.
00:26:16 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "Work to live not liv..." with 👍
00:31:30 Bob Cihak, AZ: Re: priests and visiting their flock: Our Ruthenian church, at least in the wester USA Phoenix eparchy, has a strong tradition of annual House Blessings, (at least in the 3 out of about 20 Parishes that we know well) which does get the priest visiting parishioners, including a Gomez family here in CA. The family has 14 children and many grandchildren. The house was full AND they hosted a very good dinner for the family and the priest's family (my wife and me).
00:35:26 David: When I grew up near Lake Superior every house had a BMC and two crosses put on each door jam by the priest but that was Franciscans
00:35:38 Una: How can a priest balance his need for friendship with being a pastor. If the friend elects to go to confession to another priest, isn't that perhaps preferable. Especially if the person can find another good priest?
00:36:50 Myles Davidson: Our priest is doing house blessings as we speak
00:43:01 Kelli: PRIDE
00:45:06 David: A nice way to handle that is great question how can we find the truth and then delegate yourself and others to come back with different things.00:50:08 David: Leaders at least in business are best chosen by those who people follow not appointed.
00:53:56 David: Does some of that be the secular take and separation of church and state? It almost seems like there is tolerance or opinions about everything but values based on faith sometimes. When one decides when human life begins there is faith on both sides.
00:55:43 David: I am just wondering if a lot of the difference it based on secular beliefs
00:56:21 David: We act one way in church and are pressured to relativism in the world.
01:04:10 Lyle: Amen, Father.
01:04:34 David: Mmm monetizing BINGO or spiritual direction great point
01:11:38 Lyle: The Holy Spirit can do it!
01:12:04 Maureen Cunningham: Church in Egypt and Middle East is being persecuted
01:12:35 Myles Davidson: The growing interest in the desert fathers in the Church is going to change it in a dramatic way eventually I think
01:13:13 Anna Lalonde: Holy Spirit was moving in you. Don't apologize.
01:14:02 Bob Cihak, AZ: Replying to "Holy Spirit was movi..."
Preach it, Father!!!
01:14:10 Bob Cihak, AZ: Reacted to "Holy Spirit was movi..." with 👍
01:14:15 ANDREW ADAMS: Reacted to "Holy Spirit was movi..." with 👍
01:14:27 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "Preach it, Father!!!" with 🔥
01:15:05 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You Father and everyone such a Blessing
01:15:14 ANDREW ADAMS: Thank you, Father!
01:15:16 Suzanne Romano: Pax Vobiscum!
01:15:17 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:15:20 Deiren Masterson: Thank you Father
01:15:21 David: Thank you father God bless
01:15:35 Cindy Moran: Thank you@

Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XXVI, Part IV
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
The human appetites and desires are ever so powerful. This we know from experience. Reflecting upon them through the lens of the ascetic life of the desert fathers shows us the scope and the depth of these realities and how they affect our lives.
The spiritual and psychological astuteness of the desert fathers is unparalleled, but we must read their writings in a discerning fashion. We do not want to overgeneralize certain aspects of their teaching and so develop a negative anthropology; a kind of hatred for the body and its’ natural desires. Indeed there are many stories where certain desert fathers fell into great extremes; making themselves ill or placing themselves in grave danger.
The desert fathers had to learn as we do through experience how to approach these desires and to be clear about what they were truly seeking. The goal is purity of heart; a capacity to love and to give ourselves in love freely and without objectifying the other. Understood in this fashion, purity of heart and chastity should increase our capacity to love. It is not a restriction of our freedom but rather a state of being unfettered by our own desire for satisfaction and pleasure. The human heart can be a treacherous thing and at times can lead us along a path of self-destruction even when that path seems to promise the satisfaction of our hearts’ deepest longing. What the fathers came to understand through experience is that Grace alone can bring the healing that we desire and that Divine Eros is what overcomes disordered Eros. The Love of God dwelling within us opens up a path to the fulfillment of life. It is not control that we seek in the ascetic life but transformation; specifically transformation “in Christ.”
Text of chat during the group:
00:09:34 Forrest Cavalier: Snowfall in inches in Pittsburgh by season.
00:10:09 Forrest Cavalier: Data from
00:10:44 Una: Why do we live in these environs?
00:20:05 Lilly: What page number?
00:20:36 Lori Hatala: 192
00:20:37 Wayne: 192
00:21:03 Lilly: Reacted to "192" with 👍
00:21:06 Lilly: Reacted to "192" with 👍
00:21:37 Una: At last, a woman's experience!
00:36:01 Una: When I'm deep in stillnes, I can see (to some degree) but when I engage with the world, I find it easy to doubt what I've seen
00:36:13 Una: and believed
00:36:16 Personal phone: I often find when I’m trying to exercise discipline (like fasting) on far too many occasions I find myself getting “hangry” and thus an certain I’d be far better to break my fast less than giving into my hanger and exposing that to others
00:36:47 Nikki: What would he have changed to continue clinging to God if it were suggested he lessen his prayer life, fasting, etc?
00:36:54 Una: I suspect this is part of the spiritual battle too and that transitions are important to be guarded
00:38:27 Anthony: As an FYI incase someone distrusts the heart too much: I've run into the opposite error regarding the human heart....the error that says it is so untrustworthy and "totally depraved" that you can't trust anything in your self. I learned it at a formative age, and it's hard to get rid of that error.
00:40:16 Personal phone: Reacted to "I often find when I’…" with ❤️
00:45:34 Una: That comment was a continuation of a previous comment from me
00:46:39 Una: Reacted to "As an FYI incase s..." with ❤️
00:54:10 Nikki: It is natural that the human body has these feelings of arousal, in order for humans to reproduce. What is it the monks here are wanting to achieve? Being able to shut down these hormonal responses in the body? I ask also because this occurs without demonic influence.
00:54:12 Anthony: On this topic of purity, I learned from "The Cave of Treasures" attributed to St Ephrem that the Flood came due to massive fornication.
01:01:02 Lilly: Other than Theology of the Body, are there other sources we can read about this topic?
01:02:13 Lilly: I find it a bit too confusing and romanticized
01:02:26 Judith: Reacted to "I find it a bit too ..." with 👍
01:05:13 Lilly: Like this young monk who didn't have knowledge of his normal bodily functions, how are future-parents supposed to teach their children properly? I don't see myself using Theology of the body as a main source
01:05:48 Anthony: Reacted to Like this young monk... with "👍"
01:08:49 Anthony: Then it looks like the primary teaching should be on the Will: it's formation, inclination, weaknesses and deliberation to do bad or good.
01:09:50 Anthony: Ok. Thank you.
01:14:11 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You Blessing
01:14:19 Personal phone: 6 days! I’d super hangry!
01:15:03 Nikki: Thank you
01:15:09 Suzanne Romano: God bless everyone!
01:15:12 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:15:21 Aric B: Thank you Father!

Thursday Jan 02, 2025
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Appendix "To The Shepherd", Part V
Thursday Jan 02, 2025
Thursday Jan 02, 2025
As we read this letter we slowly begin to see that St. John is not presenting his reader with a manual for spiritual direction; that is, specific counsels in regard to practices and disciplines. St. John’s astute psychological observations and his capacity for discernment reveals a heart that has been transformed by love. Contrary to the old adage love is NOT blind. Love, in fact, sees all things with greater clarity.
One of the things that we struggle with in our day is a tendency to dissect certain realities (as well as personalities) in order that we might see ourselves as understanding them or being able to control them. The desert fathers, however, never allow us to lose sight of the mystery of the human person or the relationship that is at the heart of Christianity. A human person is not the sum of their actions or their opinions any more than God can be reduced to the teachings of the catechism. Love draws us in to the mystery of God and also allows us to see the presence of God in the other. If any Christian, let alone any elder, loses sight of this then our interactions with others are going to become grossly distorted and our view of God myopic. Love must shape our hearts and expand them to the dimensions of God himself.
This may seem to be an absurdity and yet it is the reality that has been revealed to us. God has become man in order that man might become God. Our Lord assumes all that there is in the human experience - our sin, sorrow, failure, weakness and death. He embraces all in order that we might never be in isolation and that his presence within us might also be a source of radical healing. The miracles in the gospel merely show us the desire of God to remove every obstacle in our experience of His life.
Therefore, an elder must have experiential knowledge of this Love; especially how it touches the woundedness of our sin and our experience of hopelessness and isolation. The elder must become that love so as to enter into the sufferings of those who come to him. Whatever guidance he offers, whatever correction he makes, must be rooted in a love that is curative and that seeks to raise up the other. Only one who has encountered the wonder of such Divine Love has the capacity to enter into and take upon himself the vulnerability of the other. In this sense, the spiritual elder and his role cannot be seen outside of his relationship with Christ; for it is only the love of Christ that can possibly bring healing to the human heart.
Text of chat during the group:
00:04:47 Anna Lalonde: What about them?
00:05:37 Anna Lalonde: I'm in GA. Where are they?
00:15:30 Anna Lalonde: We finally got both books for family gift and we're ordering four volumes too.
00:27:58 Myles Davidson: I know someone who has never owned a computer and goes to the library to use the internet, due to his fear of what it might lead to
00:30:22 Anna Lalonde: We experienced a family friendship break and after saw how we fell into sin or lessened our way of life. Such an awakening experience.
00:31:49 Lyle: His fear may be VERY warranted. How often does the devil DIRECTLY attack us? His friend may view something that “appears” very innocent, but it may lead to something very evil.
00:38:04 Anna Lalonde: My sister is a missionary of charity. Love her letters home on guidance to family.
00:42:06 Lyle: A word of ecouragement from a recovering ADDICT.
00:42:23 Andres Oropeza: St. Theophane wrote that we should picture a lazy man sitting in his room. His house is on fire but you wouldn’t tell him it’s fire, you would let him see the flames. Then he would be roused to look for a way out; an open door, a window. He said the Holy Spirit does this for us. Maybe we can do this for others too, patiently and lovingly help them to see that their way of life is harmful and were it inevitably leads. Though often times I think we wouldn’t try to escape even once we realize our house is on fire. I’ve experienced this myself!
00:42:33 Lyle: Avoid ANYTHING that appears "questionable".
00:43:58 Lyle: Myles' friend.
01:04:51 David: We often sit back and hope for miracles but all these verbs the Lord uses requiere us to be doing things first before the remedy can be found-“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
01:09:03 Suzanne Romano: A great confessor I had always used to say, "There's a time for every grace."
01:13:32 MOME hermits: Thank you Fr. David, Blessed Solemnity of Mary and New Year :)!
01:13:40 MOME hermits: Fr. Charbel
01:13:46 Joanne Martinez: Thank you!
01:13:53 Suzanne Romano: Thank you!
01:13:57 Aric B: Thank you Father!
01:13:58 David: Have a blessed 2025! Thank you father
01:14:03 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you. Happy New Year everyone🙂

Thursday Jan 02, 2025
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XXVI, Part III
Thursday Jan 02, 2025
Thursday Jan 02, 2025
After many weeks of reading the hypotheses on fornication and the pursuit of purity of heart, what finally comes into focus is the fruit of the fathers’ experience in the struggle. What they discovered is that discipline, fasting, vigils, etc. are absolutely necessary. Yet these practices are not ends in themselves. They are to be a reflection of our desire for God and our seeking in love our soul’s Beloved.
Desire is what gives us the capacity to love and give ourselves in love. In it we sense a lack that only God can satisfy. Ascetic practice is not meant to be an act of contempt for our human nature, but rather an acknowledgment of the strength and the power of our natural desires. What is good can become disordered whenever there is an imbalance or lack of measure. Our natural desire, Eros, can only be transformed by Divine Eros. Therefore, it is only by grace that the passions can be overcome. Our hearts must be filled with an urgent longing for God.
Outside of the acknowledgment of the necessity of Grace, we become the most pitiable of all creatures. So long as we hold onto the illusion of overcoming the passions by raw grit, we will find ourselves returning to our sin or sinking into a much darker place of anger and pride. St. John Cassian tells us we must “base our courage not on our own power or on our asceticism, but in the aid of God, our Master”. When this takes place, even the deepest recesses of the unconscious can be healed and transformed. Likewise, the countenance of the pure of heart begins to change; we begin to see the inner beauty that rest in the heart of one who loves and desires God wholly.
Text of chat during the group:
00:04:03 Lori Hatala: reboot
00:12:17 Una: Problem with sound?
00:12:25 Una: Yes
00:13:01 Una: It's good now
00:13:08 Una: . Can hear you humming
00:16:33 Lilly: Do you know Fr Teodosy?
00:16:34 ANDREW ADAMS: My copy came today!
00:21:09 Una: What page? I'm lost
00:21:23 ANDREW ADAMS: 190
00:21:50 Una: Thanks
00:32:34 Lilly: Asking this question respectfully, if a Priest can’t cure his passion, would it be appropriate to take medicine to help ?
00:33:37 Lilly: Generally speaking, no specific medicatiob
00:33:42 Lilly: n*
00:37:28 Suzanne Romano: My experience has been that the grace of continence is given to those who use the means God gives, and is diligent in avoiding the occasions of sin.
00:48:38 Anthony: Life is like art. Each of us is a unique material: canvas, copper foil, paper, wood. Part of Christian life is learning what material we are and what techniques best bring out the beatific vision in the material we are. The same image can be brought out uniquely in each different art.
00:52:24 Suzanne Romano: Father, may I ask a question that relates to the previous Hypotheses on gluttony?
00:52:37 Forrest Cavalier: Elias in the earlier story did not mutilate, emasculate, or injure himself. By avoiding injury, keeping his masculinity intact, and building on nature, he returned to serve the convent in a very masculine and fatherly way for a long time. It would have been tragic if he deformed the gifts God had given him.
00:52:52 Myles Davidson: Is using caffeine during a night vigil cheating?
00:54:22 Una: It can mess with your sleep when you do get to bed
00:54:59 Una: I used to write until 3 a.m. during my last novel.
00:56:09 Suzanne Romano: Father, may I ask a question that relates to the previous Hypotheses on gluttony?
00:56:59 Suzanne Romano: Thank you. I can distill three principles from the readings: Eat once per day; stop eating before you are completely full; and never eat for the sheer sake of pleasure or comfort. If one takes up these three principles as a regular discipline, are there ever times when it is permissible to take something just for pleasure or comfort - say on Sundays or on Holidays - say, a dessert or a hot cocoa, etc?
00:59:25 Anthony: Haha
00:59:34 Carol Roper: Reacted to "Haha" with 👍
01:01:57 Adam Paige: Reacted to "Haha" with 🍝
01:02:12 Suzanne Romano: Reacted to Haha with "🍝"
01:06:02 Rebecca Thérèse: Psychologists think that impulse control is a good thing in areas where it suits them!
01:06:03 Maureen Cunningham: Maybe it just a season when a person get rid of fleshly desires
01:06:37 Maureen Cunningham: Not forever maybe a Season
01:10:22 Una: I think in Cassian's Conferences, he talks about how you spend your day will be reflected in your nighttime dreams. For example, if you aren't occupied with God during the day, you will have these troubling dreams
01:10:32 Bob Cihak, AZ: I'm 84 and finally started "settling down" several years ago.
01:10:36 Myles Davidson: Conference 12
01:10:53 Adam Paige: Reacted to "I'm 84 and finally s..." with 😇
01:11:00 Una: Thanks, Myles!
01:11:09 Myles Davidson: Interestingly the 19th C. translation refused to translate this conference
01:11:26 Myles Davidson: Too spicy for them
01:11:34 Wayne: Replying to "I think in Cassian's..."
Good point, thanks for this observation.
01:14:20 Una: Another mystical operation!
01:14:33 Una: How can we understand these?
01:21:40 Wayne: YOU might find the movies on You Tube
01:21:56 Myles Davidson: Replying to "YOU might find the m..."
Yes its there
01:22:17 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you. Happy New Year everyone.🙂
01:22:23 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You Father Lords Blessing In the New Year
01:22:26 MOME hermits: Thank you Fr. David!
01:23:09 ANDREW ADAMS: Thank you, Father!
01:23:12 Suzanne Romano: Great meeting! Thanks!

Thursday Dec 26, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XXVI, Part II
Thursday Dec 26, 2024
Thursday Dec 26, 2024
How do we approach in our own lives the interior struggle for purity of heart, chastity? The battle, as we see in the writings of the fathers can be incredibly fierce. Part of this intense struggle is that that it is the human condition: sexuality and sensuality are part of what it is to be a human being. Furthermore, as we are in a constant state of receptivity through our senses, there are so many things that can stimulate the desires associated with this appetite.
We also know that we can be lazy about understanding this reality of human life and equally lazy in the spiritual life in seeking the grace and wisdom of God to order our desires towards that which is holy. Furthermore, our struggle is also with principalities and powers. The fathers teach us that the demons are provoked by envy when they see an individual growing in holiness. Therefore, they will terrorize an individual by placing images and fantasies before them.
On an emotional and spiritual level, this often gives rise to a terrible sense of shame, casting the soul into despondency and despair. As a person struggles with this passion, the sense of vulnerability is great precisely because it is such a deep part of who we are as human beings. The demons use that sense of shame to their advantage. The mere presence of thoughts tied to this passion frustrate the soul and fragment the mind. The demons will also use the shame to manipulate the way that we respond to the struggle; they will seek to make us a demonize human desire and sexuality in order that we might repress it in such a way that it distorts our perception of reality. They do so to keep our focus off of God and his grace. If they can keep us in despair and make us believe that God is disappointed with us, then they have won the battle. If we ignore them and turn the mind and the heart to God in prayer and rest in his grace then we are not only freed of their temptations, but experience the peace of the kingdom.
In an uncanny way, the fathers saw and understood all of this through experience; many after 40 years of struggling came to experience freedom only through their abandonment to God and his mercy. It is then, when humbled in mind and body, that they were consoled. Having received such a gift, it then became their responsibility to console others in this delicate yet fierce struggle.
Text of chat during the group:
00:15:28 Rachel: Hi
00:15:42 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 188, Mid-page "From the Same Author"
00:18:05 Bob Cihak, AZ: Thanks. "Fornication" = lust as well as physical actions or interactions. if I understand correctly?
00:41:34 Forrest Cavalier: The first two accounts in this hypothesis are warning to even those who do not struggle with the intensity of this kind of temptation. Those who are unmolested are not safe by their own efforts only. God's grace is at work.
00:41:54 Rachel: I find it interesting that we can be more comfortable with admitting anger, envy, ambition and other forms of pride into the heart yet are filled with shame for temptations against purity. Do you think that other sins such as anger cease with the grace of purity of heart?
00:56:18 Rachel: Thank you. You touched upon how we see each other thank you
00:58:01 Una: I did an article years ago for the National Catholic Register about the dismal record of marriages breaking apart when the couple had been living together. Stats were very bad.
01:00:42 Vanessa: Exactly why I homeschool:)
01:03:35 MOME hermits: You are so right on with all of that Fr. David. We love your balance in it all.
01:03:58 Vanessa: Reacted to "You are so right on ..." with ❤️
01:05:31 MOME hermits: Yes, to help facilitate the person going where they need to, to hear from God within.
01:14:10 Phil: Father, could you kindly attempt to reconcile the type of vexation that a saint like Padre Pio experienced, with the quote form Jesus in the gospels, where he says, " yolk is easy, my burdern is light." Thank you!
01:15:12 Rachel: Not just making a fool out of ourselves by defending our own honor but losing our very Life, christ Himself
01:23:07 Rachel: Thank you
01:23:08 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you 🙂 Happy Christmas everyone 🎄
01:23:21 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father

Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Appendix "To The Shepherd", Part IV
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
As one moves along through this text, one begins to understand that St. John Climacus is not only addressing elders but all those who have the care of souls. Fundamentally this is every Christian!There is no radical individualism in our faith, nor do we see ourselves disconnected from the sins of others and the burdens they bear. Love, compels us to be attentive to the other; not in a condescending fashion, but attending to them with the tenderness and compassion that we have received from Christ. Our Lord is the archetype for us and the consolation that we receive from his hand we are to offer to others freely.
The fundamental virtues of an elder are humility and obedience; that is, truthful living and the capacity to listen. How can one serve others when there is any focus on the self or when they are still in the grip of the passions? There is nothing so unseemly as an angry elder - one who looks at others with a harsh eye or is always quick to investigate trifling sins. The elder must be driven by love that makes him ever vigilant and watchful of those things that can be obstacles to the spiritual development of those in his care. He cannot be lax in fulfilling this responsibility or timid and cowardly in offering correction. He must be willing to offer counsel even when there is no thirst for understanding.
One begins to understand that such a responsibility is carried out with fear and trembling. The care of souls carries within it the Cross; it is crucified love that guides the elder and gives light to his path. He is never a passive observer, but one who like Christ looks out and acknowledges the crowds as being sheep without a shepherd; in fact, as sheep already mauled by the wolves and in desperate need of healing. Thus, the capacity to care for others in this fashion is not something that can be set aside; nor can the abilities that God has given to an elder be buried in the ground with drawing down His wrath.
Text of chat during the group:
00:09:34 Una: Does Father send out handouts in email?
00:10:08 Una: Could I get one at
00:10:25 Adam Paige:
00:10:31 Una: Thank you
00:10:43 Adam Paige: Reacted to "Thank you" with 👍
00:12:22 Una: Yes for me on New Year DAy
00:12:26 Sam: Greetings from Hot 🔥 Australia Fr
00:12:39 Adam Paige: Reacted to "Greetings from Hot ..." with 🇦🇺
00:18:01 paul g.: Amen
00:21:55 Bob Cihak, AZ: Amen, Amen!
00:33:54 Mary Clare Wax: Fr. it is so refreshing listening to you. We love your contemplative spirit and your love for the desert father teachings. Thank you. We appreciate your present sharing on the priesthood. So true.
00:34:22 susan: Amen
00:36:20 Bob Cihak, AZ: Reacted to "Fr. it is so refresh..." with 👍
00:37:22 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "Fr. it is so refresh..." with 👍
00:38:31 Andres Oropeza: Is it always pride when you have trouble trusting your spiritual Father because of his manner of life or that of his monks? I feel like I’m judging him/them but I also have serious misgivings. Could it be just a test of obedience where the Lord wants me to obey even with the misgivings, to have faith before understanding ?
00:41:56 Bob Cihak, AZ: As the fathers and you say, the wisdom required to be a spiritual leader is learned from and with experience, not just book learning, which usually required a lot of time.
00:43:08 MOME hermits: I (sr charista maria) believe Mary's special presence in our times helps to make up for what is lacking in the priesthood today, when we have a special relationship with her.
00:49:32 David: The orthodox later republished that as Unseen Warfare by Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain and Theophan the Recluse
00:49:47 Kate : Father, could you address what to do when one experiences a spiritual father who is not mentally healthy and whose guidance not sound? In this case, I would think that one must pay attention to their misgivings. We lived through this and sadly witnessed much damage done to souls.
00:50:24 Maureen Cunningham: Christ was betrayed
01:14:07 Victor - WV: Thanks to all, to Father as well. Merry Christmas! 🎄 🙏🏼
01:14:26 Bob Cihak, AZ: Reacted to "Thanks to all, to Fa..." with 👍
01:14:47 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "Thanks to all, to Fa..." with 👍
01:16:02 Laura: Reacted to "Thanks to all, to Fa..." with 🎄
01:16:17 Adam Paige: Reacted to "Thanks to all, to Fa..." with 🎄
01:20:00 Andres Oropeza: I think it was in this book where it describes the spiritual father being like Moses stretching his arms out so his child can pass through the sea unharmed. Beautiful image Off topic, but does it make a bad confession if you feel like you should’ve confessed to your spiritual father that you judged him specifically (vs just judging people) but didn’t because of anxiety ?
01:23:26 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You
01:23:28 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂Happy Christmas everyone🎄
01:23:29 David: Thank you Father and God Bless you and your mother! Merry Christmas! As we celebrate his birth may he be reborn anew in our hearts.
01:24:17 ANDREW ADAMS: Thank you, Father!
01:24:27 Rachel: Thank you father
01:24:28 Deiren Masterson: Thank you Father.
01:24:36 liz sabath: Thank you Father!!
01:24:37 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: BleSSED Christmas~

Monday Dec 16, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XXV, Part VI and XXVI, Part I
Monday Dec 16, 2024
Monday Dec 16, 2024
Once again, we find ourselves in the midst of the laboratory of the desert and watching the Fathers’ struggle with the passions, in particular the passion of fornication or lust. The beauty in this, of course, is that we are placed in the privileged position of seeing their struggle from the inside; dealing with both the passion and also learning how to engage in the ascetic life in a measured fashion.
It is made clear that we are to struggle with our whole being and to be fully engaged in the battle. On a physical level, this means restraining our appetites. We hear that the monks understood that they must not give themselves over to satiation in regard to bodily appetites. They must humble the mind and body in order that they might cling more to God in their prayer and trust in his grace. This meant, of course, the experience of privation; but it also opened them up to the richness of the interior life and the depth of prayer. Therefore, it was not just an act of endurance but also an expression of hope in God and his promises. More importantly we might say it is an expression of love. We are willing to make great sacrifices for the things that we hold to be precious. When we love God and the things of God, when we love virtue and prayer, we will do all in our power to attain it and maintain it.
With hypothesis 26, we begin to see the fruit of their long experience in the ascetic life. They could see that they often emphasized the wrong thing in the spiritual battle or became unmeasured in their disciplines to the point of losing sight of God. One can become so fixated on overcoming a particular passion or fighting with the thoughts of the demons, that they fall into pride by failing to emphasize the one thing alone that can overcome the demons, as well as draw the natural into the supernatural; that is, the grace of God. To say that Christianity is an ascetical religion is not to say that the discipline of such a life and the exercise of our faith is an end in itself. The end of our striving is love and and theosis – intimacy, union, with the triune God.
Text of chat during the group:
00:08:09 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 184, # 12
00:13:00 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 184, # 12
00:21:05 Adam Paige: “A clear rule for self-control handed down by the Fathers is this: stop eating while still hungry and do not continue until you are satisfied.” - St John Cassian, On the Eight Vices
00:21:43 paul g.: Reacted to "“A clear rule for se…" with ✔️
00:21:47 Bob Cihak, AZ: Thanks, Adam.
00:21:50 paul g.: Reacted to "P. 184, # 12" with ✔️
00:21:52 Phil: Modern medicine also says humans need 12 serving of carbs a day and half as much dairy. Bless their heart, they are trying! ... "Lord forgive them, for they know not what they do!"
00:23:30 Myles Davidson: Because people need differing amounts of sleep or food, what would you say is the thing we should be looking out for, to know we are getting the right amounts of both. Is it a clarity of mind and attention in prayer? Anything else?
00:26:16 Adam Paige: Reacted to "Thanks, Adam." with 👍
00:28:49 Andres Oropeza: Is it always a bad thing to derive comfort from food? I mean a hot meal is preferable to a cold one during winter especially. Or a hot drink really sets you at ease after being outside in the cold. Should we shun the comfort and just eat cold meals and drink cold drinks (or hot if the drink isn’t good hot). Or is the comfort only an issue when it becomes the point of eating?
00:30:48 Myles Davidson: There have been plenty of studies done on rats that reducing caloric intake extends life.
00:31:21 Adam Paige: “Stand at the brink of despair, and when you see that you cannot bear it anymore, draw back a little, and have a cup of tea.” - Saint Sophrony Sakharov
00:36:03 Carol Roper: it seems like the issue is longing. to what do we direct our longing. Advent strikes me as a season of longing.
00:40:16 Myles Davidson: @Phil What was the name of that Elder with the stages of the Jesus Prayer
00:40:37 Adam Paige: @Phil What was the name of that Elder with the stages of the Jesus Prayer Father Archimandrite Ilie Cleopa
00:40:42 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "@Phil What was the n..." with 🙏
00:44:04 Liz D: Reacted to "it seems like the ..." with ❤️
00:48:09 Phil: Yea, Ramana died in middle age, but his extreme fasting (starting in his teenage years) does seem to have shortened his life.
00:49:12 Phil: Replying to "@Phil What was the n..."
Yes, I believe that is him!
00:49:38 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "Yes, I believe that ..." with 👍
00:50:26 Phil: Yes, there are at least a half dozen videos on YouTube of Cleopa himself giving spiritual advice.
00:50:58 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "Yes, there are at le..." with 👍
01:03:20 Adam Paige: The Struggle with God - Paul Evdokimov (PDF)
01:03:24 Phil: "The mystics are a law unto themselves." Fr. Anthony De Mello.
01:03:56 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "The Struggle with Go..." with 👍
01:06:07 Adam Paige: “It behooves us as well to destroy the sinners in our land-namely, our fleshly feelings-on the morning of their birth, as they emerge, and, while they are still young, to dash the children of Babylon against the rock. Unless they are killed at a very tender age they will, with our acquiescence, rise up to our harm as stronger adults, and they will certainly not be overcome without great pain and effort.” St John Cassian, The Institutes (6th Book: The Spirit of Fornication)
01:16:51 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You Father
01:17:15 Phil: LOL, that's great! Thank you, Father.
01:18:05 ANDREW ADAMS: Thank you, Father!
01:18:08 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:18:13 Aric B: Thank you Father!

Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Appendix "To The Shepherd", Part III
Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
Sometimes during a group it is as if a light comes on that illuminates some aspect of life in a magnificent fashion and that speaks to each person in the group whatever their background or station in life. This was true in particular this evening as we continued to discuss St. John’s writing “To the Shepherd” on the responsibilities of a spiritual elder. As we made our way through the text, it became clear that St. John’s teaching about the care of souls applies to all of those who are responsible for the formation of others; not only priests or religious, but also parents, teachers, friends, etc.
Not one of us is free from the charge of the salvation of others; aiding them through our prayers, taking opportune moments to clarify their understanding of the faith, being living witnesses of the gospel and the love of the cross. All of us have the responsibility of seeking purity of heart and freedom from the passions in order that we might be able to discern with clarity and humility the needs of those around us. Lacking this, St. John tells us, we undermine our capacity to be well disposed and compassionate to each individual for whom we are responsible or who enters our life. How is it that we can serve others if we cannot discern good from evil and everything in between?
In fact, St. John tells us it is a great disgrace for a superior to pray for or hold forward spiritual gifts to others that he himself is not acquired. How is it that he can faithfully guide others to God and to become partakers of the glory of God if he has no understanding of this within his own heart. Experience is the truest teacher and if the superior lacks that experience, he may only bring harm to others.
Those who are spiritual elders, fathers, or mothers, must not be tempted to set aside this role in order to enjoy worldly friendship with those in their charge. It can be a natural thing to want companionship and to some extent this can exist. However, if a familiarity develops between the superior and others, he may lose the capacity to guide and feel constrained to do the bidding of others; never to contradict them, refuse them, or correct them.
The elder must be pure of heart and able to understand the interior life and also the realities that sanctify us within the life of the church. The elder must be able to create a culture that forms a mind and heart directed toward God, the love of neighbor and the love of virtue. He must be able to discern the emotional capacity and maturity of others, so as not to push too hard and risk breaking their spirit or neglect giving counsel or correction of those who are quick witted and naturally gifted.
Such purity of heart alone allows the elder to perceive supernatural realities and to understand the struggles that individuals have with multiple demons. The elder must be able to cure passions thought by others to be incurable. In this sense, he must have truly put on the mind of Christ and be the most humble and obedient member of the community.
Text of chat during the group:
00:14:02 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 251, # 14
00:19:16 carol_000: Is much known about the repentance of Joseph's brothers or God chastising them for their treatment of Joseph
00:26:27 David: I think this is a big problem also in families. My oldest son felt I was often to hard on him. Now that he is 27 he has mentioned several times that I was the only one that loved him and was always there. It is really hard but being a father is different than being a friend only there to enjoy the good times and not try to guide someone to what has value.
00:28:48 Art: Reacted to "I think this is a bi..." with 👍
00:28:52 Catherine Eisenbrandt: Father when you are entrusted to forming children it is easy to understand friendship with angels and saints is beneficial for them but how can you explain that to a child who is suffering from isolation
00:29:17 David: Well from 15-22 we are idiots but we get smarter and as time goes on even seen as wise. ha ha
00:35:31 Anthony: The cultivation of religious imagination must be cultivated so as to distinguish this "friendship" from "imaginary friend" or a dialogue in the mind with oneself.
00:36:38 Carol Roper: My 10 year old loves those books
00:37:27 Carol Roper: They’re like graphic novels
00:37:34 David: One nice tradtion with small t is in Spain where you celebrate "Tu Santo" or your saints day with the same passion as a birthday. Cake, read the life etc. I did this with my kids when they were younger and it makes an impact later.
00:38:36 David: The saints let the light of God enter into our life and saints through the windows.
00:39:15 Una: Who is this author?
00:39:54 Myles Davidson: Replying to "Who is this author?"
00:40:10 Una: Thank you
00:41:43 Art:
The Saints: Adventures of Faith and Courage
A daily podcast bringing the Saints to life with award-winning actors, writers, and sound designers.
Thrilling and inspiring stories to ignite your family's faith. Intended for children but I really enjoy them too. My sons really enjoyed the episode on Moses the Black.
00:42:10 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "https://www.themerry..." with 👍
00:42:11 Anna Lalonde: That's what we do!
00:43:27 David: This is nice at bed time for kids or better to read with your own voice. LibriVox
00:43:44 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "https://www.themerry..." with 👍🏼
00:44:07 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "This is nice at bed ..." with 👍🏼
00:45:07 carol_000: Thank you All for the Links
00:45:52 Art: Reacted to "This is nice at bed ..." with 👍🏼
00:46:07 Anna Lalonde: Reacted to This is nice at bed ... with "👍🏼"
00:46:20 Anna Lalonde: Thank you David!
00:49:43 Anthony: Mass media kills imagination and familyblife
00:50:28 David: The way of the Pilgrim really impacted me and how this moves the orthodox both to the divine liturgy and the Philokalhia. Where in the west se send people to St. Thomas before they can really understand it. I like the hospital of the sick how do I deal with all the 8 evil thoughts not intellectual gymnastics and memorizing proofs. As least I have always struggled with discernment I don't get a lot of that from intellect but focusing on being close to God. When I taught a mentor said: don't teach them to memorize you only need to teach "the love of learning" and learning will follow. I think the same is true for faith- learn to love God the other things fall into place.
00:53:37 Myles Davidson: Replying to "The way of the Pilgr..."
Way of the Pilgrim had a big impact on me too
00:53:48 Carol Roper: Reacted to "https://www.themerry…" with 👍
00:53:58 Carol Roper: Reacted to "This is nice at bed …" with 👍🏼
00:54:03 David: Replying to "The way of the Pilgr..."
👍 I thought it was just me. Thanks
00:54:16 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "👍 I thought it was ..." with 👍
00:54:55 Myles Davidson: Replying to "The way of the Pilgr..."
@David Inspired me to pray the Jesus prayer to a much greater degree
00:55:45 Anna Lalonde: Yes, love of learning is what we do. My children are into all kinds of things now because they love learning.
00:55:54 David: Replying to "The way of the Pilgr..."
Me too I always carry a prayer rope with me now
00:56:15 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "Me too I always carr..." with 👍
00:56:44 David: Replying to "The way of the Pilgr..."
Instead of wasting time I can dedicate that time to God. Waiting at a Dr. office with my Dad, stuck in traffic
00:56:59 Myles Davidson: Replying to "The way of the Pilgr..."
@David Yes, me too
00:57:29 David: Replying to "The way of the Pilgr..."
Thanks ! Nice to know there are at least two of us. ha ha
00:57:40 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "Thanks ! Nice to kno..." with 🙏
00:59:17 Anthony: The Holy Trinity is subliminal. Most real & underlying reality. More real and more clear than "real life."
01:01:24 David: Replying to "Thank you David!"
My pleasure Anna I hope you find it helpful. I really struggled raising my kids alone with time
01:02:01 Vanessa: Reacted to "I think this is a bi..." with ❤️
01:04:13 Maureen Cunningham: How long was the early church . Hour or many hours
01:16:06 susan: physics break through all atoms interacting/from beginning to end throughout all time/ action impacts all the atoms one way or another gave me such a deeper understanding of Jesus liturgy Eucharist the actions of the Mass present to all time and how Jesus 2000 years ago can actually be Here in the Mass now made liturgy real to me. Helps me to see Jesus real with me now (Jesus prayer)
01:16:11 Aric B: Regarding the subject of paragraph #17. I have been reading a book that is about us living with Christs mysteries as also our mysteries to be experienced throughout liturgy and the liturgical year.
01:19:11 David: It is not what we get out of the mass in entertainment but what we bring to the table of the Lord. I see this as a big difference and evangelical friends are often dumbstruck when I mention this. The book "The supper of the Lamb" has really helped many come home in my experience.
01:22:06 Victor - WV: Thank you, Father, & all.
01:22:20 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You Father & everyone
01:22:33 Alexandra: Thank you Father. I'll pray for you
01:23:11 Cindy Moran: Great session tonight! Thank you, Father.
01:23:13 Jeff O.: Thank you Father! Great to be with you all.
01:23:15 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you 😊
01:23:18 Aric B: Thank you Father!
01:23:22 David: Thank you father and may God bless you and your mother!
01:23:35 carol_000: Thank you Father
01:23:42 Alexandra: Thank you everyone
01:24:41 David: God does not speak through one of us but all of us is what my Grandmother always said. Thank you Father for being our guide

Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XXV, Part V
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
We were taken very deep this evening; not only into our understanding of the passion of lust or fornication, but also deep into the human mind and heart and how they function. The anthropology of the Desert Fathers was astute and profound. Despite residing in the desert, far removed from converse with both men and women, they knew the nature of the human person very well. We are sexual beings; that is, our sexuality is part of the experience of ourselves within the reality of this world and in our relationships with others. We relate to others in and through our sexuality; not consciously but simply as part of the reality the shapes are perceptions. This in turn shapes are imagination and understanding - again in ways that we often do not perceive.
The Fathers teach us to keep this in mind in regard to the spiritual struggles that we have surrounding our appetites, in particular sensuality. These natural human appetites are very powerful and shapes us in both conscious and unconscious ways.
Furthermore, these realities are not unknown to the demons. They are relentless and crafty in how they try to divert the mind and the heart away from God. We were given a couple of interesting stories this evening about young boys who came to the monastery as children having never experienced or seen a woman. Yet, in both accounts, they find themselves either overwhelmed by the thoughts associated with this particular passion or having such thoughts manifest themselves in their dreams.
How is this possible one might wonder? Well at least it tells us why we must be vigilant and watch all of the movements of our minds and our hearts and what we expose ourselves to on a day-to-day basis. But it also tells us that the influence can be far more subtle than we imagine, and that we can be moved simply by the natural desire itself or by demonic provocation. The demons through the words and actions of others, or through our subtle observations of the world around us, can influence the turn of our minds to the things that take hold of the are imagination. Of course, this can be completely benign. Yet it will be used against us in the spiritual battle. Therefore, if we wonder why the Fathers emphasize the necessity of such intense vigilance and the humbling of the mind and the body through prayer and fasting, we begin to see that it is because they had no superficial understanding of the human person. They understood this realities better than we do in our own day; the mystery of the human person, the forces at work within us, the contradictions that we bear within our own minds and how we can even be drawn to things that are clearly destructive. Therefore, in an unvarnished fashion, they make it clear to us that we must create a new habit of mind, a habit of virtue. Our hearts must become attached to the Lord and the Lord alone if we desire to know the holiness and freedom that he makes possible for us. What they speak of is beautiful beyond measure - a life caught up in the eternal love of Christ. Will we seek it out for ourselves?
Text of chat during the group:
00:01:40 Phil: Fr. who is the cloacked figure in the icon over your left shoulder?
00:02:21 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 183, # 9
00:03:39 Bob Cihak, AZ: “The Ascetical Homilies of Saint Isaac
the Syrian, revised 2nd Edition” published by Holy Transfiguration Monastery, .
00:05:03 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 183, # 9
00:17:05 Bob Cihak, AZ: “The Ascetical Homilies of Saint Isaac the Syrian, revised 2nd Edition” was published in 2011
00:19:13 Adam Paige: Reacted to "“The Ascetical Homil..." with 👍
00:28:32 Anthony: It could also be that these particular women were clandestinely visiting, and the child saw them in drowsiness.
00:37:07 Lisa: Does a person need a spiritual director (or other such person) to help with the healing of the imagination and memories? Or does the person simply ask the Lord in prayer?
00:51:27 Anthony: Well, even Heaven is not the final goal. It's a partway point to the more perfect cohabitation and collaboration with God and men. Like this, a monastic life isn't the resting place either.
01:05:35 Vanessa: Thank you, Father.
01:05:39 Maureen Cunningham: Thank you Father
01:06:28 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Appendix "To The Shepherd", Part II
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
We continued our reading and discussion of the treatment and cures that the spiritual father must understand for every malady that afflicts a person in the spiritual life. He must understand not only how to apply them but also the manner they are applied to each individual person with their unique needs. No person is the same and in the spiritual battle the elder must understand the subtle manifestations of spiritual illness and the manner in which various cures might be applied.
One of the most striking aspects of tonight’s discussion was on the capacity of the elder to be free from and endure nausea and to be able to untiringly strive to dispel the stench of vomit. Of course, St. John is speaking about sin itself and the willingness of the elder to enter into the darkness in which the other person finds himself; to descend into their hell and to endure the stench of sin itself. The capacity to do this comes through engaging in the spiritual battle throughout the course of one’s life and attending in obedience to the counsel of one’s own spiritual father. The lack of nausea and the ability to endure the stench of the vomit of sin comes from having long been immersed in it through one’s own struggles. Compassion is born in a powerful way through the experience of common trials.
Beyond this, St. John tells that the shepherd must experience blessed dispassion. In other words, he must be free of the passions that would blind him and his ability to discern the particular needs of those in his care. This discernment allows the elder to illuminate the path that leads to repentance and so gives him the capacity to “resurrect every dead soul”.
This is the identity that every Christian soul should seek to embrace. While it’s true that not everyone is called to be a spiritual elder, every Christian by virtue of their baptism is called to the holiness described here and given the responsibility for the care of souls in their midst. We are responsible for the salvation and goodwill of those around us as much as we are responsible for our own.
Text of chat during the group:
00:04:47 Anna Lalonde: Well my kids learned to walk up our hallway wall today so you up for that Father? 😄
00:08:41 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 250, # 12 halfway down "An ointment...."
00:10:11 Lori Hatala:
00:10:52 Lori Hatala: link for To the Shephard pdf
00:11:18 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 250, # 12 halfway down "An ointment...."
00:25:47 Anna Lalonde: Anyone have a link for buying this version?
00:27:09 Bob Cihak, AZ: The current book is The Ladder of Divine Ascent by Saint John Climacus at .
00:41:33 Anna Lalonde: Replying to "The current book is ..."
Thank you! Ordered
00:43:28 Bob Cihak, AZ: Replying to "The current book is ..."
Good! It's on the expensive side, but is well worth it; the quality of the book exceeds its price.
00:45:11 Anna Lalonde: In Roman Catholic there are Spiritual Director certificates. But I love using Desert Fathers for this aspect with my clients.
00:51:23 Anna Lalonde: I prefer Catholic Coaching versus Therapy because it's an integrative of the soul as the trauma is affecting the soul.
00:55:52 Myles Davidson: Jung had very high praise for the Catholic Mass and felt that Catholicism was the closest thing to psychotherapy Interestingly enough
00:58:20 David: There is a nice podcast by Fr. Joshua Macoul called "Healing the Unresolved" but I don't know what school he ascribes to but does mention the desert fathers sometimes.
01:01:35 David: In the presence of nothing, everything is revealed. Can't remember which desert father wrote this but it stuck in my head.
01:02:40 Kate : What about the role of the grace of priesthood in shepherding of souls? I know there are some Catholic spiritual direction training programs that train laity to be spiritual directors. But what about the grace of priesthood in leading souls? Isn’t this something that cannot be “trained” so to speak?
01:07:05 Anna Lalonde: I agree Father! As a certified Catholic Coach and a Certified Catholic Spiritual Director. My living the ascetic life and domestic monastics while studying desert fathers is very great so I can serve souls.
01:07:08 David: Not a criticism but it seems with all the honey, coffee, handicrafts and items monasteries produce it might be better to offer spiritual direction and donations through patreon or something? My old parish priest mentioned he did not have capacity to offer spiritual direction to all the young people we had in catechism. There seems to be a great lack of this for most parishes.
01:07:49 Anna Lalonde: Agree David!
01:17:26 Phil: Thank you, Father and Victor, for your responses.
01:18:16 Céline: Thank you father God Bless you.
01:18:23 Victor - WV: Thank you!
01:19:23 Bob Cihak, AZ: Sometimes it's focus, not digression.
01:19:24 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father!
01:19:37 Jeff O.: Thank you!! Great to be with you all!
01:20:10 Aric Bukiri: Thank you Father!
01:20:11 David: Thank you Father. May God bless you and your mother!
01:20:17 Rachel: Thank you!

Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XXV, Part IV
Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
We continued our reflection upon the fathers’ writing on fornication and the passion of lust. What becomes immediately clear is how much they prized this virtue and how important they saw it for the spiritual life as a whole. Purity of heart has always been connected, rightly wrongly, with purity on the level of sensuality. The fact that the fathers valued it so greatly also led them into a kind of fierce ascetic battle to attain it. At times they could fall into extremes and excess - leading to a weakening of the body almost to the point of death. They had to learn that the disciplining of the body through fasting, vigils and prayer is only part of the struggle. The more important element is relying upon the grace of God and trusting in him in the midst of the spiritual warfare.
One of the things that have made this battle with fornication so difficult is the shame that is often associated with it; not only with the physical act itself, but the relentless thoughts that often afflict an individual. This shame often creates an internal agitation and anxiety that makes a person more vulnerable to seeking immediate physical relief. Shame also has led asceticism to be used as a defense mechanism, causing many to repress the desires that they have rather than allowing them to be transformed by the grace of God and by a growing attachment to and love for him. Inevitably such repression will break down and the same desires will manifest themselves in an even stronger fashion. It is for this reason that the demons become the greatest accuser of one who has fallen into this particular sin. He knows that if he can lead them into despair and get them to give up on the hope for healing, he will be able to dismantle their spiritual life.
Patience, endurance, the willingness to bear affliction without making concessions to the thoughts that afflict us – this is the path forward. Paired with clinging to the grace of God and the strength that comes through the holy sacraments, the disordered attachments begin to diminish. The fathers eventually discovered, as we have already seen, that it is important to avoid excess. If we are ruthless with ourselves, we can we can weaken ourselves not only physically, but also in terms of our resolve. Quite simply a person can grow so tired that they want to give up.
We must always keep before our eyes, then, the heavenly bridegroom and the understanding that we wage the spiritual warfare, not in isolation, but surrounded by all the angels in the Saints. And even if we are to fall every single day, St. John Climacus tells us, and yet turn to God in repentance our guardian angel looks upon us with joy.
May God give us all not only the resolve to remain in the battle but an invincible hope in his grace and mercy.
Text of chat during the group:
00:14:38 Cindy Moran: I studied 3 years with Dr Muto & Fr, Adrian
00:15:21 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 181, # 4
00:15:28 Anna Lalonde: I'm interested in Spiritual Formation if you can share
connections at some point.
00:15:39 Cindy Moran: ok!
00:32:08 santiagobua: We can start recieving after we bend the knee to the Lord, not before
00:32:55 Anna Lalonde: Humility and Holy Eucharist brings upon Chastity. Is that right?
00:33:54 Anthony: It would be helpful for a person in a moment of any moral suffering to distinguish actual sin from "spiritual warfare."
00:34:21 Anna Lalonde: Yes
00:58:42 Anthony: The image for me is a starfish opening a clam. The clam tries as hard as it can to stay shut. The starfish wants to enter, and (I'm mixing metaphors), stick a knife in between the shells to cut off the victim from God and the land of the living. That, for me, is the pure fear, of being cut off from hope and God.
01:08:53 Forrest Cavalier: This story #8 shows a wisdom in using the natural reactions of the physical body to abhor the sin for how deadly it is. It looks like good Pavlovian psychology.
01:11:55 Sheila: Salvation Army
01:14:09 Una: Is that Jack Sparks?
01:14:45 Una: Victory in the Unseen Warfare (red cover)
01:15:03 Una: Also Virtue in the Unseen Warfare (green cover)
01:15:09 Una: Fr. Jack Sparks
01:15:18 Rod Castillo: I’ve read it but in Spanish
01:16:40 Lilly: Thank you Father
01:17:19 Cindy Moran: Thank you, Father!
01:17:23 Cameron Jackson: Thank you Father!
01:17:25 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you ☺️
01:17:28 Dave Warner | AL: Thank you Father!
01:17:28 ANDREW ADAMS: Thank you, Father!
01:17:28 Serene Lai: THank you Father!
01:17:37 Janine: Thank you Father!
01:17:51 Aric Bukiri: Thank you Father!

Wednesday Nov 27, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Appendix "To The Shepherd"
Wednesday Nov 27, 2024
Wednesday Nov 27, 2024
Having completed the 30th Step of the Ladder of Divine Ascent, we are blessed to receive from the hand of St. John one additional bit of writing – “To the Shepherd“. It is here that John writes to the Abbot of the neighboring monastery who first requested that John produce for his monastery a treatise on the spiritual life. He turns his attention now to this shepherd of souls – he who is responsible for the care of those entrusted to him. For the Abbot, it would be the monks of his monastery, and for those within the church, it would be the spiritual father. One might also say that the words written here would apply to all of those who offer spiritual care to others, including and especially mothers and fathers.
John begins by telling us that the shepherd is he who seeks out to set aright the lost sheep. He does this not primarily through words, but by means of guilelessness, zeal and prayer; that is, by example. The shepherd above all must be a model of virtue and one who instructs out of experience not from what he has read.
He must also be a pilot. One who is a skilled helmsman, guiding his ship, not only through the billows of a storm, but raising it up out of the abyss itself, as if raising a ship that has sunk or smashed against the rocks. Again, one who has the capacity to do this is a person who has persevered through the experience of fear and hopelessness, one who knows where the dangers lie, the signs of a storm, and where one will crash upon the reef. He must be a genuine teacher, one upon whose heart God has etched the truth. He should not be one who needs other books, but rather he should be one who speaks from the heart and speaks of his own distinctive and unique trials. He must understand then that he must teach from on high. For lowly instructions cannot possibly heal lowly beings. We are healed by grace and through divine wisdom.
In the role of a shepherd, he must not be afraid to reprimand those sheep who fall behind because of slothfulness or gluttony. To be separated from the flock, to cut oneself off from communion with God and with others who seek to breathe the same air, is to place oneself in jeopardy. The shepherd must forever keep his gaze directed heavenward, especially when the sheep are inclined to keep their heads turned towards the earth and the things of this world. It is then that they become easy prey for the wolves and so like John the Baptist he must forever be calling them to repentance. His mind must be like that of a dog; senses heightened and alert to the approach of any danger warning those in his charge.
As a true physician of souls, he must not only have the capacity to diagnose the malady, but the instruments necessary to heal the wounds of others. He must understand the seriousness of the ailment and the right kind of remedy in order that he does not make things worse or fail to apply what is needed to bring an individual back to the fullness of health. He cannot be squeamish or hesitant in offering the diagnosis or applying the remedy. For he knows that he must give answer to the Master for the care he has given.
Text of chat during the group:
00:09:32 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 249, # 1
00:31:03 Jeffrey Fitzgerald: On that note, Father, about the disconnect with the Fatjers, Ive discovered that even the simplest mention of the Eastern Fathers—in my spiritual direction or other Catholic contexts—people in general look at me like I’m speaking gibberish. In my own parish, it’s all a matter of “Vatican 2 says…”, followed by agreement or disagreement depending on their own spiritual world view. I know you and many commentators have noted that this would happen, but it’s still startling.
00:33:34 Kate : To tag onto to Jeffrey’s point, I was warned to stay away from the Fathers. I was warned that hesychasm is “dangerous.”
00:34:11 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "To tag onto to Jeffr..." with 😮
00:35:42 Bob Cihak, AZ: Yes, words in books can be wonderful. BUT, words are symbols of experience, as said by philosopher Eric Voegelin. Many of the writings we've read reflect the latter, i.e., experience leads; words try to articulate the experience for others.
00:35:50 Myles Davidson: On a positive note, I listened to a Bishop Barron video he did on the Holy Hour and he was giving different examples of what one may do in a Holy Hour. As an example he outlined what he had done in his Holy Hour that morning and he had prayed the Jesus Prayer for half of it. He said he loved it and did it regularly. Great to such a high profile Roman Catholic bishop promoting the Jesus Prayer like this!
00:36:55 Art: Let us start up Desert Fathers Societies in churches everywhere to teach these very baseline concepts, practices, and readings.
00:40:16 Anthony: Encounter. In War & Peace, an old man advises to read the Bible, even in the unfamiliar slavonic language, and over time will come comprehension and understanding. That's like the spiritual life. And, it's kind of true for me when I read New Testament in Italian. Slowly the meaning comes.
00:40:28 Anthony: Reacted to Let us start up Dese... with "👍"
00:45:06 Gregory Chura: Learning in a different language... Attending Mass in Spanish made me listen to what I was praying. Yes! Slow down.
00:45:38 Anna Lalonde: I'm so grateful you're training us in desert Father's. My children ask almost every night if you're on. 😂
00:57:30 Bob Cihak, AZ: Faith DOES heal!!
01:09:09 Anthony: Maybe our catechizing should include this: repent immediately, be confident God forgives, do the opposite of the bad, and when you see a priest, if the matter was grave, ask for Confession.
01:10:03 Anna Lalonde: Minimal weekly Repentance has worked awesome for us!
01:11:49 Kate : I have to say that I am just amazed. At the risk of oversimplifying, what we are talking about is love. The Love of Christ. There is a saying that time heals all wounds…but really, it is the Love of Christ that heals. Honestly, this has been one of the biggest revelations to me since discovering the Fathers…that the Love of Christ heals! And the spiritual father is an instrument of this Love.
01:12:26 Anthony: Reacted to I have to say that I... with "❤️"
01:15:51 Rebecca Thérèse: thank you🙂
01:15:55 Jeff O.: Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
01:16:10 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: Reacted to "Thank you! Happy Tha..." with 👍
01:16:11 Laura: Happy Thanksgiving 🥧
01:16:18 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father!
01:16:26 Aric Bukiri: Thank you Father!

Monday Nov 25, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XXV, Part III
Monday Nov 25, 2024
Monday Nov 25, 2024
Both in the stories that we are told from the lives of the fathers and from the particular teachings that they offer their spiritual sons, we begin to get into the nitty-gritty of the struggle with the passion of lust and fornication. Again what we are presented with is the fierceness of the battle. Part of the reason for this is that the soul has implanted in it by nature a proclivity towards certain pleasures. Saint Anthony the great tells us that it does not act, however, without the heart so desiring. Desire as we’ve so often discussed is essential in the spiritual life. We have a keen sense of our lack and incompleteness outside of God. In this sense, all of our desires as human beings are reflection of our great desire for God and for what He alone can satisfy.
This proclivity towards certain pleasures can begin to take hold of the soul when we are over-attentive to nourishing our bodies with food and drink. In our tendency towards excess our hearts can be taken over by the desire for fleshly pleasure.
When we find ourselves repeatedly seeking out pleasures as an end in themselves then we become vulnerable to the provocation of the demons due to their envy. They can try to stir up the fleshly desires in order to distract us from the things of God and the remembrance of God.
It is so important for us who struggle in the spiritual life to know well the difference between these sources of our proclivity toward sensuality. We cannot allow ourselves to be ignorant of their causes and the many ways that they manifest themselves. We must learn how to confront our temptations as well as to embrace the remedies that the fathers put before us.
It is important for us to understand that much of the spiritual battle plays itself out on a psychological level and the means of warfare begins with the thoughts. When we lack watchfulness and allow ourselves to daydream and entertain every kind of thought and image, we find that our memory and our imagination become the holding place of so many things that come back to afflict us in the spiritual battle.
Therefore, we will discover in the coming months that such a spiritual battle is only won through the grace of God and constant of prayer. The spiritual life is not about endurance but rather humility. We engage in the ascetical life because we know our poverty. We must exercise our faith to the fullest extent in order that God’s grace might bear the greatest fruit possible within our hearts.
Text of chat during the group:
00:36:02 Kate : I recently read a quote, “The avaricious soul is one for whom God is not enough.” It made me wonder if this could be applied to any of the passions…gluttony, lust, etc.
00:41:06 Nypaver Clan: Film cameras = analog photography
00:41:12 Una: The lust of the eyes = images
00:41:46 sharonfisher: I think so true, and ‘middle’ class needs to best of these things to feel like they’re keeping up. It shouldn’t be so. It makes it hard for a family to afford life.
00:42:18 sharonfisher: Reacted to "The lust of the eyes..." with ❤️
00:43:20 Anna Lalonde: Blue light and other things are dangerous in the neurology and psychology of children. It damages their brains.
00:43:35 sharonfisher: Replying to "I think so true, and..."
Thanks for your corrections!
00:48:18 Anthony: I think the shock of any vile thought (lust, avarice, blasphemy) that spontaneously arise in the mind causes grief.
00:49:26 Anthony: In the Philokalia I appreciate a father emphasizing Deliberation in something being a free act of will.
00:52:38 Una: I don't understand what these blasphemous thoughts are
01:03:39 Rebecca Thérèse: When I worked in mental health I found that often when women had been abused from a young age, they often didn't understand that they had the right to say no. People who are used to having no control over their bodies find it almost impossible to set appropriate boundaries even simply relating to their own desires. It's easy to be judgemental of people's relationships if we don't understand what's underlying the decisions that they make.
01:03:50 Myles Davidson: UFC
01:03:50 Francisco Ingham: mma
01:04:14 Una: Gladiator movies!
01:04:35 Wayne: Reacted to "When I worked in men..." with 👍
01:06:00 Anthony: I STILL love baseball games on AM radio. :)
01:11:41 Anthony: Another thing that caused shock and grief is forgetting we have the sneaky bodies enemies who attack psychologically, not like people or beasts.
01:12:58 Una: Reacted to "When I worked in m..." with 👍
01:15:18 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You Father Blessing
01:15:38 Lisa: Reacted to "Thank You Father Ble..." with 👍
01:16:45 ANDREW ADAMS: Thank you, Father!
01:16:48 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:17:01 Aric Bukiri: Thank you Father!
01:17:22 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father
01:17:24 Francisco Ingham: This is wonderful Father, thank you for this place of spiritual rest

Thursday Nov 21, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXX, Part IV
Thursday Nov 21, 2024
Thursday Nov 21, 2024
As we come to the end of the Ladder of Divine Ascent St. John unfolds for us the heights to which we are drawn – the theological virtues of Faith, Hope and Love. Hope, often the most neglected of virtues, is the annulment of despair. It allows us to hold on to the promise of Christ to be with us always. Even when faith seems to fail us and all grows dark because of the cross that we carry, our hope in the Lord allows us to be consoled by his mercy and to be drawn forward. It protects us from despondency and doubt.
Love when unimpeded allows us to see as God sees; to see the signs of the times and how things will unfold even when all seems chaotic. This divine love yields miracles; the supernatural healing and perfecting the natural. Through it we come to see the things of the kingdom with clarity. This clarity creates a fire within the heart; an urgent longing and thirst for the Lord that only he can quench. It is our movement into eternity. It reveals to us that the kingdom is now, heaven is now, eternity is now! We come to see that this love is not distant but that the kingdom dwells within.
St. John closes the step by calling out to Love Himself to satisfy his desire, to show him the path of the ascent that is most direct. For even though he had received this wisdom from others, St. John understands that it is only Love himself who can guide us. It is the experience of this love alone that moves us from words to reality.
Finally, St. John exhorts us along with all those who read his book to ascend eagerly and to be resolved in their hearts to strive for the Lord above all things. He is our life, our salvation, our love!
Text of chat during the group:
00:01:21 Bob Cihak, AZ: My microphone isn’t working again but this is probably for the better, because I have a strong head cold with the virus also giving my voice into a gravelly inflection.
Doreen Stacy, our artist friend’s funeral was yesterday. Preparations conflicted with our Monday meeting; I know I’m already excused but wanted to ask for prayers. Doreen only had 3 children but one of her daughters had 11. Who would have guessed that an English Professor could splendidly support a family that size?
00:08:21 Lori Hatala:
00:12:25 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: What is the title of the St. Isaac book?
00:12:44 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 179, # I
00:14:52 Bob Cihak, AZ: Oops. Wrong book. Actually p.246, # 30 P. 179, # I
00:15:15 David: Sr. Barbara it is ISBN 978-0-943405-16-2 Holy Transfiguration Monastery my copy is 2011
00:26:39 Rebecca Thérèse: In what specifically are we supposed to hope? And what does lack of hope look like?
00:27:16 Lilly (Toronto, CA): “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” ...It's hard to surrender our weakness or sufferings, but it's in those darkest times that a simple Psalm will be enough to help us persevere
00:30:58 Myles Davidson: Replying to "What is the title of..."
The Ascetical Homilies of St. Isaac the Syrian
00:32:31 Myles Davidson: Replying to "What is the title of..."
00:58:14 Maureen Cunningham: Hound oh heaven
00:58:41 Joseph: “Love is the progress of eternity” echoes St. Gregory of Nyssa’s notion of epektasis, the eternal ‘stretching and straining’ of the soul toward God. Each step toward God is both a fulfillment and a new beginning. Our mystical ascent never truly comes to an end, the cup is never entirely full, our love reaches out to God for eternity.
00:59:54 Lilly (Toronto, CA): Who's the author of Flying over the abyss?
01:00:28 Dave Warner | AL: Flying over the Abyss:
01:01:26 Lilly (Toronto, CA): Thank you
01:01:41 Dave Warner | AL: Replying to "Who's the author of ..."
Archmandrite Zacharias Zacharou
01:02:18 Dave Warner | AL: Reacted to "Thank you" with 👍
01:03:20 David: I had an aunt who everyone loved. Children who were very bad she used to say "how peppy". She always told me - look till you see a glimmer of Christ and with patience you will see even the slightest light in some aspect. I remember this often and it seems like once you know what they have gone through or lacked in their experience there always is some of the divine in almost everyone. Just that thought helps me with trying to find something in the most difficult people I have encountered.
01:06:55 David: So your uncle thought you were peppy?
01:12:01 Lori Hatala:
01:12:32 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You and all are always a blessing.
01:13:21 ANDREW ADAMS: Thank you, Father!
01:13:22 Cindy Moran: These sessions have taught me so much! Thank you!
01:13:23 David: Thank you Father may God bless you and your mother!
01:13:24 Bob Cihak, AZ: Thank you, Father.
01:13:31 Joseph: Thank you, Father
01:13:36 Art: Thank you Father!
01:13:38 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂

Wednesday Nov 20, 2024

Tuesday Nov 19, 2024

Monday Nov 18, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XXV, Part II
Monday Nov 18, 2024
Monday Nov 18, 2024
Tonight once again we are immersed in the struggle for purity of heart and the avoidance of its opposite in action, fornication. We are presented, of course, with heroic examples of those who embodied this virtue. Yet the most powerful thing that stands out both in the examples and the writings of the fathers is their understanding of Eros being conquered by Divine Eros; that is, our attachment to the things of this world and are very selves overcome by a greater love - the love of God for us.
When we begin to see and taste this love within our day-to-day life, and when we experience a greater measure of freedom through the ascetic life, that Divine love begins to grow within us and we find ourselves running with a swiftness aided by the grace of God.
Love is always the more powerful motivator and there is nothing more powerful than to experience the love of the one who created us in His own image and likeness. He alone can satisfy the deepest longings of the human heart. Once we begin to let go of the illusion that this world places before us - the illusion that it can provide for all of us are pleasures; and once the grace of God begins also to purify the memory, we begin to experience the invincible joy, peace, and humility of the kingdom.
As long as we are in this world, we all always find ourselves embattled. Therefore, the fathers tell us to cry out like David in the psalms: “Deliver me, O my joy, from them that have compassed me about.“ At that moment, we will always find ourselves in the hands of the living God.
Text of chat during the group:
00:13:28 Rebecca Thérèse: Happy Birthday Joshua
00:21:38 Anthony: Sounds like St Augustine in City of God regarding virgins who jumped off buildings for fear of rape by Vandals.
00:22:33 Anthony: Maria goretti
00:32:00 Myles Davidson: Committing oneself to an Adoration time outside of normal sleep time can be a great way to get used to combatting the need to sleep.
00:45:12 Wayne: Its interesting that the protestant tradition don't have the crucified Christ on the cross. There is focus on the resurrection but forget about Good Friday.
00:55:26 Forrest Cavalier: Some terms I have come across to describe the non-sacrificial, non-repentance approach to Christianity are "Moralistic therapeutic deism" and "cheap grace"
00:59:04 Rebecca Thérèse: If John Lennon's "Imagine" came true that would be world communism.
01:07:45 Anthony: Also, iconographers and musicians and poets who give us a vision to hope for. Something that reaches us outside of reason for an irrational world.
01:14:29 Anna Lalonde: I do vigils, it's grown through desert Father's training me.
01:14:40 Adam Paige: Reacted to "I do vigils, it's gr..." with 👍
01:14:48 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "I do vigils, it's gr..." with 👍
01:15:00 Erick Chastain: Reacted to I do vigils, it's gr... with "👍"
01:16:11 Myles Davidson: I’ve taken to sometimes when I wake in the middle of the night, getting up for an hour of praying the Jesus Prayer, then going back to sleep. The stillness of the night and the mind make it very special
01:16:36 Wayne: Reacted to "I’ve taken to someti..." with 👍
01:16:46 Lee Graham: Reacted to "I’ve taken to someti…" with 👍
01:17:24 Adam Paige: Reacted to "I’ve taken to someti..." with 👍
01:18:45 Anna Lalonde: I'm a spiritual director of Latin and East and a Catholic Coach.
01:20:48 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You to Father and all who are here
01:20:51 ANDREW ADAMS: Thank you, Father!
01:20:56 Santiago Búa: Thank you Father
01:20:56 Macarena Olsen: Thank you!
01:20:57 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:21:13 Jacqulyn: Reacted to "Thank You to Father ..." with ❤️
01:21:21 Erick Chastain: Thank you!!
01:21:48 Francisco Ingham: Thank you Father!!

Sunday Nov 17, 2024

Sunday Nov 17, 2024

Thursday Nov 14, 2024

Thursday Nov 14, 2024

Thursday Nov 14, 2024

Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXX, Part III
Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
What do we live for? Or rather, better stated, Who do we live for? As we come to the end of the Ladder of Divine Ascent, St. John speaks to us about the nature of Divine Love that is our destiny and dignity in Christ. We pursue the spiritual life for no abstract reason - not for moral perfection - not to satisfy a sense of religious duty. Nor are we driven by fear or anxiety as has sadly so often been the case.
It has always been Love that beckons us forward, that gradually heals the wounds of our sin or the traumas that we have borne. Anything that obstructs our vision of love and the mercy, God desires to overcome. God has created us for himself, made us in his own image and likeness precisely that we might share in the fullness of his life. The nature of love is curative not punitive.
St. John begins by speaking of those who keep in their imagination the face of the beloved and embrace it tenderly. This love often is so strong that it strips them even of the need for sleep or for food. The one who yearns for God says: “My soul thirsts for God, the mighty, the living God. The grace of this reality transforms nature to the point that even their countenance changes and is filled with the joy and the peace of the kingdom.
Furthermore, the pure of heart, the one who loves without impediment, is the truth theologian and so grasp the very nature of the most holy trinity. Their heart transformed by love shows itself in their love of neighbor, their intolerance for slander or anything that might diminish the other.
St. John also tells us that the power of love is in hope because by it we await the reward of love. Even when we cannot see, when we find ourselves wrapped in the darkness of the cross that we carry, it is in hope that we find rest and the reassurance of God‘s love for us .
Text of chat during the group:
00:14:33 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 245, # 16
00:27:24 Jeff O.: Seems like Psalm 1, Jeremiah 17, the river of life flowing in and through us producing within us fruit no matter what
00:30:04 Anna Lalonde: Is that the fear of reverence and awe of God?
00:31:17 Cindy Moran: I remember in a worldly being a love sick teenager and could care less about eating
00:32:30 David: Are there different levels of fear? I remember when I was a child my sister and I used to say the worst punishment was seeing disappointment from our mother and father not any correction. I sometimes feel more like this than trying to reconcile a loving God who has done so much and fire and brimstrone.
00:34:48 Myles Davidson: I love St. Isaacs view of hell as the love of God that is painful to those who have rejected Him
00:43:17 David: I love the mass no matter what but I often find homilies downloaded from sites which feel detached, not from the heart. I find the priest who speak of personal experience or their struggles capture the parish more. It seems there are administrators and holy men but they are often not in balance.
00:47:57 Jeff O.: St. Maximos’s “Questions 17-19” are great examples of examining the inner meaning of Scripture’s ‘enigmas’ with the fear of God (as he says). A higher reading, deeper reading - a mystical engagement with the Spirit that brings out the beautiful truths. He works out Exodus 4 with Moses and the angel threatening death into a beautiful way of describing the spiritual journey
00:48:54 Rebecca Therese: I heard someone say once that hell is a mercy for
those who feel tortured by the vision of God.
00:50:19 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "I heard someone say ..." with 🙏🏼
00:53:26 Francisco Ingham: We need less news and more nous
00:53:37 David: Reacted to "We need less news an..." with 👍
00:53:45 Bob Cihak, AZ: Reacted to "We need less news an..." with 👍
00:54:01 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "We need less news an..." with 😂
01:02:20 Anna Lalonde: I call that domestic monastic as we do
01:12:15 Nick Bodmer: Wow, that's amazing, Fr. !
01:12:38 Serene Lai: How can we increase our hope?
01:14:49 Nypaver Clan: They instantly become little saints!
01:16:58 Myles Davidson: Fr’s Substack:
01:17:42 Anna Lalonde: Prayers for my healing to Charbel please.
01:17:42 Art: Reacted to "Fr’s Substack:
https..." with 👍
01:18:27 Rebecca Therese: Thank you🙂
01:18:33 David: Thank you father! May God bless you!🙏
01:18:34 ANDREW ADAMS: Thank you, Father!
01:18:34 Jeff O.: Thank you!! Great to be with you all!
01:18:44 Nick Bodmer: Reacted to Prayers for my heali... with "🙏"
01:18:52 Nick Bodmer: Thank you!
01:19:01 Anna Lalonde: Reacted to Prayers for my heali... with "🙏"

Tuesday Nov 12, 2024

Tuesday Nov 12, 2024

Monday Nov 11, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XXIV, Part II & XXV, Part I
Monday Nov 11, 2024
Monday Nov 11, 2024
Why is it that we engage in the ascetic life and the spiritual life as a whole? How is it that we come to understand the extreme practices of the desert fathers as they entered into the struggle with the passions? Seemingly they were willing to do almost anything to overcome temptation and to suffer extreme disciplines, punishing the body, until the passions were overcome.Again, we must understand that the desert was a laboratory. The fathers were driven there by their desire to live for God and to live for Him completely. Of course, they entered into these exercises with an imperfect understanding. Yet, in reading the Evergetinos we are blessed to see the development of their understanding and practice; how it becomes more measured and more focused upon God and the grace he provides.Beyond this, however, they were engaging in this way of life not simply in the pursuit of certain principles. Nor were they seeking to overcome their natural flaws and defects. They understood the struggle was also with demonic provocation. Therefore, they were not simply trying to foster good habits or to acquire a taste for that which was more virtuous. They understood that the spiritual life involved a bloody warfare against evil. The shadow of the Cross always falls over our struggles and stands as a reminder of the costs of sin. To overcome sin and its consequence, Christ sweat blood in the garden of Gethsemane and was obedient unto death on the cross. The spiritual life is formed and shaped by the Paschal Mystery. It involves always a dying to self and rising to new life in Christ. To strip it of this understanding is to make our spiritual life and practices impotent. We are to be conformed to Christ in every way. We preached Jesus Christ and him crucified not only in words, but in our day-to-day struggle against sin and the passions.
Text of chat during the group:
00:13:41 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 172, # C
00:22:42 Myles Davidson: What’s the difference between an oath and say, a general intention to do something?
00:24:43 Kate : What about resolutions that we make for a penitential time, such as Lenten resolutions or Advent resolutions? Is this a good practice according to the Fathers?
00:26:58 Forrest Cavalier: And all of these rely on God's grace for success. not our will alone.
00:37:38 Erick Chastain: Why does fat mean there are increased passions? Are there other foods like that?
00:38:25 Myles Davidson: Today is the beginning of St Martins Lent so to finish this now has been good timing
00:40:39 Erick Chastain: Why does fat mean there are increased passions? Are there other foods like that?
00:42:05 Myles Davidson: I’ve been eating less meat meals and find a definite increase in nepsis and general ability to concentrate in my prayer
00:43:18 Wayne: I think you you eat to much surgar etc you get highs and low from it..
00:44:33 Sheila: It's a true challenge to avoid all the desserts because it seems these days people start Christmas festivities as soon as Thanksgiving ends, or in the case of many around me at
00:44:55 Sheila: Secular Christmas is all around.
00:47:16 Kate : And there are so many different diets now that encourage us to fixate on certain types of foods…keto, carnivore, longevity diets, etc. etc. There might be some health benefits to them, but they can become intense distractions.
00:48:22 Anna Lalonde: Homeschooling... Everything then is centered in faith.
00:49:50 Anna Lalonde: There's so many resources and online live classes and tutoring we have less issues as homeschooling.
00:50:01 Anna Lalonde: Lol
01:01:14 Myles Davidson: Better to engage in the battle imperfectly than to not engage in it at all
01:18:21 Anna Lalonde: Yes that's what I do. Go to Jesus Prayer
01:19:12 ANDREW ADAMS: Thank you, Father!
01:19:16 Rebecca Thérèse: thank you🙂

Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXX, Part II
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
What does it mean to be drawn into the mystery of Divine Love? Even as beautifully as John writes, it is difficult to wrap our minds around the experience of the living God; the experience of a love that is free of every impediment and passion, a love that makes us sons and daughters of God and so shapes are identity in such a way that it is unshakable.
What is it that can overcome such a love? Our identity is often shaped by anxieties and fears, the unexpected and unknown, and our insecurities. Yet, as we are immersed in the love of God, all fear dissipates and is overtaken by an urgent longing for God and the thirst for his love.
We often resist opening ourselves up and becoming vulnerable to this love. One famous author wrote, “humankind can only bear so much reality.“ Yet the love of God, the more that it is experienced, allows us to run toward that reality rather than avoid it . It reveals to us that even our weaknesses, the things that we perhaps hate about ourselves or the wounds that we bear, draw us toward him. Love reveals to us that we experience nothing in isolation. Christ is always present to us and within us. This being so allows us to offer Him all that we are without shame.
Text of chat during the group:
00:06:36 Una: Byzantine Carmelite nuns
00:06:55 Una: In Sugarloaf, Pennsylvania
00:08:46 Bob Cihak, AZ: The author was one of the lecturers at Acton University when I attended over 10 years ago.
"The Glory that is Pittsburgh" at
00:12:33 Una: A line from that article that has me ROFL
00:12:35 Una: Pittsburgh is a town that makes me want to rhapsodize like a follower of Ayn Rand.
00:14:05 carol_000: Does this Zoom start a bit before 5:30 E Time ?
00:14:28 Una: Just chat before 5:30
00:15:10 carol_000: Una ..Thanks
00:16:00 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: Is it the same material as Father posts on FB?
00:16:01 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 244, #9
00:19:08 Daniel Allen: What page are we on again? Sorry I missed it.
00:19:16 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 244, #9
00:19:21 Daniel Allen: Thank you
00:46:02 Anthony: Part of the issue is how we receive the Gospel and Apocalypse....these are written with fearful language.
00:48:36 susan: some of the teaching seems so hard to do or embrace and seems like climbing Mt Everest lol so I have decided to become a micro ascetic offer the smallest, micro offerings tiny tiny acts
00:50:21 Anthony: Should peter have been confident of forgiveness , even before the Lord forgave him?
00:51:12 David: Isn't there a process of letting go of things that leads us from obedience and caring to devotion. It seems love itself has stages and perhaps devotion is a joy in itself. But without letting go we lack faith and trust in the beloved.
01:04:11 David: My grandfather one time had me write down everything I was worried about for weeks. He kept it and showed it to me a year later and I realized how much time I wasted on that. While it took me years to understand it did help me move from belief to faith.
01:04:29 Daniel Allen: How do you give God “those things” in a concrete way? For instance how do you give God your anxiety in a concrete way, because sometimes offering it in prayer seems somewhat abstract.
01:05:19 Wayne: Reacted to "My grandfather one t..." with 👍
01:08:28 David: A beautiful tradition I saw in Potes, Spain was at collection people would give both money but what concerned them or what sins they were struggling with written on small pieces of paper to bring to the altar. I wonder which this is just a small town and (small t tradition) rather than more common. Just struck me as beautiful and I still think of that when I put something in the collection basket.
01:09:07 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: Some find writing helpful - a note or letter to the Lord in one's journal. Or an expression in art...
01:09:14 Anna Lalonde: More frequent mystery of Repentance and gratitude are so important for this! Seen it with grief in my children and I.
01:14:41 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father!
01:14:48 Rachel: Thank you
01:14:49 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:14:50 David: Thank you father. May God bless you!
01:15:33 Jeff O.: Thank you so much!

Monday Nov 04, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XXIII, Part II and XXIV, Part I
Monday Nov 04, 2024
Monday Nov 04, 2024
Tonight we read the final sections on the fathers’ reflection on the practice of fasting. Once again the focus is on decorum; how does one eat in the presence of others while not giving himself over to pride. It is ever so easy to think oneself the great ascetic and hold oneself above others within the community. Ego can even distort well-practiced discipline into something that sets oneself apart from others rather than leads one to show greater desire for God, virtue and mercy towards others.
All of our practices, the fathers teach us, must be guided by spirit of gratitude. We give thanks for the food that we receive and that nourishes us and we avoid criticizing others for how much they eat. Self discipline is not a weapon to be wielded by the ego for its own pleasure. Our tendency is to devour our brothers’ flesh by our criticism, and as the psalmist tells us to “eat up God’s people as if eating our bread.”
A humble attitude must be fostered, and we must not be ill-mannered. For example, a senior monk within a monastery must not demand honor or reverence or put on airs before his juniors. He must not draw attention to Himself in any way that would diminish charity among the brothers. What is the value of toiling all day only to undermine oneself to satisfy petty pride?
Again, the fathers want us to understand that fasting and all of our disciplines are about love. We must not diminish the practice by becoming legalistic or moralistic in our view. Therefore, we are taught not to takes oaths about avoiding certain foods. In doing so we set aside the freedom that is ours. No food is reprehensible. We are merely to eat with restraint and gratitude. But if we take an oath and then break it by eating the particular food we fall into perjury. As Christ tells us, no food is unclean; rather it is what comes out of the heart that makes a person unclean or sinful.
A rather lengthy discussion ensued in regards to avoiding a kind of ghetto mentality in our Christian practice; setting ourselves apart from others rather than serving them in the love of Christ. It is a narrow line that we walk and demands that we understand that all is grace. Christ has taken on our poverty and emptied himself in order that we might know the fullness of life and love. Our exercise of the faith, that is, our asceticism, must be relational; it must be directed toward Christ and enable us to love as He loves. Asceticism is not an end in itself, nor do we live out our Christianity in isolation. We turn to Christ, we die to sin and self, in order to be raised to life in him. To avoid the kind of isolationism that we would see in the scribes and Pharisees, we must become Christ.
Text of chat during the group:
00:09:37 Cindy Moran: The joys of home ownership 😜
00:11:29 Una: I'm a happy renter
00:12:37 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 168, #F
00:35:02 Erick Chastain: Once you pop you can't stop- pringles
00:35:21 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "Once you pop you can..." with 😮
00:36:46 Adam Paige: Two recommendations on fasting and feasting.. Benedictine monk Adalbert de Vogue's book To Love Fasting is back in print in English (, and I recently watched the film Babette's Feast for the first time - very moving !
00:38:09 Myles Davidson: A free PDF of To Love Fasting is available here:
00:40:39 Adam Paige: Reacted to "A free PDF of To Lov..." with ❤️🔥
00:46:33 Francisco Ingham: There’s a great Chesterton quote related to this point
00:46:43 Francisco Ingham: “Let us put a complex entrée into a simple old gentleman; let us not put a simple entrée into a complex old gentleman. So long as human society will leave my spiritual inside alone, I will allow it, with a comparative submission, to work its wild will with my physical interior. I will submit to cigars. I will meekly embrace a bottle of Burgundy. I will humble myself to a hansom cab. If only by this means I may preserve to myself the virginity of the spirit, which enjoys with astonishment and fear.”
00:54:11 Adam Paige: Reacted to "“Let us put a comple..." with 🍷
00:55:51 Ambrose Little: Can you comment on the seeming contradiction between Christ’s example of eating and drinking with sinners (and generally chastising Pharisees for being puritanical), and the counsel to avoid such and only surround oneself with those we deem holy and who think like we do.
01:05:17 Ambrose Little: It seems like there is real danger (that has actually been realized) in thinking and acting as if the church is only for the already perfect. But as Pope Francis has emphasized, the church is supposed to be a hospital for sinners. I just think the advice to avoid sinners and those who are not seeking God as we imagine we are can easily be internalized as exclusivity, isolationism, and judgmentalism. It requires humility as a primary principle, to realize we are sinners, too.
01:14:29 Ambrose Little: Amen. Thank you!
01:14:48 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:14:54 santiagobua: Thank you !
01:15:36 ANDREW ADAMS: Thank you, Father!
01:15:47 Francisco Ingham: Thank you Father
01:15:52 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father
01:15:59 Erick Chastain: Thank you father!
01:16:05 Una: Thank you
01:16:08 santiagobua: Where can we find the Substack?
01:16:10 SYu’s iPhone: Thank you, Father.
01:16:43 ANDREW ADAMS: Replying to "Where can we find th..."
01:16:46 Myles Davidson:
01:16:50 Adam Paige: Reacted to "" with 👍
01:17:10 santiagobua: Reacted to "" with 👍
01:17:17 Ambrose Little: Reacted to "…" with 👍
01:17:18 Erick Chastain: Just woke up earlier

Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXIX, and XXX, Part I
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
We are brought to the denouement of the Ladder in these final steps on Dispassion and the “Trinity of Virtues” - Faith, Hope and Love. The words of St. John ring forth as if from the mouth of a poet. It is only one who has experience of and has seen the beauty of Divine love who can then speak of the urgent longing that begins to take over the soul when it no longer is held back by the weight of sin or one’s ego.
The dispassionate man, St. John tells us, no longer lives himself, but Christ lives in him. He has eyes only for the beloved and living in constant union with him. All becomes Grace; Christ’s virtue becomes our virtue, Christ’s strength becomes our strength, Christ’s love becomes our love.
Understanding this we must not allow anything to hold us back. Above all we should desire to enter into the bridal chamber; for this is exactly what Christ has made possible for us. Our relationship with God is often described with nuptial imagery; we are destined to become one with the most holy Trinity. What excuse could we possibly put forward for not at least seeking to break through the wall of our sin by embracing the forgiveness that is so freely offered?
St. John’s discussion of dispassion leads us to the final step of the Ladder. The theological virtues, named so because they have God as their end, become St. John’s subject matter. These three are preeminent because they endure unto eternity. The greatest of them, love, allows no respite for the soul but drives her on with a kind of blessed madness. Overcome with an urgent longing for the Beloved it takes on a greater resemblance to God in so far as this is possible. The soul becomes inebriated - so often does it seek to satisfy its thirst for divine love. Having satisfied this desire the heart expands, taking on distinctive properties where it becomes a fountain of faith, an abyss of patience and a sea of humility. What takes place then is extraordinary: love banishes every thought of evil or judgment. Only mercy, forgiveness and compassion remain.
Text of chat during the group:
00:13:44 Myles Davidson: According to Wikipedia Scorcese is doing one on Moses the Black
00:14:08 Myles Davidson:
00:18:40 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 243, #13
00:37:15 Anthony: Renzo Allegri write a book: "Padre Pio Man of Hope." Good book.
00:39:32 Anthony: And this is why legalism and scrupulousity is such a problem. They strangle wonder and longing.
00:41:29 Anthony: Franciscans are like the east
00:56:20 Anthony: Eastern Star
00:56:26 Leilani Nemeroff: Eastern Star
00:57:29 David: A book that really lead me to the fathers and from mere belief to faith was "What Difference Does Jesus Make"- Frank Sheed. Really hard to find not sure why this is not more popular.
00:59:25 carol_000: What time zone did this meeting start at 7:30
00:59:34 Nypaver Clan: EST
00:59:34 David: EST
00:59:48 carol_000: Thanks
01:00:09 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "Thanks" with 🥰
01:01:21 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: The kingdom must be preached/shared - we are way too silent about sharing our faith...
01:02:42 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: Guardini has a great book on prayer..
01:02:49 Jeff O.: Reacted to "Guardini has a great..." with 👍
01:04:42 carol_000: Calgary, Alberta Canada. Mountain Standard Time. My first time here.
01:05:07 Nypaver Clan: Meditations Before Mass - Guardini
01:05:07 Myles Davidson: Welcome 🙂
01:06:19 carol_000: Replying to "Welcome 🙂"
01:07:33 Nypaver Clan: Replying to "Welcome 🙂"
Hooray! Glad you found us! 🙏🏼
01:07:36 Jeff O.: The madness of pride as opposed to the madness of love is an interesting juxtaposition. Two very distinct and different “pictures” of madness.
01:09:10 Cindy Moran: Reacted to The madness of pride... with "👍"
01:09:48 Cindy Moran: Me, too!!
01:09:53 Nypaver Clan: Replying to "Welcome 🙂"
Welcome, Canada!🇨🇦
01:10:06 carol_000: Replying to "Welcome 🙂"
I've been following Fr. Charbel for a while, but now I'm wondering which branch of Orthodoxy is this? Reference to author & "Mass" ?
01:10:59 Nypaver Clan: Replying to "Welcome 🙂"
01:11:09 carol_000: Replying to "Welcome 🙂"
01:12:54 Anna Lalonde: Thank you! My children and I are loving this.
01:13:03 Nypaver Clan: Replying to "Welcome 🙂"
Ukrainian Greek
01:14:09 Jeff O.: That would be lovely!
01:14:26 carol_000: Replying to "Welcome 🙂"
Thanks, I was raised Ukr. Grk Orthodox but now go to OCA church in All English.
01:14:45 Kevin & Lilly: Yes!!
01:14:52 Rachel: and icon paintng
01:15:00 Jacqulyn: Let's do it!
01:15:34 Cindy Moran: Thank you, Father
01:15:35 ANDREW ADAMS: Thank you, Father!
01:15:35 Anna Lalonde: Prayers for my healing. Please especially St Charbel help me!
01:15:38 Rachel: thank you!
01:15:39 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you 😊
01:15:42 Jeff O.: Thank you! Great to be with you all!
01:15:44 David: Thank you father!
01:15:46 Dave Warner (AL): Thank you Father!
01:15:54 Edmund Dyjak: Thank You GOD Bless You

Monday Oct 28, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XXIII, Part I
Monday Oct 28, 2024
Monday Oct 28, 2024
We have continued to make our way through the final few hypotheses about fasting and eating in general. What is gradually coming to light is that our relationship with Christ and our identity in Him is to form and fashion every aspect of our lives. This includes what we might consider the most mundane aspects of our life or what we take for granted, such as eating and common meals.
What becomes perfectly clear in this hypothesis, however, is that there is a specific decorum that emerged in the practice of the fathers. The way that they looked at food and the way that they ate their common meals was all shaped by their greater commitment to the life of prayer and silence. The ascetical life shaped their actions and supported their pursuit of the ultimate goal. Thus eating, the quality of the food, the mannerisms at table and amount of food that other monks ate and the general behavior during meals all became important matters and subject to proper formation.
The ideal was not to form a Christian gentleman, but rather to form a heart that was watchful at all times of the day and that was very much aware of the power of our most basic appetites. We see restraint being taught; that is, slowing oneself down at meals and not being driven by the pressure of hunger or the allure of delicious food. It is Christ the Bread of Life that one is always seeking and so the way that we approach our meals should be a reflection of how we approach the Lord in the Holy Mysteries. Our mindset, our sense of gratitude, the solemnity of our attitudes and behaviors are all reflection of our understanding of the connection with the Paschal Mystery. When we think of our own formation we must have this broad scope so that we do not treat our ascetic practices as ends in themselves. All that we do must be offered to God or it is wasted.
Text of chat during the group:
00:17:20 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 165, #A
00:44:06 Una: LOL about the comment about men eating. And then they throw their silverware in the trash? Obviously, I've never been in a men's monastery. But how can we who are living in the world apply these standards to everyday dinners with family?
00:46:49 Una: I'm thinking of Thanksgiving Dinner where people gobble gobble gobble and aren't focused on God at all. Last year I had a hard time getting them to listen to the Prayer of St. Francis before the meal. Very secular family. How I personally may maintain my recollection yet still be social
00:47:50 Una: I find I can "go out" of myself so easily and get lost in socializing and talking (I'm an extravert) and then have difficulty becoming recollected again
01:03:42 Una: Is it true that the early Irish monasticism came from Egypt?
01:10:13 Una: There's a new book on this subject: Monastery and High Cross: The Forgotten Eastern Roots of Irish Christianity
01:10:20 Una: by Connie Marshner
01:10:34 Una: Sophia Institute Press
01:11:49 Steve: Good story
01:11:59 Una: Connie Marshner is a Melkite Green Catholic in Virginia
01:21:26 ANDREW ADAMS: Thank you, Father!
01:21:48 Troy Amaro: Thank you Father.
01:22:30 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you, sorry I was so late, our clocks went back an hour yesterday and I forgot about the time difference
01:24:18 ANDREW ADAMS: Where does one find the substack? I’m not knowledgeable on the whole social media scene.
01:25:19 Adam Paige: Where does one find the substack? I’m not knowledgeable on the whole social media scene.
01:25:44 ANDREW ADAMS: Replying to "Where does one find ..."
Thank you!
01:27:47 Bob Cihak, AZ: .. or
01:28:16 Paul G.: Replying to ".. or https://frchar…"
01:29:21 Maureen Cunningham: Thank you
01:32:17 Maureen Cunningham: Wow

Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXIX, Part I
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
St. John understands that we are out of our depths whenever we try to capture with words what comes through experience. This is true in particular of the heights of prayer, contemplation, and with dispassion. John’s language is poetic and thus a reflection of his straining to present us with the end of the spiritual life and what the heart longs for the most.
In concluding his teachings on prayer, he warns us of certain pitfalls to avoid in order that our focus might remain upon Christ. Above all he does not want us to become discouraged by the attack of the evil one. Such a thing is to be expected. Prayer is so beautiful and transformative that the demons are going to do everything they can to disrupt it. Yet, John would have us understand that the demons are scourged by prayer and when we show fortitude they flee. Finally, he would have be confident in the practice of prayer. There is nothing that one can write in a book that is necessary when we have God himself as the Teacher of prayer. It is the Holy Spirit that searches the depths of God the guides us forward.
Dispassion is even more difficult to capture with mere words for it describes one who has made his flesh incorruptible and has subdued all the senses; keeping his soul before the face of the Lord and always straining towards him. One is not only detached from the things of this world but has a gathered an exhaustible store of virtue as a source of strength. They are driven no longer by fear, but now only love; love that cannot be understood by mere reason. The soul is drawn forward by an urgent longing that belongs only to those who are created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, St. John sees dispassion as purity of heart; where a person has reached a level of existence where sin has no hold upon them and there is no longer even any awareness of the presence of demons. Such an individual is wholly united with God and always will be.
Text of chat during the group:
00:05:24 Gregory Chura: Which step?
00:06:05 Bob Cihak, AZ: p. 240, #58
00:07:29 Myles Davidson: Can I ask what edition of The Ladder we are reading from?
00:08:08 Adam Paige: Paulist Press edition page 281 🙂
00:09:01 Adam Paige: The introduction is excellent too, although it doesn’t contain the Letter to the Shepherd at the end
00:11:21 Bob Cihak, AZ: p. 240, #58
00:15:46 Kevin & Lilly: Aren't we supposed to expose our wound (sin) in its entirety for Jesus to heal it (in the confessional)? Similar to removing the band-aid, even if it hurts us?
00:21:42 Cindy Moran: Some things you can not "unsee"
00:26:26 susan: I get attacked walking up to communion and then I feel
00:26:48 susan: like I have done something wrong
00:29:02 Anthony: I also think having undergone at least once a spiritual attack, a person anticipates it and therefore brings it to mind?
00:31:05 Christian Corulli: Love of God destroys all fear
00:56:07 Christian Corulli: This sounds like the 7th Mansion of St. Teresa, can we make that comparison? Do the Carmelites trace the same spiritual path as St. John Climacus?
01:08:10 David: Is there an element of experience or getting older in this step. My grandfather always used to say youth is a process of acquiring and drive and growing old is the challenge of learning to let go. Through suffering, experience I can see more an more elements of dispassion or not feeling as connected to what many seek in the world and am left with only what endures which is family and faith.
01:22:15 David: Saving us from ourselves
01:22:38 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You Blessing to all
01:23:06 Gregory Chura: Thank you, everyone,
01:23:06 Tracey Fredman: Reacted to "Thank You Blessing t..." with ❤️
01:23:07 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father !!!
01:23:10 Anthony Kinyon (Αντώνιος Κινγιόν): Thank you Fr. Charbel.
01:23:10 Jeff O.: Thank you!!
01:23:10 David: Thank you father and God bless you and your mom
01:23:11 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:23:16 Cameron Jackson: Overwhelmed again. Thank you Fr.
01:24:13 Alexandra: Thank you Father. I'll pray for you

Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XXII, Part III
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
It’s important for us as we read the fathers and consider the discipline that they embraced regarding our appetites and desires that we do not demonize these realities or fall into extreme practices. At the heart of the fathers’ lives and teachings is desire; allowing the love of God and gratitude for his gifts to guide and direct their understanding of life and perception of reality.
It is true that the desert was every bit the laboratory; the fathers often pushed themselves in extreme ways in order that their appetites and their desires for satisfaction and pleasure would lose their grip upon them. They were often harsh with themselves in ways that seem abhorrent to modern sensibilities.
Yet they realized that these realities are very powerful parts of our humanity. The body, for example, through the ascetic life can be a powerful aid in our sanctification. However, if we approach our appetites in an unmeasured fashion, or in a way that is simply focused upon the self, then that which is most beautiful can be corrupted.
Thus, our own embrace of the ascetic life should be rooted in desire; our sense of lack and incompleteness outside of God. Our truest identity is established and found only in Him. Such a vision must be fostered from the earliest years of our lives. For it is not something that one can give or share with another. It comes only through experience. One comes to love the disciplines of which the father speak (fasting, prayer, vigils etc.) because they are far more than mere disciplines. They open up the path for us to experience the invincible joy and peace and freedom of the Kingdom. “Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.”
Text of chat during the group:
00:15:57 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 161, G
00:16:11 Adam Paige: Reacted to "P. 161, G" with 👍
01:05:40 Bob Cihak, AZ: From Adam:
Adam Paige 5:14 PM
Should we avoid restaurants since they’re typically predicated on desirable food ? Or should we order a less appealing meal when we are at a restaurant ?
01:12:52 Cindy Moran: You aren't missing anything!
01:14:19 Adam Paige: Reacted to "You aren't missing a…" with 😂
01:19:42 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You Father
01:19:55 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:19:59 ANDREW ADAMS: Thank you, Father!
01:20:11 Tracey Fredman: Glad you are feeling better, Fr. Charbel!
01:20:14 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father.
01:20:21 Kevin Burke: Thank You Father!
01:20:39 Tracey Fredman: Liturgy of the Hours is one you mentioned one time. Is that a possibility for a topic?
01:20:47 Adam Paige: Reacted to "Liturgy of the Hours…" with ❤️
01:21:01 Cameron Jackson: Thank you Father
01:21:19 Myles Davidson: Your Substack is excellent Father

Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVIII, Part VII
Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
As St. John draws us more deeply into his understanding of prayer and the experience of intimacy with God, he begins to emphasize the importance of maintaining purity of heart and humility. Either through negligence or through demonic provocation, we can find ourselves being driven not by the Holy Spirit toward God but rather driven by the desires of the flesh. The vulnerability of prayer, opening our minds and our hearts to God, also carries with it the need to have established watchfulness of heart. If we have not we can indiscriminately open ourselves up to certain dangers. For example, we may allow our mind to wander during prayer in such a way that we turn away from God. It can even happen that in this turning away we are move towards the enemies of God. Like Judas we can share most intimately with the Lord at the table of the holy Eucharist and then immediately be driven out by an unholy spirit into the darkness. It is those who are closest to Christ who often betray him the most.
We all take certain things for granted. This is true in our relationship with God. We can treat that relationship cheaply; enter into it with a kind of familiarity to the point that we lose sight of the preciousness of what God has made possible for us. Our attachment to the things of this world or to individuals can fill our minds and our hearts even during the time of prayer. Therefore, John wants us to have no illusions about what it is that we ask for and seek in prayer. Our greatest desire should be what leads us to God and what endures unto eternity. As Saint James tell us: “we ask, but we do not receive because we ask wrongly.” We seek only the satisfy our natural wants and desires. As it has been said, “The fool’s portion is small in his eyes.” Often we do not see the beauty of what God offers us.
Text of chat during the group:
00:12:58 Bob Cihak, AZ: P.239, #50
00:13:44 Tracey Fredman: Reacted to "P.239, #50" with 👍
00:14:28 Dave Warner (AL): Reacted to "P.239, #50" with 👍
00:51:38 Rachel: or to satisfy ego since it is difficult to see oneself as nothing and in such need.
00:59:38 David: Someone told me once - measure your thoughts and you measure what you treasure. Treasure only what is everlasting.
01:02:14 Laura: Reacted to "Someone told me once..." with 👍🏼
01:04:59 Rebecca Thérèse: It seems to me that it's easier to catch someone in infidelity these days because of socia media and smart devices etc than it was previously.
01:11:31 Anthony: I've wondered if we get monastic life and vocations imbalanced? I read that among Syrians, there was one "monastic" community composed of subsets of vowed religious, families and singles. This makes for universality and diversity and maybe a healthier psychology for persons?
01:13:45 Rebecca Thérèse: Thomas Szasz the anti-psychiatry psychiatrist wrote a paper about how psychiatrists persuaded the Church that sex abusers were ill and could be treated and how this led to priests being "treated" and moved instead of being fired.
01:14:12 Una: Jon Hassler wrote North of Hope dealing with this situation of the priest who dealt with this issue
01:14:29 Una: Excellent novel
01:18:38 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father...great to be back in class!!
01:18:40 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you 🙂
01:18:47 David: Thank you father. Glad your feeling better!
01:18:51 Jeff O.: Thank you!!
01:19:02 Rachel: Thank you
01:19:03 Tracey Fredman: Reacted to "Thank you father. Gl..." with ❤️

Monday Sep 23, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XXII, Part II
Monday Sep 23, 2024
Monday Sep 23, 2024
It may seem surprising that the fathers spend so much time speaking about food and how we approach eating. Yet the needs of the flesh are very much a part of who we are as human beings. So how we eat and what we eat can affect what goes on internally. We can be subject to disorder or extremes in one fashion or another.
What we see in the desert fathers and mothers is a love of fasting because they saw it as the insurer and foundation of the other virtues. In other words, when one can order an appetite and a desire towards what is good and specifically as tied to our hunger for God, then we are able to do so with other aspects of our humanity and our other appetites. Eating, being one of the most basic needs can lead us in one of two directions; either it is the gateway vice that opens us up to be more vulnerable to disordered appetites, or our restriction of our diet can turn us toward God who satisfies the deepest longings of the human heart.
The fathers examine the practice of eating from multiple perspectives. They had an acute sense of the subtlety with which the mind approaches such a practice. We can be hyper-focused upon the body and its needs. We can use illness as an excuse for slothfulness or to eat beyond our needs or what health demands. Likewise, we can become overly focused upon the quality of food and only want what is pleasing to the pallet or perfectly fresh. We lose sight of the fact that what we prize so much passes into the latrine. It may satisfy the pallet but it does not give rest to the soul.
The fathers also understood that we must give ourselves over to this practice without over-analyzing its value. Our tendency to pamper the body can make us and our consciences become callous and lead us down the path to hedonism. We lose sight of the fact that this appetite is incited by everything in the culture around us that has made food an idol. It has also made it a medicine in the sense that we turned to it to find solace and comfort. In a subtle way we are being taught to avoid affliction at any cost and to question the redeeming nature of the cross.
Text of chat during the group:
00:10:54 Nick Bodmer: I had a question about the next work for the Wednesday group. What is after the Ladder, and is there a recommend translation?
00:12:17 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 159, #B
00:12:40 Nick Bodmer: 👍
00:21:03 Bob Cihak, AZ: A good friend lost 20 pounds. His method: When I'm not hungry, I don't eat.
00:22:02 Myles Davidson: Do you have any advice for those of us who are very slim and with very little body fat but who want to increase our fasting practice? I’m finding it a real art-form and a balance that’s not easy to find.
00:25:01 Bob Cihak, AZ: Many find "Eat, Fast, Feast" a book by my friend, Jay Richards, very helpful. He looks at fasting for spiritual, fitness and dietary reasons; he says no one else had written such a book.
00:25:25 Forrest Cavalier: Hi Myles, I am low BMI myself. I discipline my fasting in order to not go below a target weight. For me 137 lbs. I do not eat breakfast. I do not eat snacks during Lent. I have to increase calories at some meals. Most of my fasting discipline is not calorie reduction, but not eating dairy or meat on Wednesday and Friday.
00:28:10 Nick Bodmer: This is why the medieval monks made beer 🤣
Maintains calories.
00:29:28 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "This is why the medi..." with 😃
00:36:23 Nikki: If someone is not lean after a decent time of fasting and self discipline with their eating, would that be an indicator they aren’t being disciplined enough to reach that deeper intimacy with the Lord?
00:39:40 Anthony: St Thomas Aquinas was so big they cut a hole in dining table fir I've heard. Some people like Neapolitans can be big boned people.
00:41:58 Andrew Adams: cortisol
00:42:02 Nick Bodmer: Cortisol
00:42:51 Joseph: St. Athanasius described St. Anthony: “And they, when they saw him, wondered at the sight, for he had the same habit of body as before, and was neither fat, like a man without exercise, nor lean from fasting and striving with the demons, but he was just the same as they had known him before his retirement.”
00:46:45 Bob Cihak, AZ: Our culture now promotes paying MORE money for LESS nutritional value, counting calories as a nutritional value.
00:52:28 Anthony: The news scares about food also contribute to our derangement
01:00:20 Anthony: Bloomin onion
01:05:06 Anthony: The marketers sell us on the things that cause problems and then sell us on the "remedies".....which cause more problems. This is prophecy of Amos territory.
01:09:52 Nick Bodmer: Health is a good, but when we make it an ultimate good, and end in itself, it becomes an idol.
01:11:16 Bob Cihak, AZ: Reacted to "Health is a good, bu..." with 👍
01:11:51 Bob Cihak, AZ: . As a recovering (retired) MD, I agree with Nick.
01:13:21 Andrew Adams: Thank you, Father!
01:13:23 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂

Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVIII, Part VI
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Above all St. John’s writing on prayer works to break through the myopic vision that we have of life, of prayer, and of God. Like so many of the fathers, he will hammer away at anything which prevents us from experiencing the fullness of God’s love and mercy. Thus, he both rebukes and encourages.
We began this evening with a warning about admitting fantasies into our mind and heart during prayer. The demonic provocation at such times will be to use religious ideas, visions, etc., to distract us from the beloved and the encounter with him in silence. However, John tells us, if we hold fast to this prayer we are given an invincible assurance; there is a loss of all doubt and the certainty of God’s love is all that remains. The encounter with God Himself is proof of the unprovable!
We must give great care to put on the mind of Christ. We must be merciful as our Heavenly Father is merciful. To allow ourselves even to think of justice is going to immediately pull us down. For there is no justice! What has been revealed to us is unconditional love, mercy, and compassion. To turn a harsh eye toward another is to turn our eyes away from God.
Furthermore, we must allow God in his providence to set both the time and measure of prayer. We cannot treat it as something that anything else in our life is equal to in importance. This is especially true in those blessed moments where God fills the heart with compunction and the eyes with tears that cleanse the soul. We must not break away or abandoned prayer until we see that by divine Providence both the fervor and tears have diminished. “For perhaps you will not have such a moment for the remission of your sins again in all your life.“ We must always choose the one thing necessary.
Text of chat during the group:
00:15:36 Una: The Catholic psychologist Dr. Raymond Lloyd Richmond
00:15:53 Una:
00:31:09 Anthony: Why are Roman Catholics so fixated on justice? I've thought it's due to inheriting the legal notions of Roman imperial law and German folk law. But we're so focused on law, that being a Roman Catholic is sometimes not appealing. Thank God for persons like St Francis of Assisi.
00:33:15 Victor Haburchak: Americans are impacted by English Common Law. We’re more rigid than Italians it’s been said.
00:34:42 Anthony: I went to Italy. Naples and South. It's so different
00:34:56 Victor Haburchak: Reacted to "I went to Italy. Nap…" with 👍
00:38:00 Victor Haburchak: On the monastic rules for fasting my grandfather, a Ruthenian immigrant from Eastern Europe, said they were practically starving & yet there were constant calls to fast throughout the year while he was slaving in coal mins v
00:38:47 Victor Haburchak: Coal mines….
00:41:16 Victor Haburchak: He was a Greek-Catholic so experienced strictness of G-C priests.
01:05:38 Anthony: So that prayer also is as quick as breath
01:16:48 Andrew Adams: Thank you, Father!
01:16:51 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:16:51 Myles Davidson: That was a great hour. Thankyou Fr ! God bless you!
01:16:53 David: Thanks Father!
01:16:55 Cindy Moran: Thank You Father!!!
01:16:57 Jeff O.: Thank you! Great to be with you all.

Monday Sep 16, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XXI, and XXII, Part I
Monday Sep 16, 2024
Monday Sep 16, 2024
We continued this evening to delve more deeply into the fathers’ understanding of the practice of fasting. Once again we see that they learned from experience that it is better to eat once a day but not to the point of satiation. One must be measured and restrained in the practice, so is not to become weak and incapable of work or of fulfilling one’s prayer rule.
We also began to see that there was variance in the practices embraced by various monks, both in terms of their diet and the amount they ate. The practice was not to pamper the body but also not to destroy it. The body is necessary in the spiritual battle. Thus one must be discerning in one’s spiritual practice and patient.
We were also introduced this evening to the particular temptations that arise throughout the course of one’s spiritual life. Again, we must realize that we struggle not only with our own natural weaknesses and the weakness of our sin, but also with temptations and provocations that come to us from the Evil One. We are often tempted by what we see. We covet what appeals to the eyes and seems to promise enjoyment or satisfaction. We hear stories of the father’s catching themselves being tempted to break the rule of fasting.
What is needed is humility. Fasting is a discipline and when we fail we are to humbly acknowledge it and confess it. We must never be tempted after having fallen to hide our failure or lie about it. It is then that we are truly in the grip of the father of lies and will be further led astray by even greater deception.
Finally, we were taught that there are certain passions that we must be willing to cut out of our life completely. There are certain things that have such a hold on our hearts and enslave our wills that there must be the courage and the willingness to remove it from our lives completely. We must always be willing to choose the better part and to sacrifice all for that pearl great price.
Text of chat during the group:
00:10:41 David Fraley: Hello everyone! Thank you!
00:11:08 David Fraley: Thank you!
00:11:29 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 154 A
00:16:00 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 154 A
00:21:40 Anthony: Yeah, I multiplied devotion. It wasn't so great for me.
00:28:34 Joseph Muir: What page are we on?
00:29:11 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 156 C
00:33:21 Anthony: That bread isn't going to rise well like french bread. It's either flatbread or pancakes. That's a basic sacrifice.
00:33:48 Vanessa: Replying to "That bread isn't goi..."
no yeast.
00:38:04 Sandra Whatley: "Silence is a place where the serpent can not go. It is a place as toxic to him as his environment is to us"
Father 7/23
00:39:09 Sandra Whatley: This is what Father told me in prayer
00:45:30 Nikki: The desert fathers approach fasting in different ways. How do we find out what we should do personally regarding approaching a limitation of food (choices & amount) along with heightened self-discipline, when over time the difficulties of continuing that level of intensity may have one think with all seriousness that they should start eating more/fast less? Concerned perhaps they are not eating enough and maybe
their bodies showing signs of this.
00:54:26 Nikki: Thank you
00:54:46 Kevin Burke:
00:55:19 Kevin Burke: On-line version of the Book To Love Fasting
00:58:39 Nypaver Clan: Would it have made more sense to leave it for someone else than to waste it?
01:06:48 Nypaver Clan: There’s a reason the computer is “Apple.”
01:07:18 Bob Cihak, AZ: Reacted to "There’s a reason the..." with 😯
01:07:20 Nypaver Clan: The symbol is very telling….
01:09:41 Sheila: A large amount of tv shows out there are straight up porn but it's easy to make excuses that it's ok to watch...but let's be it? Single, in a relationship or married, the toll it takes on yourself or the person you care about is so subtle..but it erodes away at real intimacy.
01:11:07 Sheila: Truth.
01:12:14 Una: I used to write Christian romances (clean romances, no sex scenes) but i gave it up because I felt it did harm to people's imaginations and spiritual life, setting up unreality. I think the Desert Fathers would have something to say about this!
01:13:10 Una: Movement toward Reality. Well said!
01:14:53 Anthony: Isaac came to my home today!
01:15:25 David Fraley: Thanks, Father! Have a great night!
01:15:26 Sandra Whatley: Thank you so very much.
01:15:36 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:15:53 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father.

Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVIII, Part V
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
What is prayer and, more importantly, what do we become by engaging in prayer? So often we take a reductive view of the realities in our life, including the reality of our relationship with God. We reduce our converse with God to a discipline or an afterthought or worse and obligation. And yet as we read the fathers, we begin to see with greater clarity that prayer involves a kind of mutual vulnerability. We stand before the Other, God, withholding nothing of ourselves from him. In this, we imitate Him who has revealed himself to us in the most vulnerable fashion. He has drawn back the veil and revealed his heart to us and the depth of his love and compassion.
Such a vision of prayer precludes are treating it in a common fashion; approaching it like we would any other interaction. However, what we are drawn into from the moment of our baptism is the very life of God, a participation in the life of the most holy Trinity. Prayer, then, becomes an expression of identity, of who we are as human beings and what we’ve become in Christ. Seen in such a manner, an unquenchable thirst should arise within the human heart to remain in prayer and prolong it. One desires to linger long with the Beloved. It is to choose the better part. So much of what we learn, and our taught leads only to the fragmentation of the self. The frenetic pace of life and the desperate pursuit to satisfy expectations that we have for ourselves or that others place upon us distorts who we really are. We are sons and daughters of God, heir to the kingdom of heaven, and the Spirit that dwells within the heart alone gives us the capacity to express the love God Himself has for us.
Text of chat during the group:
00:14:45 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 237, #34
00:38:13 Callie Eisenbrandt: Father how do we learn something everyday in prayer in times of spiritual dryness? Sometimes it feels like its difficult to see what you are to learn until you look back on prayers from the past but how do you do that on a daily basis?
00:39:51 Wayne: late what page are we on?
00:41:07 Bob Cihak, AZ: p. 238, #38 or so.
00:41:35 Wayne: thnx
00:42:41 Christian Corulli: I think it would ruin the prayer if we did understand the points of dryness
00:53:39 Victor: Parental bragging rights enhanced by need for non-ending FB posts. Good points. Let kids play. “Leisure, the basis of culture”.
00:53:44 Alan Henderson: Father, on this point about children, what are your thoughts about finding a balance between - letting children have the play time as you mention, and finding them hobbies/activities that they can enjoy (and spend time with friends). I agree with you that this is a major concern in how we are shaping our kids.
00:55:50 Leilani Nemeroff: If I had it to do over, as a parent, I wouldn’t have felt obligated to run to so many activities.
00:56:06 Wayne: Reacted to "If I had it to do ov..." with 👍
00:58:07 Leilani Nemeroff: There needs to be time for more free play.
00:58:56 Victor: Playing cops & robbers as a kid helped me to warn community when gunman was outside our liturgy back in 70s. Also to help generate strategy when a priest & I were chased by robbers in Africa once.
00:59:55 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "Playing cops & robbe..." with 😮
01:00:10 Ashley Kaschl: Reacted to "Playing cops & robbe…" with 😮
01:02:03 Ashley Kaschl: Father, I don’t want to totally change the topic away from
good leisure and play, which is so good, but I was thinking about what you said in regards to busying ourselves or adding to our lives when we don’t need to add, and it brought to mind two quotes:
the first is a monk’s reflection on his need to leave his cell for begging. He said, “Every time I leave my cell, I return less myself.”
And the second is from St. Francis of Assisi, when he would daily pray, “who are You, Lord, and who am I?”
I think work properly related to our state in life is meant to be shaped around our prayer time, not our prayer time shaped around our extracurricular activities. I know I fail in this all the time but I find that I have to often reorient myself when I approach prayer because I have to shed burdens I did not know I picked up to carry before I can be with the Lord in a deeper intimacy.
01:03:42 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "Father, I don’t want..." with 🥰
01:05:47 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: I have come to realize that sane and holy life requires quiet time for prayer but also quiet time for psychological wholeness. Time to sort things out...
01:13:07 susan: learned so much!!
01:13:13 Victor: Thanks, Father & everyone.
01:13:17 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:13:29 Jeff O.: Thank you!

Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XIX, and XX
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
We continued our reading of the Evergetinos this evening with hypotheses 19 and 20. Once again we find ourselves considering the fathers’ teaching on eating and our use of food. Part of the reason they spend so much time on this subject is because they understand the meaning that food has for us as human beings and that it often goes well beyond that of nourishment. We come into this world and our first and earliest experience is that of being suckled; fed at the breast of our mother and thereby comforted. On a psychological level, food can continue to have this meaning. That is not necessarily something bad. There is a form of communion that we have with each other when we have a common meal. Indeed, this is why Christ gives himself to us as Eucharist. However, in our sin, the desire for food can be driven more by the emotional needs that we have in our day-to-day struggles. The fathers understood that the psychological reality affects us spiritually.
Over and over again, we can turn to the things of this world to satisfy the longing of the human heart that God alone can fill. Christ is the Bread of Life and he alone can nourish us upon his love. Thus the fathers, especially those who entered into the desert, became acutely aware of the need to be watchful of this bodily hunger. When we lose our watchfulness or when we relax our disciplines, once again we can move towards satisfying ourselves through the things of this world.
Food can become an idol. The monks understood that even in our religiosity we can be tempted to celebrate feasts in such a way that we cast aside all that was gained through fasting. What worth is it to fast 40 days of Lent then only to turn around and eat excessively for 50 days until Pentecost?
The fathers also identified another danger. Our religious sensibilities and identity can be just strong enough that they lead us to want to maintain the illusion of holiness and discipline. The fathers warn us about the temptation to secret eating. Hiding the truth from others as well as from oneself only prevents repentance. In order to hold on to the illusion and false image of the self, we can destroy ourselves spiritually.
Text of chat during the group:
00:16:18 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 150
00:16:49 Lilly: Reacted to "P. 150" with ❤️
00:35:32 Forrest Cavalier: That earlier story was Evergetinos 11 in Volume 2.
00:39:02 iPhone: The YouTube channel is Athonite Audio. Audio books from the monks on Mount Athos
00:50:20 Forrest Cavalier: To know, love, serve in this life, and to be with him in the next
00:55:45 Ambrose Little, OP: Only the flamin hot ones, tho
01:07:16 Rebecca Thérèse: Is the real issue that the monk out of pride allowed people to think he was better than he was.
01:09:46 Fr Marty, AZ, 480-292-3381: I too often judge myself based on some preconceived results or image of what I or someone else should look like. Whereas, it sounds like the fruit of the soil that are my circumstances and weakness and gifts. God told Paul, where you're weak I'm strong. God can hide me in his own way that bears fruits that aren't necessarily visible results.
01:12:43 Nypaver Clan: Thank you, Father!
01:12:51 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You
01:13:22 Andrew Adams: Thank you, Father!
01:13:30 Cameron Jackson: Thank you Father.
01:13:33 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father
01:13:34 Rebecca Thérèse: thank you🙂

Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVIII, Part IV
Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
The very words of St. John Climacus seem to carry us up to heights hitherto unknown and unexpected. The experience of this ascent takes place as we feel our hearts begin to burn for love of God and the desire for him in prayer.
St. John quickly moves us away from looking at prayer as a mere discipline and rather our being drawn into the depths of Mystery, the very Mystery of the Triune God. The act of praying is a blessing in and of itself. To enter into this converse with God is also to experience the action of the Spirit within our hearts, the groans of Love that are beyond words.
In all of this, St. John reshapes are understanding of the nature of prayer. It is not a discipline but an expression of our true nature in Christ. We are to become prayer, consumed by love for the Lord; anxious to show that love and treat it cheaply.
Faith, St. John tells us, gives wings to prayer. Through it we see with clarity our hearts’ desire. An urgent longing takes hold of the heart that seeks quick satisfaction; that is, seeks to take hold of the Beloved without delay.
Text of chat during the group:
00:08:23 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 237, #26
00:12:17 iPhone: Thank you, Bob
00:12:37 Myles Davidson: Hi Father. Which edition of Isaac the Syrian’s AH will you be using?
00:13:38 iPhone: Beautiful book
00:13:51 Bob Cihak, AZ: Previous posts don't show for newcomers, so I repeat: P. 237, #26
00:14:02 Bob Cihak, AZ: Yes! “The Ascetical Homilies of Saint Isaac the Syrian, revised 2nd Edition” published by Holy Transfiguration Monastery, .
00:14:16 Cindy Moran: I just got mine in the mail---loving the glossary.
00:14:43 Cindy Moran: Excellent...yes!
00:26:15 Anthony: I think the focus on law and duty that we see in some Catholic subcultures damages our understanding of prayer in this mystical way. At least, I think it was not healthy for me, with efforts like "storm heaven with this novena."
00:27:53 Myles Davidson: Reacted to "Yes! “The Ascetical ..." with ❤️
00:30:43 Anthony: Another thing about legalism is that it chokes faith.
00:34:13 Anthony: Like how God said His name was blasphemy among the nation's by bad behavior of the Chosen people.
00:35:35 Kate : I have had to undo a lot of this strict legalistic teaching over the years. Sometimes I fall back into it, and I think it is actually easier for my mind to grasp this legalism rather than open myself and surrender myself to the Love of God. His Love is almost incomprehensible sometimes, but wonderfully so!
00:35:42 iPhone: Glad you mentioned corporal punishment. When I was five or six, I realized how unjust this violence was and I saw that the nun hit us hard enough to make us cry. In my desire for Justice, I resolved not to cry and I didn’t. After that I was marked as a problem child and never got a break. So, yeah, learning to trust is big
00:36:49 iPhone: The nuns meant our best, I’m sure. But something was really off with Irish Catholicism at that time (early 60s)
00:37:13 Anthony: Replying to "The nuns meant our b..."
It's Jansenism
00:38:19 iPhone: I think Jansenism is applicable but not the whole story
00:39:21 iPhone: Oh this is Una. Forget to put in my name
00:55:33 Cindy Moran: It's a sort of Divine healing radiation
01:04:21 Erick Chastain: Sorry about that got in car mode
01:04:27 iPhone: Ignatius and remote preparation
01:06:53 Jeff O.: So it all starts with obedience….is this the general
movement…recognizing that it’s not quite so linear? obedience —> humility —> discernment —> dispassion —> true prayer
01:12:22 Jacqulyn: Reacted to "Sorry about that got..." with 👍
01:13:34 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You Blessing
01:13:50 Andrew Adams: Thank you, Father!
01:13:57 Cindy Moran: Thank you, Father! Will be in prayer for you!
01:13:58 Jacqulyn: God bless!
01:14:03 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂Have a good retreat!
01:14:05 Nypaver Clan: Is there a particular website we should check to get the next book?
01:14:06 Jeff O.: Thank you!
01:14:10 Art iPhone: Thank you, Father!
01:14:22 Joseph: Thank you, Father.
01:14:40 Nypaver Clan: Is the next book cheaper than $70 anywhere?
01:14:59 Maureen Cunningham: On line

Monday Aug 26, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XVIII, Part III
Monday Aug 26, 2024
Monday Aug 26, 2024
Synopsis of tonight’s group on the Evergetinos- Hypothesis 18 Sections H and I:
This evening we concluded hypothesis 18 with the clarity that only St. John Cassian can bring. Cassian, though as western monk, spent many years in Egypt among the desert fathers and was able to distill their thought with great clarity for the western mind as well as the western monk. He shows us what the practice, or as he says, the vast experience of the monks over the course of time offers us. They show us that we are to avoid extremes. Fasting is not to be extended over the course of many days because the immoderate practice of fasting leads to the immoderate break of the fast and over-eating. Fasting is to be embraced, not as an end in itself, but as a means to bringing about both internal and external stability to a confused and unruly life. There is only one hard and fast rule and that is not to eat to the point of satiation. In fact, we must understand the uniqueness of each individual in regard to their experience in the ascetic life and the strength of their constitution. Not everybody can restrain the amount of food they eat to the same extent. Nor can everyone live a strictly vegan diet.
Cassian also notes that illness does not come into conflict with purity of heart. It may demand that we lighten our discipline for the sake of the health of the body. But even here we should eat in moderation and whatever the illness demands without making ourselves slaves to the assaults of evil desires. “The moderate and logical use of food ensures the health of the body; it does not detract from holiness.” Once again the fathers prove themselves to be both spiritually and psychologically astute as well as having a clear understanding of the physiological needs that we have as human beings.
Fasting in many way is starting point for us and not only serves us in the struggle for purity of heart by humbling the mind and the body, but it also reveals to us that the spiritual life must involve the whole person. We begin with the basics and our most fundamental need – the need for sustenance. A confused mind is born out of disorder, and this brings confusion to the soul, and from that purity slowly disappears. Much of the turmoil that we experience in our life arises out of the loss of peace that comes from a disordered life. However, when this order emerges within us and we begin to taste something of the peace of Christ, then something is born within the human heart. The Fathers tells us that from the light of peace a pure wind blows through the mind. To the extent that the heart can draw near to wisdom, it receives grace from God. Thus fasting may not seem to be necessary or important in our generation, but for the fathers it lays the very foundation of a life that is caught up in Christ and transformed by his grace.
Text of chat during the group:
00:09:53 Nicole Dillon: Hello everyone. Happy to be able to join tonite. Thank you 🙏🏼 🥰🕊️
00:10:46 Ambrose Little, OP: St. John’s Conferences were one of the few books
that St. Dominic kept and carried with him.
00:24:57 Wayne: Some may be Vegan?
00:25:26 Laura: Vegan - no animal products
00:25:34 Lilly (Toronto, CA): No animal products at all
00:25:50 Forrest Cavalier: There are also fruitarians.
00:25:57 Rebecca Thérèse: Vegans won't even eat honey
00:26:17 Lilly (Toronto, CA): I've been a nut for 12 years 😅
00:26:23 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "Vegans won't even ea..." with 🙄
00:26:43 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "There are also fruit..." with 🙄
00:29:14 Anthony: When the Mongols became Christian, they had a meat and milk diet. They were advised by the "nestorian" bishop to abstain from fermented mare's milk.
00:36:04 Lilly (Toronto, CA): I've always wondered if God's plan for Adam and Eve was for humanity to be vegan? Did original sin bring about the killing of animals and need for such products?
00:36:50 Anthony: Reacted to I've always wondered... with "👍"
00:41:43 Nypaver Clan: Can a disordered life cause mental disorder or does the mental disorder usually come first, then the disordered life?
00:51:42 Wayne: Replying to "I've always wondered..."
I don't have the scriptural verse in Genuis that suggest we should not be eating animal products
00:56:29 Rebecca Thérèse: When I worked in mental health over a decade ago, professionals completely adopted the secularist notions towards sexuality and sexual behaviour without even any understanding of different values in this area. For example, stating that a Muslim man would have hang ups around sex because of his religion. Also, a colleague was refused a job because in an interview he said he would advise a Muslim with same sex attraction to speak to a Muslim religious leader. He was told he failed the diversity question as this was the wrong answer since religious leaders are the most conservative of people. It's considered bad for mental health to observe traditional sexual morality.
00:58:36 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "When I worked in men..." with 😢
00:58:55 Lilly (Toronto, CA): Is there an actual scriptural verse in Genesis that can clarify my previous question?
00:59:25 Forrest Cavalier: Replying to "Is there an actual s..."
Gen 9:3
01:02:44 iPhone: I’ve been called a bigot for believing that homosexuality activity is a sin and that the attraction is disordered, although I do not reject or condemn this man
01:05:36 Wayne: Replying to "Is there an actual s..."
yes that's it
01:06:41 Wayne: Replying to "Is there an actual s..."
I checked the foot notes on this verse and did not get clarity on it
01:07:27 Nicole Dillon: Thank you Father!
01:07:53 Laura: Reacted to "Thank you Father!" with 👍🏼
01:08:05 Maureen Cunningham: Thank you, FatherI keep you in prayer for your retreat Blessing
01:08:13 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:08:17 Forrest Cavalier: So grateful!
01:08:21 iPhone: Thank you, Father
01:08:29 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father.
01:08:33 Cameron Jackson: Thank you.
01:08:38 iPhone: Bye bye

Wednesday Aug 21, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVIII, Part III
Wednesday Aug 21, 2024
Wednesday Aug 21, 2024
Joy! Suddenly, as we read through the Ladder of Dive Ascent every cross, every struggle in the spiritual life, while still present, begins to fade into the background. The costs involved in this struggle pales in comparison to the blessings and the fruits that God bestows upon us, especially prayer .
St. John places before us the essentials of prayer - as well as what can undermine it. We continue to struggle to confine our thoughts and then to completely still the mind and the heart. When this takes place, prayer becomes perfection and rapture in the Lord.
This joy, however, especially among the anchorites is marked by humility. One does not expose the deepest elements of the most intimate relationship indiscriminately with others. In any case, it would be impossible to do so. As we are drawn along in faith, as we begin to encounter and experience God as he is in himself, words fail us.
What we must do is hold on to what is precious. Imperfections and anxieties can pull us away from God and our trust in his love. Furthermore the evil one is ever set on disrupting that relationship. Plotting and conniving as he is, he will stir an emotion within our heart; or influence another to engage us in such a way so as to agitate or distract. But we must keep our eyes upon the Beloved.
St. John asks, “For what have I in heaven? Nothing. And what have I desired on earth beside Thee? Nothing, but to cling continually to Thee in prayer without distraction.” Hearing these words, one can never look upon prayer simply as an activity or discipline. It is life. It is love. We are to become prayer.
Text of chat during the group:
00:06:52 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 235, # 19
00:11:46 Myles Davidson: Greetings from New Zealand! (my apologies for turning up at the end of the last session… got the time zone conversion wrong). Anyway, delighted to be here. These discussions have been an immeasurable blessing to this baby Catholic. Thanking you profusely Father, and God bless you and your ministry!!
00:20:15 Myles Davidson: Do you have any tips for developing watchfulness of thoughts. Is this just a constant practice of mindfulness of thought?
00:29:37 Kate : What about the publication of saints’ diaries or journals? What would the Fathers say about this?
00:30:01 Anthony: Replying to "What about the publi..."
I love this question
00:30:36 iPhone: Can you explain vigils? Is it vespers and compline?
00:31:17 Rod Castillo: My Life in Christ by John of Kronstadt ????
00:32:42 Anthony: So the idea popular in "evangelicalism" (and now with Catholics and Orthodox) of a tell-all conversion story is not appropriate.
00:33:02 Jeff O.: Reacted to "So the idea popular ..." with 🎯
00:34:59 iPhone: This is a fascinating topic, this saying too much Thank you
00:35:31 Rebecca Thérèse: Is there any evidence of changes in attitudes towards publishing personal spiritual journals since the advent of the printing press?
00:37:00 iPhone: Why is this tell-all trend happening? Because so many people have not read the Fathers?
00:37:23 iPhone: Blogs! Immodesty personified!
00:37:30 Myles Davidson: People aren’y going to confession perhaps?
00:56:33 Anthony: Wow. So excessive chasing after goods and the obsession with trans- stuff us a war on prayer.
01:03:27 Rebecca Thérèse: There was a real antipathy towards ancestral religions by many of the founders of modern psychology and psychiatry including Freud. There are also nefarious financial and political interests in these areas
01:06:37 Bob Cihak, AZ: Too true. Too often, it's the easy way out, just prescribing drugs.
01:07:48 Nypaver Clan: An instructor I had at Duquesne U. who was a therapist, often said that the majority of her clients would have best been served in the confessional.
01:13:01 Cameron Jackson: Thank you Father. A great blessing.
01:13:05 Leilani Nemeroff: Thank you, Father! This is a Blessing!
01:13:42 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father!
01:13:43 Andrew Adams: Thank you, Father!
01:13:45 David: Thank you father!
01:13:47 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:13:51 Jeff O.: Thank you! Great to be with you all.

Monday Aug 19, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XVIII, Part II
Monday Aug 19, 2024
Monday Aug 19, 2024
No one is going to take up the practice of fasting or come to “love fasting” as we have often spoken of unless they are taught by those who have deep and long experience in the practice. As we have seen the desert was very much laboratory. Those who entered into it were driven by the desire for the Lord and to remove any impediment to that desire.
Yet, we see in the writings of the Evergetinos a natural progression, an organic progression, in the practice. Their zeal for the Lord often led the monks to engage in the practice of fasting with great strictness and to radically humble the body. However, they quickly learned that to practice even that which is good in an imprudent and unmeasured fashion was dangerous. To fall into exhaustion from fasting too long could make it impossible for a person to remain awake to engage in the practice of prayer or, similarly, weaken their watchfulness of mind such that they become vulnerable to the provocation of sinful thoughts.
The desert fathers also had to learn that fasting was but an implement. It is necessary for the cultivation of the heart, but it must be accompanied by constant prayer and bear the fruit of love for God and virtue. Therefore, the Evergetinos places us in a privileged position. We are able to sit at the feet of the great elders of old and to learn from the errors and the pitfalls that can cripple us in the spiritual life as well as to be inspired by the fathers’ great sanctity. The spiritual struggle is rarely neat and the path ahead is often hidden to us. The desert fathers are shining light in an age of spiritual darkness and lack of guidance. Thanks be to God for such a precious gift.
Text of chat during the group:
00:30:18 Anthony: I feel targeted.... 😉
00:36:50 Una: Does that include Irish Coffees?
00:48:47 Anthony: It's a gift to be simple, it's a gift to be free
00:48:54 Forrest Cavalier:
00:49:21 Forrest Cavalier: Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free
'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gained,
To bow and to bend we shan’t be ashamed,
To turn, turn will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come 'round right.[5]
00:56:47 Anthony: Excessive sorrow also brings exhaustion.
01:07:30 Anthony: History also shows fixation on pornography is almost always present
01:17:26 Maureen Cunningham: Thank you
01:17:40 Andrew Adams: Thank you, Father!
01:17:46 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:17:50 Kevin Burke: Thank you !
01:18:03 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father.

Wednesday Aug 14, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVIII, Part II
Wednesday Aug 14, 2024
Wednesday Aug 14, 2024
There are some things that cannot be learned from books – prayer most of all! However, St. John, as so many of the Saints speaks to us from long experience as one who truly has seen Christ, knows Christ and has conversed with him deeply. Whatever might be lacking in his thought it still stokes the fire of desire within any heart that longs for God.
The desert fathers understood that God looks upon us as his sons and daughters his children, and the simplest word or groan from the heart is sufficient to express our need and love. Above all, we are to have gratitude and a spirit of compunction. With these then we approach the Lord with the intentions of our hearts.
We should not fear our own weakness or the multiplicity of our thoughts that seem to overwhelm us. St. John reminds us that He who “sets the bounds to the sea of the mind will visit us, and during our prayer will say to the waves thus far shall you come and no further.”
Prayer should be the simplest of things, but also what we hold to be most precious. We should come to see it as necessary as breathing but even more essential. The fathers tell us that we are to become prayer - our life is to be a sacrifice of praise. We are to be the very reflection of Christ. The kingdom is now, heaven is now and dwells within us. May our foolish hearts take hold of the gift that the Beloved offers us so freely.
Text of chat during the group:
00:01:29 Bob Cihak, AZ: p. 234, # 1.5
00:05:18 Bob Cihak, AZ: We were half way thru #1.
00:05:53 Gregory Chura: Which step?
00:06:03 Gregory Chura: Thank you!
00:39:40 Anthony: So how to ignore the rational and irrational mind when praying? Just pray and eventually it happens? Because my mind gets in the way.
00:40:42 susan: Jesus [rayer
00:45:37 David: Sometimes something tactile like a chotki, rosary or stone ( have one that fits my hand from a retreat center) can help one become grounded. Others a icon or image can help set the mind and still others a candle or breathing technique can quickly return us to a calm state.
00:51:37 Wayne: Doing some active physical activity can settle the mind down before prayer.
01:03:05 Jeff O.: proverbs 24
01:03:22 Jeff O.: verse 16
01:03:24 Nypaver Clan: Verse 16
01:14:56 Andrew Adams: Thank you, Father!
01:14:59 Jeff O.: Thank you!
01:15:02 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:15:05 David: Thanks Father!
01:15:06 Gregory Chura: Thank you, Father!
01:15:11 Kevin Burke: Thank you Father!

Monday Aug 12, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XVIII, Part I
Monday Aug 12, 2024
Monday Aug 12, 2024
We picked up this evening with the beginning of hypothesis 18. For weeks now we have been reading about the essential practice of fasting. The cultivation of virtue and the overcoming of the passions is impossible without it. Making use of the body to strengthen the soul is a necessity. But we quickly realize from the stories that this practice can become imbalanced; monks could fall into extremes and be tempted to engage in disciplines in ways that feed the ego – ways that make them feel holy or religious.
Yet the desert was a great teacher. The monks learned in this laboratory the subtle movements not only of the mind and the heart, but the way the demons tempt us to extremes. To fast for three or four days serves only to weaken the body and this can disrupt one’s spiritual practices as well as one make one ill. It can also, fill the heart with pride. In this, the gains made in the life of virtue can be lost in an instant.
Therefore, the fathers begin to understand that fasting must be practiced with restraint, measure, and good wisdom. We must never lose sight of the fact that our fasting is tied to Christ and who he is for us. He is the beloved, the heavenly bridegroom, and our fasting and the hunger it produces must be tied in our minds and our hearts to our desire for Christ, the bread of life. He alone satisfies the deepest longings of the human heart. Therefore fasting is not meant to kill the body, but rather re-order our desires toward their true end. Fasting then is to be done with regularity, extending no more than one day. We begin simply by not eating to the point of satiation. We give the body what is necessary, but no more. In all of this we are taught that the royal path to purity of heart is fasting and that light burdens are also profitable.
Text of chat during the group:
00:07:34 Una: Could someone tell me what book we're using?
00:08:20 Andrew Adams: Replying to "Could someone tell m..."
00:08:44 Una: Thank you!
00:44:43 Anonymous Sinner: What page?
00:47:02 Una: I grew up in Ireland at the time when doctors were doctors and not pill pushers. Our Dr. O'Dolan's best health advice was to always leave the table a little hungry. He was a good Irish Catholic too. I've found following this advice more difficult that doing "heroic" fasts of ten days or so.
01:01:44 Anonymous Sinner: I thought that it was Mother Teresa who said this, about praying for 2 hours when one is busy?
01:07:41 Maureen Cunningham: Moderation in everything even in moderation
01:08:48 Anonymous Sinner: CS Lewis’s chapter on gluttony in the Screwtape Letters comes to mind
01:16:27 Maureen Cunningham: Thank you Blessing
01:16:37 Andrew Adams: Thank you, Father!
01:16:39 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:16:53 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father

Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVII, Part IX, and XXVIII, Part I
Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
As St. John Climacus comes to the end of the step on stillness and segues into the step on prayer, it is as if he is beckoning us with every word to enter into silence and to give ourselves over to prayer; not as a discipline but rather as a response to the gift of God’s love. We are so often filled with a hunger that is inexplicable to us. We seek to nourish ourselves upon the things of this world indiscriminately - only to find them sadly insufficient. We pathetically move on to something else that captures our attention. The world constantly tells us that it has “some thing” that will fill that void within our hearts.
Therefore, St. John begins to define for us the mother of virtues – prayer. Not once does John describe prayer as a discipline but rather lays out before us all that it promises. The world sees it perhaps as a waste of time or an escape from reality. However, John makes it clear that the union prayer establishes with God upholds the very fabric of the world and opens the door to reconciliation with God. It becomes the cure and the healing balm for the deepest sorrows of human existence.
Those realities that we experience during our life that are most painful are healed by being drawn into the eternal life and love of God - a God who has taken every bit of this suffering upon himself and permeates it. Prayer is our greatest treasure! May God give us the grace in the coming weeks to see and understand this.
Text of chat during the group:
00:15:43 Bob Cihak, AZ: P.232, #77
00:17:02 Bob Cihak, AZ: As best I know, the next book, we’ll be doing is “The Ascetical Homilies of Saint Isaac the Syrian, revised 2nd Edition” published by Holy Transfiguration Monastery, .
00:17:13 Jeff O.: Reacted to "As best I know, the ..." with 👍
00:22:47 Jeff O.: I find that the 3 o’clock hour is the hour I most regularly awake to spiritual battle…fear, attacks in dreams, etc. There have been many nights I awake during that hour feeling an overwhelming need to pray and sings hymns… I have increasingly seen the value of praying at some time during that hour.
00:38:44 Anthony: This curiousity is a misdirected "eros"
00:39:42 Ambrose Little, OP: You triggered mine, too.
00:39:47 Ambrose Little, OP: Twice
00:39:53 Andrew Adams: Mine too!
00:40:57 Kathy Locher: How can you break its hold? Internet etc
00:42:37 Anthony: Makes us nervous and anxious too
00:59:42 Lori Hatala: there yourlies also
00:59:47 Rebecca Thérèse: Where your treasure is there will be your heart also
01:20:02 Anthony: If chronological time is a creature, prayer brings us to kairos time which like the shekinah or tabor light, is untreated. Thus things in chronological past can be healed.
01:23:09 Andrew Adams: Thank you, Father!
01:23:10 Cindy Moran: Thank you, Father!
01:23:11 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:23:12 Jeff O.: Thank you!
01:23:32 Kevin Burke: Thank you Father!
01:23:35 Cameron Jackson: Thank you!

Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVII: On Stillness of Mind and Body, Part VIII
Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
One of the most wonderful things that someone said in the group tonight was: “I am amazed at how simple it all is!” And they are absolutely right in their observation. All that the fathers tell us - about the struggle for purity of heart and overcoming the passions, seeking stillness and constancy in prayer - comes down to one simple reality.
God is love and that all run but “one receives the prize without effort!” He who humbles himself will be exalted. The moment we turn the mind and the heart to God and - even prior to that - the mere existence of humility in our hearts leads God to lift us up to gaze upon him face-to-face. It is like a child who has no illusions about his self-worth or identity, but simply reaches out for the parent and is lifted up immediately in love!
It is this love that the hesychast seeks above all things; the eye of the heart is constantly turned toward and seeking the Belived. What is the one thing necessary that our Lord speaks about in the gospel? Mary sat at his feet being nourished upon his words of love and his presence. This is the better part. We so often complicate our lives and spend years and decades pursuing what the false self tells us that we need or where we will find dignity and the fullness of life. In the end, there is no ladder! There is only love and the urgent longing that makes us strive for it.
Text of chat during the group:
00:22:52 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 230, #68
00:30:26 Anthony: There is a tension though, between a situation that is wrong which should be made right, and waiting in patience
00:33:32 Anthony: Ok, so like Abraham had a promise that took a long timevtivrealize
00:33:41 Anthony: Long time to realize
00:34:58 Anthony: Thank you
00:37:15 Fr Marty AZ 480-292-3381: be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. 1Peter 4:7
00:39:41 Julie’s iPad: It’s hard when you’re accused of something you didn’t do or say not to defend yourself.
00:51:14 Anthony: Ego is the false self. Is Despondency a false remorse?
00:53:58 Nypaver Clan: Without effort?
00:55:09 Kate : I am really blown away by the simplicity of this. How many times I have complicated the spiritual life!
00:58:02 David: I wasted years reading books and talking to people on discernment which always was a labyrinth of paths. On a retreat a old Jesuit Priest made it easy in 1 minute: Does this lead me closer to God or away from God. Our intellect often gets us lost and like a rocking chair giving us something to do but going nowhere.
00:59:41 Jeff O.: Reacted to "I wasted years readi..." with 🎯
01:02:25 Susanna Joy: There is a proverb in Islam: There are as many ways to God as there are breaths of His creatures.
01:02:34 Anthony: FYI it was college professors and lawyers who, from late scholasticism
through "reformation " and spirit of vatican 2 caused us so many problems.
01:03:04 Susanna Joy: It is as simple as the next breath, to turn back to God.
01:12:57 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:13:40 Bob Cihak, AZ: The next book, we’ll be doing is “The Ascetical Homilies of Saint Isaac the Syrian, revised 2nd Edition” published by Holy Transfiguration Monastery, .
01:14:24 Andrew Adams: Thank you, Father!
01:14:25 David: Thank you Father David!
01:14:28 Jeff O.: Thank you!! Good to be with you all.
01:14:50 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father!

Monday Jul 29, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XVII, Part I
Monday Jul 29, 2024
Monday Jul 29, 2024
The desert was a laboratory. The monks went into its depths precisely to push the limits of what they needed in order to sustain themselves; whether it be food, water or sleep. Therefore, we must not find ourselves put off by the stories that seem so extreme. Quite simply, they were extreme!
The desert being a laboratory, compelled the monks not only to evaluate their motives but also the restraint and measure that was necessary in order not to fall into extremes where they would hurt themselves physically or spiritually. Wisdom is hard won. The generations of monks who lived in the desert offer us a profoundly astute understanding of the human person, our needs, our motivations, and what strengthens or harm us in the spiritual life.
They often learned through error. Sometimes their judgment or lack thereof was a source of profound humility. In the coming weeks, we will be presented with the greater wisdom and balance that began to emerge out of this lengthy experience.
Text of chat during the group:
00:17:27 Jacqulyn: I'm from Oklahoma!
00:18:23 Anthony: Replying to "I'm from Oklahoma!"
Nice. I'm from Virginia
00:20:47 Jacqulyn: Reacted to "Nice. I'm from Virgi..." with 👍
01:16:46 Anthony: His weeping sounds like DaVinci who lamented not using God's gifts more, or like Cyrano de Bergerac who struggled to maintain honor.
01:17:11 Una McManus: What edition of the book are we using?
01:17:28 Una McManus: Can someone write it here? Thanks
01:17:42 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:18:57 Andrew Adams: Thank you, Father!

Monday Jul 29, 2024
Monday Jul 29, 2024
St. John draws us into the experience of stillness and its many fruits. It is a precious gift that comes to us by the grace of God and takes root in a heart prepared through years of asceticism and watchfulness. It is our waiting upon God.
In many ways this sums up the vocation of the hermit/monk. But it also captures the essence of our life and the life of prayer. We are ever waiting upon God to act in our life and we seek to cultivate in our hearts a receptivity to his will and grace. This is the active life, the fulfillment of the vocation for the Hesychast and of all Christians.
The temptations that come are always going to be things that draw one out of that stillness; loneliness, despondency, etc. Whether monk or Christians in the world we must allow ourselves to remain within the crucible of stillness. When we feel lonely and isolated, when we are agitated, our tendency is to run to others or to things within the world. This crucible purifies the desire of our hearts and our faith.
Are we able to give our will over to God? Can we trust that he will make of our lives that which endures to eternity? So often we are set upon fixing, undoing or changing the circumstances of our life that seem inconsistent with what is good or what will lead to a sense of fulfillment. However, when we long for God and when we turn to his love, we become free from being tossed about by the chaos of life. Our hearts find rest only in the Lord - He who is an eternal rock.
Text of chat during the group:
00:03:46 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 229, #57
00:16:25 Ambrose Little, OP: Happy feast day, Fr. Charbel!
00:27:38 Erick Chastain: The rule of St Benedict even says that there is no eating outside of the communal mealtime. So those who follow the rule outside of the monastery can follow this too.
00:32:22 Anthony: Maybe it could be a person who entered this kind of life is not called to
00:34:13 Art: My family has been out of the country for 2.5 weeks. I’ve been trying to give myself a little taste of the solitary life from the little I know. I’m sure my attempt is laughable compared to monks, but I still found it hard!
00:34:14 Callie Eisenbrandt: Can this be related to like normal life? Separating yourself from the world work on your relationship with the Lord - It is difficult to find a "good" community with support - so how is one supposed to mimic this when they are in society
00:43:01 Una: Blessed name day, Fr. Charbel. Any books or sources of his teachings you can recommend?
00:45:11 Cindy Moran: This might seem nuts but I waited until God sent me a mate who loves Jesus more than me
00:45:51 Anthony: "Love is a Radiant Light" is, I believe, a collection of St Charbel homilies
00:46:15 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "This might seem nuts..." with 🥰
00:47:15 Callie Eisenbrandt: Connect me Father! lol
00:49:11 Callie Eisenbrandt: haha thank you
00:51:00 Susanna Joy: A cruise / retreat would be good...count me in!
00:52:25 Anthony: In my experience, the torrents of unwelcome thoughts are a military maneuver to draw one's attention to the head and away from a still heart.
00:53:23 susan: for the sake of the 10 good men God saved the city
00:54:22 Susanna Joy: Ok!
00:54:59 Susanna Joy: Mountains in Maine and prayerful company😊
00:55:08 Leilani Nemeroff: Agree about being trapped on a boat!
01:03:45 Susanna Joy: Crucible
01:12:44 Una: What chapter are we in?
01:13:10 Una: Thanks. I'm new
01:13:32 Nypaver Clan: Replying to "Thanks. I'm new"
P. 230
01:13:44 Nypaver Clan: Replying to "Thanks. I'm new"
01:14:11 Nypaver Clan: Replying to "Thanks. I'm new"
01:18:33 Nypaver Clan: God bless you on your Feast Day, Fr. Charbel! 🙏🏼
01:18:41 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:19:29 Andrew Adams: Thank you, Father!
01:19:30 Jeff O.: Thank you Father, great to be with you all.
01:19:47 Cindy Moran: Thank you, Father, wonderful session.
01:19:49 Ann’s iPad: God Bless you Father
01:19:56 Leilani Nemeroff: Thank you! Happy name day!
01:20:03 Lilly (Toronto, CA): Book title?

Monday Jul 22, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XVI, Part II
Monday Jul 22, 2024
Monday Jul 22, 2024
We picked up once again with the theme of “loving fasting.” The severity of the desert father’s practice of this discipline reveals that love. They discovered not only how essential the body is in the spiritual struggle to overcome attachment and the order of one’s desires towards God, but also that fasting brings a simplicity to one’s life.
We begin to realize that we need much less than we imagine. We are often tempted to think that we need to pamper the body so as not to become sick or weak. It is the regular practice of fasting, we must keep in mind, that teaches us to see the intimate connection between eating and Christ. He is the bread of life and also he who gives us living water to drink in abundance. Therefore, we are to eat in a thoughtful and contemplative fashion, and to make an explicit connection between eating and the Eucharist. In fact fasting and the Eucharist shape the way that we eat. We must attend to the body, but we must also allow the body to serve us spiritually. We discipline ourselves not to punish the body as something evil but to allow everything to be directed toward what satisfies the deepest longing of the human heart.
We are not promised happiness in this world, but rather the invincible, peace, joy, and love of the kingdom. Fasting is one element that helped the monks learn to hunger for what endures.
Text of chat during the group:
00:07:29 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 127, # 8
00:43:17 Bob Cihak, AZ: Is the Elder hastening his own death excessively?
00:48:25 Susanna Joy: When I was a girl, we fasted on bread and water on Fridays, but after awhile stopped bc virtue is harder to practice ...making it pointless if no charity is left
00:48:53 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "When I was a girl, w..." with 😩
00:51:15 Susanna Joy: Right! The regular habit is important and the combination with prayer
00:51:57 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "Right! The regular h..." with 👍🏼
00:51:59 Maureen Cunningham: Holy Spirit will help
00:52:54 Forrest Cavalier: Is there a #16 that was skipped?
00:53:21 Cameron Jackson: Despondency. I can get how one can transcend Judas like despair. God is so good He can forgive all our sin but despair of life itself is another thing. I’m old, my money is running out, I can’t protect my family from ever present evil, etc. God doesn’t guarantee quality of life. How do you think this through? Life is suffering get used to it?!
00:56:40 Susanna Joy: Emerson
00:56:56 Susanna Joy: Most men lead lives of quiet desperation
00:58:33 David Fraley: I think that was Thoreau.
00:59:15 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "I think that was Tho..." with 👍🏼
01:01:28 Susanna Joy: Reacted to I think that was Tho... with "👍🏼"
01:08:10 Maureen Cunningham: How long did he live
01:14:54 Steve Yu: As a beginner, would one 16 hr fast a week be excessive?
01:15:00 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You , Blessing
01:15:31 Andrew Adams: Thank you, Father!
01:15:35 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:15:35 Forrest Cavalier: Steve, start by skipping breakfast.
01:15:36 Lorraine Green: Thank you Father!
01:15:43 David Fraley: Thank you, Father.

Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XV, Part IV and XVI, Part I
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
We continued our discussion of the fathers’ love for abstinence and fasting. While their feats seem amazing to us as well as how little food they needed to sustain themselves, the importance is what this love of these disciplines show us. They were not embraced simply as forms of discipline or endurance, but rather that which humbled the mind and the body. It is counterintuitive for all of those who live in times of great abundance to imagine that radically limiting both the amount and type of food that we eat could have such great significance for the spiritual life. At one point, the practices are compared to David slaying a lion in the protection of his flock. Fasting allows us to put our trust in God, and so becomes a weapon capable of slaying a far more fierce enemy. Similarly, David rushed out to do battle with Goliath with nothing but a sling and a few stones. Likewise, we rush out in battle, unencumbered by the things of this world caring with us the humble weapons of fasting and constant prayer.
Text of chat during the group:
00:09:22 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 124, #5
00:12:09 David Fraley: Hello Father!
00:22:14 Maureen Cunningham: What page
00:22:33 Lilly: Pg 125 #8
00:23:01 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You
00:32:04 Adam Paige: gyrovagues
00:38:26 Bob Cihak, AZ: Waste not, Want not, Skinny not.
00:44:24 Adam Paige: "Prayer, mercy and fasting: these three are one, and they give life to each other. Fasting is the soul of prayer, almsgiving is the lifeblood of fasting. Let no one try to separate them; they cannot be separated." - St. Peter Chrysologus Sermo 43 (Office of Readings for Tuesday of the 3rd week of Lent)
00:47:54 Forrest Cavalier: In Hypothesis 16 there are stories of extreme fasting, some of which must be miraculous, but not without other imitations that are attested. There are several saints who lived multiple years only consuming Eucharist, including St. Catherine of Sienna and St. Joseph of Cupertino.
01:03:59 Rebecca Thérèse: Yes
01:14:53 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:14:57 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You
01:15:33 Andrew Adams: Thank you, Father!
01:15:55 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father.
01:15:56 David Fraley: Thank you, Father!
01:16:01 Jennifer Ahearn: 🙏 thank you.
01:16:08 Mark: thank you father

Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XV, Part III
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
The fathers often draw us along this mysterious path, the narrow path, that leads to the kingdom. They lead us, as it were, “where angels fear to tread.” They show us in an unvarnished fashion how the path to Godly love and virtue passes through affliction.
Yet, even that is too simplistic. It is the suffering heart, the heart crushed by prayer and the desire for God, that gives birth to virtue. One cannot have God sorrow and suffering if he does not first cherish the causes of these.
It is here that we must pray for the illumination that comes through faith. For we are told fear of God and the reproof of one’s conscience give birth to this godly sorrow. Abstinence and vigil keep company with a suffering heart and strengthen it to remain upon this path. Gluttony in all of its forms gives rise to the bad blood of the passions, and drives out the influx of the Spirit.
Thus, while we are young, we must learn to delight in what comes from the labor of compunction. If we do not, we will simply provoke confusion and callousness in the heart. We will be frustrated and lose our desire for God. Knowledge of God and the things of God do not reside in the hedonist; and the one who loves his body will not acquire the grace of God.
There is a plethora of ways that we idolize the body and its needs. It is for this reason that we are given multiple stories of elders crushing the demons by their asceticism. They starve the demons by not allowing them to feed upon the disordered and the unholy desires that often dwell within our hearts. If a man spends his life in fasting, then his adversaries, the passions and the demons flee, enfeebled, from his soul.
Text of chat during the group:
00:37:43 Kate : I think sometimes we can hesitate in the ascetical life due to an exaggerated fear of suffering. I know I have felt this myself. But when we begin to engage in ascetical practices there is a sweetness and joy and peace in making our way towards God. It is not a sensible sweetness, but a deep interior sweetness.
00:38:51 Adam Paige: At church and Catholic home meetings, I'm constantly being offered food.. it's not always clear whether to accept hospitality or decline sometimes large amounts of food
00:44:25 Fr Marty, AZ, 480-292-3381: Besides wine, it sounds like that satiating our longing for God or restlessness to do God's will by overdoing anything: food, lust, entertainment, news, even complaining, can numb our sensitivity to not just the Holy Spirit's guidance, but even our ability to just be at rest with life we've been given and be
content during prayer.
00:44:45 Adam Paige: Reacted to "Besides wine, it sou..." with ❤️🔥
00:48:56 Forrest Cavalier: καὶ αὐτὸς. ποὺ ἀγαπᾷ τὸ σῶπα του
00:49:06 Forrest Cavalier: Agape love
00:53:21 Forrest Cavalier: It is the greek original of "he who loves his own body"
00:55:36 Anthony: I went to Italy and got some prayer cards from Naples and Calabria. Some of them do not end prayer in "Amen" but "Cosi sià," which I take to mean "As He (the Lord) wills."
01:02:07 Fr Marty, AZ, 480-292-3381: Just as God wants us well fed in those things that keep us healthy, could it be that the devils have the strategy to starve us spiritually by glutting our appetites, and keep us from feeding on the Word of God or Body of Christ. It seems at times I've been starving on a full stomach. That even in great pleasure, I felt no love or joy..
01:05:52 Jennifer Ahearn: There is a term I just learned ‘simping’, in romantic relationships a male who is over attentive and submissive to a woman’s desire. Only the blessings and God’s good pleasure to see his children fulfilled really satisfy the soul and strengthen the Sacrament.
01:06:14 Anthony: I'm preparing to move, and trying to follow St Charbel's advice, cutting out of my life books that I bought to be a somebody, a scholar, but really are so much extra weight - other than the one "jar" I should carry or am called to carry in life, for my vocation.
01:08:44 Ambrose Little, OP: Jim Gaffigan
01:08:51 Nypaver Clan: Jim Gaffigan?
01:09:12 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "Jim Gaffigan" with 👍🏼
01:14:08 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you 🙂Happy birthday🎂
01:14:14 Anthony: Auguri, Padre!
01:14:23 Adam Paige: Ad multos annos !
01:14:23 Steve Yu: Happy Birthday, Father!
01:14:24 Nypaver Clan: Birthday blessings
01:15:03 Andrew Adams: Thank you, Father! Happy Birthday!
01:15:23 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father. Happy Birthday.

Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
St. John Climacus once again gives us powerful images to help us understand the meaning of stillness and how it is to be protected. One such image is that of an eyelash that falls into the eye and creates irritation. The enemy of stillness is agitation; we are often driven to distraction by a concern for our physical and emotional well-being. Fear can create within us a kind of hypochondria. We become hypersensitive to our health and well-being. Unchecked, this fear can be become so excessive that it creates a massive neurosis that prevent us from trusting in the providence and promises of God. We no longer feel ourselves being drawn along by love or seeking to remain in that stillness in order that we might know intimacy with the beloved. Rather, we desperately push forward, driving ourselves to the point of exhaustion, seeking a worldly peace and security.
However, in this we deprive ourselves of a childlike sense of wonder at the life and love the God has made possible for us. Therefore, as Christ tells us, we may not experience the kingdom even though it dwells within us because we are focused upon controlling our life and shaping our own identity. Once the simplicity is lost, it can lead to a kind of quiet desperation. Our hearts long for love from others and from God, but in the complexity that we have created and the thick hedge of responsibilities with which we surround ourselves, we lose faith and hope that such freedom can ever be ours again.
Text of chat during the group:
00:03:18 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 228, #48
00:26:14 Anthony: Another issue is for one in involuntary solitude, having a desire for companionship goes out to fill the void
00:27:33 Anthony: This is a reason for excessive social media or tv or radio, and God's gifts are dissipated
00:30:57 Bob Cihak, AZ: The stutters are because you're reflecting as we go.
00:36:19 Anthony: Not to analyze the thoughts. I've been surprised by horrid thoughts, and thereafter been so concerned about them, that concern brings them to mind.
00:47:15 Kate : It’s almost as if we don’t trust the grace of God. We don’t trust the Providence of God and His Presence within the soul.
00:55:09 Susanna Joy: So true...believing the promise of God's everlasting goodness is key. Elizabeth said to Mary: Blessed is she who believed that the promise made by God would be fulfilled.
And it is true for all of us.
00:57:32 Lilly (Toronto, CA): Covid was a curse *and* a blessing, it brought Fr Abernethy to my life...I am so grateful 🙏
00:57:51 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "Covid was a curse *a..." with 🥰
00:57:57 Lilly (Toronto, CA): Reacted to "Covid was a curse *a…" with 🥰
00:58:40 Kevin Burke: Reacted to "Covid was a curse *a…" with 👌
01:03:55 Susanna Joy: Yes...wonder!
01:04:13 Greg C: It was a blessing to me as I began to read scripture much more deeply, and understand the Divine Liturgy with so much more love.
01:04:26 Susanna Joy: Reacted to It was a blessing to... with "❤️"
01:04:36 Susanna Joy: Reacted to Covid was a curse *a... with "❤️"
01:04:46 Greg C: Reacted to "Covid was a curse *a..." with ❤️
01:16:49 Susanna Joy: Jesus did say, unless you become like little children you cannot enter the kingdom of God.
01:19:21 Susanna Joy: Trust and Wonder.💗
01:19:58 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father!
01:20:08 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:21:08 Cindy Moran: My birthday is July 8...I will be thinking of you!
01:21:18 Sharon: Thank you!

Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XV, Part II
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
What is it that we are hungry for in this world? So many of the writings of the fathers can be reduced to this very question. What is the deepest desire of our hearts? What have we been created for and what satisfies the sense of incompleteness or the strange feeling of nostalgia within us?
Because we have been created for God and find in Him our truest identity, we are going to experience ourselves as strangers in a strange world. We are made like everyone else and experience internal and external pressures to pursue what the world deems legitimate and of value. In the process, any thought of the future or the remembrance of God slips out of our minds. We become slaves not only to our bellies but to everything that we consume in an unthinking fashion.
Abstemiousness and simplicity are not about lack but rather fullness. We must attend to the very real needs of the flesh but only as much as is required - and sometimes less. When we lose sight of God, our internal world is driven by anxiety and fear. We seek for security and to protect ourselves from want. What we find in the fathers, however, is not a starving of themselves, but rather the starving of the demons and what they nourish themselves upon. We engage in the ascetic life in order not to keep feeding the appetites and the passions that tie us to the world.
This is no easy task. Rationalization and the illusion of joy and freedom keep us moving forward. However, these things (very much like rights and happiness) are very fragile. We think they are the norm but this is perhaps the great deception of our times.
Our life has been given to us for repentance and we must not waste it. Life is a relationship; a constant turning towards God and who is constantly seeking us. Let us not grieve the Holy Spirit by seeking to quench our thirst for life and hunger for love other than in God.
Text of chat during the group:
00:11:09 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 118, para 2
00:17:20 Bob Cihak, AZ: Oops. P. 119, para 2
00:31:47 Cindy Moran: Usury
00:34:45 Cindy Moran: No cash allowed at Pirate game concessions
01:08:03 Jennifer Ahearn: Constant prayer, unceasing. There is a Freedom for Excellence between deficit and excess
01:08:47 Jennifer Ahearn: FOMO😃
01:09:26 Jennifer Ahearn: Stay in the rhythm of The Church
01:10:56 Jennifer Ahearn: St. Philip Nero ‘if it is not leading to Christ, cut it out’. Holy leisure is important.
01:11:24 Janine: You are 100% correct
01:12:01 Jennifer Ahearn: Neri
01:12:09 Paul G.: WE experience your teachings and get ntold blessings Father
01:12:24 Paul G.: Untold
01:12:39 Susanna Joy: Reacted to WE experience your t... with "❤️"
01:14:55 Lori Hatala: the things you share are shared with others and create a ripple effect of gratitude and thought provoking prayer.
01:15:00 Jennifer Ahearn: Constant prayer, unceasing. There is a Freedom for Excellence between deficit and excess
01:16:40 Jennifer Ahearn: St Louis DeMontfort Consecration five years in a row in October changed my interior life and mind.
01:18:31 Forrest Cavalier: For me, reading has been very eye opening that the practices noted in Evergetinos are not fantastical. He does write that those who live with others will need more nourishment. Monks less, Hermits even less.
01:19:51 Jennifer Ahearn: Yes! Thank you so much, Fr. Charbel. It is a constant reality ♥️🙏
01:20:13 Jennifer Ahearn: It is exciting ♥️🙏
01:21:14 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:21:16 Cameron Jackson: Thank you.
01:21:17 Andrew Adams: Thank you, Father!
01:21:26 Kevin Burke: Thank You Father!
01:21:34 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father.
01:22:22 Lorraine Green: !Thank you Fr., good luck with the move

Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
There is a beautiful movement created in the heart by St. John’s writing; it is almost a dance. We move back-and-forth with St. John by simultaneously reflecting upon the beauty of silence and stillness and the intimacy that we experience with God through it - while also being shown what the loss of the silence does to us.
The silence of which St. John speaks is not just the absence of noise, but rather the presence of a love and life that transcends our understanding. It can only be experienced. Therefore, St. John holds out before us the intimacy for which our our hearts long and that can be found in the silence while also warning us of the dangers and the pitfalls that allow this great gift to slip through our fingers.
The more we become attentive to the interior life, the more we realize how easily we can be distracted; how our thoughts and feelings can be manipulated either by our own appetites or by demonic provocation. It has been said that “Hurry destroys both poets and Saints“. The frenetic activity that surrounds us agitates and fragments the mind and the heart. To live in such a state for a long period of time dulls one’s sensibilities not only to the finer things of life but to God himself.
Thus, the preliminary task John tell us is disengagement from all affairs, whether reasonable or senseless. Both can be equally distracting to us. In fact, it’s often easier for us to recognize the inane things to which we direct our attention then it is to see how the responsibilities and demands that we have set for ourselves places us on a never-ending treadmill of activity of mind and body.
And so let us simplify our lives. It does not take long for us to realize the gains of doing so. We begin to taste, perhaps for the first time, the sweetness of those things that endure.
Text of chat during the group:
00:04:54 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 227, #41
00:37:54 David: OBS software?
00:40:41 Leilani Nemeroff: True, I stopped watching tv. It’s amazing how annoying it is when you’re exposed.
00:41:22 Cindy Moran: Most major movie trailers will have a cut every second.
00:43:15 Callie Eisenbrandt: Father- sometimes I feel guilty turning to the Jesus prayer when I'm feeling distracted or off track, like my mind isn't where it needs to be to be saying the prayer
00:44:16 Leilani Nemeroff: Yes, pronounced correctly!
00:44:26 Cindy Moran: The term for what you describe is called "jump cut"
00:44:41 Dave Warner (AL): Reacted to "The term for what yo..." with 👍
00:45:28 David: Something interest on OBS. We do educational conferences and if more than 15 seconds of silence passes we loose 15-20% of attendants. AHAD apparently has become a norm
00:45:32 Rebecca Thérèse: People are advised that their film clips should be no longer than 3 seconds otherwise people lose attention
00:50:11 Anthony: There's an Orthodox priest, Fr. Barnabas Powell, who says "you are not your thoughts." That really good when thoughts waylay a person like hoodlums.
00:50:38 David: I was taught to see it as waves coming in from the shore for the Jesus Prayer which really helps. It does have a soothing repetition that is similiar.
00:55:35 Maureen Cunningham: Human doing not being
00:55:37 Lori Hatala: Sometimes when saying the Jesus prayer I must say it slowly and loudly when having distracting thoughts until they subside.
00:57:31 Dave Warner (AL): Silence is also the domain of software programmers.
00:58:23 Anthony: In Lercara Friddi, Sicily the town was so silent in siesta that I could hear the pigeons cooing.
01:05:34 Jennifer Ahearn: Ineffable ‘internal journey’
01:07:34 David: God calls us by name the devil by our sin. We are not defined by our faults
01:08:43 Cindy Moran: I wrote in my Bible when I was 15 yrs old: "Even in my biggest mistake, I am not a mistake"
01:12:28 Kate : I find that the time I am most vulnerable to distraction is after receiving Holy Communion. Sometimes the Jesus Prayer is the only thing I can grasp hold of, so as not to be swept away by the distractions. It is quite a battle sometimes.
01:18:59 Rebecca Thérèse: Sometimes the parking lot is more conducive to prayer after communion than the church
01:19:09 Jacqulyn: Wow! 15 minutes... bring it on! :-)
01:19:23 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You Blessing keep you in prayer Amen
01:19:37 Andrew Adams: Thank you, Father!
01:19:38 Jennifer Ahearn: Thank you
01:19:38 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father very inspiring session!
01:19:41 David: Thank you father!
01:19:51 Leilani Nemeroff: Thank you
01:19:51 Dave Warner (AL): Thank you Father - what a Blessing!
01:19:54 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂

Monday Jun 24, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XIV, and XV, Part I
Monday Jun 24, 2024
Monday Jun 24, 2024
Humility and affliction: Two words that often evoke within us intense fear and anxiety. We are formed by a kind of pathological self-love. The fathers understood our focus upon worldly things as a need to create a sense of security and identity. We desperately want to protect ourselves from hardship and from pain and so we surround ourselves as much as we can to distract ourselves from the reality of death or the presence of suffering in our lives and in the world.
It is not only external realities the drive us to this but also vainglory. In some sense our desperate need to protect our dignity and self-esteem can be greater than our bodily desires. We will fight desperately to keep ourselves from the experience of humiliation or to hold on to a position of emotional power in relationships. However, in all these things, we sacrifice true freedom, joy, and peace. For when we embrace our identity in Christ as sons and daughters of God, when we let go of our attachment to the things of this world, then we begin to experience a kind of invincible freedom and joy.
He who belongs to Christ has all; and whatever he loses within this world for the sake of Christ will be returned a hundredfold. What the fathers are trying to teach us is that while we suffer within this world we never suffer alone or in isolation. Our communion with Christ means that he is always present to us and that the crosses we bear only draw closer to him. The love of the kingdom is cruciform. Thus, to allow ourselves to be broken and poured out is to manifest that love in its perfection
Text of chat during the group:
00:08:55 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 115, "F"
00:10:08 Fr. Charbel Abernethy: Good evening everyone
00:11:53 Jessica Michel: Hello Father Charbel. Good Morning
01:10:05 Forrest Cavalier: I have read to 74 of “To Love Fasting” the point is very clear that gradually accepting discipline makes it easier to accept harder discipline. This can take years.
01:10:05 Lorraine Green: Thank you Father!
01:10:23 Forrest Cavalier: I meant page 74
01:14:40 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You
01:15:10 Susanna Joy: Thank you, Father Charbel.
01:15:20 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:15:27 Erick Chastain: thank you father charbel
01:15:27 Jessica Michel: Thank you
01:15:31 Cameron Jackson: Thank you.
01:15:33 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father.

Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVII: On Stillness of Mind and Body, Part IV
Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
In pursuing life in Christ, the experience of reality is often turned on its head. Our perception of the world around us and the interior world is shaped and formed by so many forces and influences. In a counterintuitive fashion, we have to move in opposing directions to the things that satisfy our ego or the desires of the flesh.
Needless to say this can be disconcerting. We may see ourselves as understanding the faith or as having grown in certain virtues only to have it dispersed in an instant by the light of God’s truth. Whether it is something small or great, we can see how far we are from the stillness of mind and body of which Saint John speaks. Indeed, St. John tells us that many of these things the common run of men will find quite alien to themselves.
We are often cast about on the sea of our emotions or blown like a reed in the wind. We struggle with a certain aberration of mind; that is, we are ever so inconstant and changeable in the way that we live our lives. If one does not acknowledge this and struggle throughout the years to purify the heart, then to enter into the life of solitude and stillness can only lead to derangement.
If what guides us is not the humble love and desire to give ourselves over completely to Christ then we are going to be fragmented internally by the most fierce passions. Anger will increase and even the memories of past wounds within the mind can fuel our resentment and drive us to the brink of madness. The person who enters into stillness well is completely unruffled by the chaos that exist in our world and becomes abstracted from the things that take hold of other peoples imagination as having great value. For the hesychast, however, there is only Christ!
Text of chat during the group:
00:06:08 Greg C: Father, is that still Step 27? I missed last week.
00:06:16 Fr. Charbel Abernethy: page 226 paragraph 32
00:06:24 Fr. Charbel Abernethy: yes. Step 27
00:06:33 Greg C: Thank you!
00:09:50 Bob Cihak, AZ: Will our next book be Ascetical Homilies of St. Isaac the Syrian, by Holy Transfiguration Monastery?
00:10:14 Adam Paige: Reacted to " …" with ☦️
00:25:08 Art: Where can a lay person obtain a basic rule to follow, to grow with, and progress in?
00:27:19 Adam Paige:
00:27:49 Art: Reacted to "https://store.melkit..." with 👍
00:40:04 Cindy Moran: also " to make sublime "
00:56:28 Fr Marty, AZ: Being with people who push my buttons, seems to me, to be one of God’s most common ways of showing me what He wants to heal in me. Metropolitan Vlachos, with his priests in mind, once wrote a book on the healing found in the Desert Fathers. He admitted that they had a good academic study of theology, but he lamented that they did not know how to lead their flocks into healing because they had not gone down the path to their own healing. His remark in the book was, “Theology…is the fruit of a man’s healing.”
01:01:20 Ren Witter: That day, I might have gotten a message from Fr. Charbel saying he was going into permanent seclusion 😂
01:01:57 Julie’s iPad: St Diadochos taught: “ Just as, when the doors of the baths are left continually open,the heat inside is quickly driven out,so also the soul, when it wishes to say many things, even though everything that it says may be good, disperses its concentration through the door of the voice”.
01:12:45 David: 😀
01:13:00 Greg C: 😁
01:13:13 Fr Marty, AZ: :)
01:13:26 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father...excellent session.
01:13:27 Jeff O.: Thank you!
01:13:32 David: Thank you father!
01:13:33 Lorraine Green: Thank you
01:13:40 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂

Monday Jun 17, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XIII, Part II
Monday Jun 17, 2024
Monday Jun 17, 2024
Only the most stalwart and patient of souls can follow along with this evening’s readings without being troubled. Once again it is repeated for us that our life is to be one of constant repentance; that is, turning toward God. Systematically the fathers break down every illusion that we might have about ourselves as having no need of such repentance. Even if we fulfill the work of the day, our response must be like the servants in the gospel: “we are unworthy and have only fulfilled what is our duty.”
Our state of mind can only be that of gratitude for the gift of God’s mercy and grace. He has bestowed upon us an abundance of love despite the fact that we have often, as the scriptures tell us, treated him as “enemies”. Indeed our infidelity and the depths to which it reaches eludes are perception.
Even our growth in virtue should instill within us a greater urgency for this repentance. Growth shows previous inadequacy and negligence. We cannot be prideful or glorious about what we achieve; acknowledging that it is but a pale shadow of the love that God has bestowed upon us.
Such an attitude also leads us to a deeper understanding of the need to embrace affliction. The gospel does not promise the security of this world or its comforts. In fact, just the opposite. To live for God, to embody the beatitudes is to find ourselves scorned and mocked by the world. The narrow way that leads to the kingdom passes inevitably through Calvary.
Text of chat during the group:
00:06:45 Bob Cihak, AZ: P. 112, 3rd paragraph
00:25:55 Lilly: What page are we on?
00:26:11 Lilly: Thank you
00:58:49 Kate : Father,
I am thinking about the Sacrament of Penance. My experience has been very legalistic and not really focused on this repentance, this turning towards of God that you are speaking about. Do you have any recommendations on how to prepare for Confession that would be focused on this kind of repentance?
01:02:47 Lilly: I personally found the Eastern sacrament of penance humiliating-in a good way-as we are face to face with the priest, and depending on the father has us under his mantle and full body prostration
01:07:39 Forrest Cavalier: O Lord, I believe and profess that you are truly Christ, the Son of the living God, who came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the first.
Accept me today as a partaker of your mystical supper, O Son of God, for I will not reveal your mystery to your enemies, nor will I give you a kiss as did Judas, but like the thief I profess you:
Remember me, O Lord, when you come in your kingdom.
Remember me, O Master, when you come in your kingdom.
Remember me, O Holy One, when you come in your kingdom.
01:07:50 Forrest Cavalier: May the partaking of your holy mysteries, O Lord, be not for my judgment or condemnation but for the healing of soul and body.
O Lord, I also believe and profess that this, which I am about to receive, is truly your most precious body and your life-giving blood, which, I pray, make me worthy to receive for the remission of all my sins and for life everlasting. Amen.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O God, cleanse me of my sins and have mercy on me.
O Lord, forgive me for I have sinned without number.
01:08:25 Forrest Cavalier: From
01:15:32 Maureen Cunningham: Thank you Father Blessing
01:15:44 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father
01:15:48 Cameron Jackson: Thank you
01:16:02 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVII: On Stillness of Mind and Body, Part III
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
What possibly could hesychasm or the life of hesychasts - those who live in perpetual stillness and prayer - mean for those who living in the world; for all of those surrounded by a constant stream of noise and distraction?The answer is everything! Though few are called to this manner of life, all are destined to experience the fullness of its joy and sweetness in Christ in the kingdom. We have been made sons and daughters of God and the very Spirit of Love dwells within our hearts.
What moves us to emulate the fathers in their discipline, to seek what they seek, must be the same desire. Our experience of Christ, our drawing close to him through prayer, the sacraments, and the scriptures must kindle within us an urgent longing for what He alone can provide.
Those who love the things of the world do not see the pursuit of them as being extreme. Why is it when it comes to seeking the One who offers us perfect Life and Love that we become self-conscious; that we begin to worry about what others may think of us or how they might treat us? Why is this true even though Christ tells us that we should expect to be hated all by all because of His name? The Hesychast becomes the image of one who adds fire to fire. Having tasted the sweetness of Divine Love, he is willing to sell all to possess it. Gradually he becomes prayer and his life - a sacrifice of praise. In this he becomes like unto the angels.
Text of chat during the group:
00:29:15 Michael Hinckley: what you are talking about reminds me of St Thomas' straw comment.
00:32:04 Nick Bodmer: I believe it was Sartre
00:32:20 Michael Hinckley: "other people" came from that play no exxt?
00:32:25 Michael Hinckley: exit
00:32:32 Nick Bodmer: Yes, No Exit
00:32:47 Susan M: YES IT WAS SARTRE
00:32:56 Michael Hinckley: On the feast of St. Nicholas [in 1273, Aquinas] was celebrating Mass when he received a revelation that so affected him that he wrote and dictated no more, leaving his great work the Summa Theologiae unfinished. To Brother Reginald’s (his secretary and friend) expostulations he replied, “The end of my labors has come. All that I have written appears to be as so much straw after the things that have been revealed to me.” When later asked by Reginald to return to writing, Aquinas said, “I can write no more. I have seen things that make my writings like straw.”
00:55:18 Rebecca Thérèse: It made a big difference to me when I was talking to a Catholic priest and I realised that he really believed what he was saying. That was one of the main things that informed my decision to become Catholic having previously been Anglican.
00:57:13 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "It made a big differ..." with 🥰
01:01:20 Michael Hinckley: need to drop This Holy Priest is living much of what is mentioned here. He is part time hermit and fun to watch
01:07:28 Kate : It seems like he is giving us an examination of conscience when he lists the different places on the ladder.
01:08:11 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "It seems like he is ..." with 👍🏼
01:11:41 Andres Oropeza: What if you suffer from despondency but the common life isn’t an
option and yet the battle rages around you, or even if you aren’t alone but the people with you can’t offer what’s needed? Should we not pursue stillness by cutting out distractions, focus on prayer and fasting etc. or temper it in some way?
01:19:58 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father!
01:20:05 Jeff O.: Thank you!! Great to be with you all.
01:20:09 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XIII, Part I
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
We picked up this evening with Hypothesis 13 on the subject of keeping Vigil and not giving oneself over to excessive sleep. However, as we immersed ourselves in the reading, we began to see the father guiding us into something much deeper. The teaching on keeping vigil is a bridge to talking about Repentance.
We were presented with the most beautiful understanding of the path the Christ guide us upon. There is a radical simplicity about it that is meant to cut through our tendency to turn the faith into something that is complex and impossible to understand. Repentance is not confined to particular times and deeds, but is put into practice to the extent that the commandments of Christ are fulfilled. The struggle for it is continuous until death.
The kingdom of Heaven is at hand! This is our path! It is the constant turning toward God that draws us forward, transforms us, and allows us to comprehend the things of the kingdom. This forsaking of self and sin is the oil of our lamps and each person will reveal who he is from this lamp. His own, not another’s! It is filled and the light kindled by the practice of virtue.
In fact, we are told that if we fail to live this and proclaim it to the world both in word and deed, we annul all that we do because we forget and do not take into account death. Our entire life is to be a striving to enter by the narrow gate, to walk the path of repentance - the dying to self and the rising to new life in Christ
Text of chat during the group:
00:07:23 Fr. Charbel Abernethy: Hypothesis XIII page 108
00:23:19 Lori Hatala: Like a soldier.
00:25:31 Adam Paige: To Love Fasting (pdf)
00:26:22 Dave Warner (AL): Reacted to "To Love Fasting (pdf..." with 👍
00:30:55 Steve Yu: Reacted to "To Love Fasting (pdf…" with 👍
01:12:51 Lorraine Green: Thank you Fr.!
01:12:56 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father
01:13:02 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:13:04 Steve Yu: Thank you, Father!
01:13:25 Jessica Michel: Thank you Father
01:13:46 Lori Hatala: or a date
01:14:11 Rebecca Thérèse: Can you set it up so you have a choice of oldest first or most recent first? YouTube channels have this option for example
01:14:30 Cameron Jackson: Thank you.
Very grateful.

Thursday Jun 06, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVII: On Stillness of Mind and Body, Part II
Thursday Jun 06, 2024
Thursday Jun 06, 2024
It’s hard to imagine ourselves as being nourished upon stillness and silence. Yet, this is exactly what the fathers and St. John Climacus seek to teach us. Stillness allows us to have an experiential knowledge of intimacy with God - an encounter with Mystery. When we have shut the door to the senses, when we stilled our mouth from constant chatter and when we have shut the gate of the heart to demonic powers, it is then that we become prayer and gaze upon the Lord face-to-face. Our petitions, our needs and sorrows are written with love and zeal.
We are to become an earthly image of an angel, whose prayer has not only been freed from sloth and negligence, but even from a kind of self-consciousness. The heart is ever ready for the Lord and His approach; and even if the body should sleep, the heart is awake and awaiting the beloved.
Therefore, stillness is not only about being quiet, but rather it is a path to intimacy. The greater one’s love grows, the more passionate one becomes in their desire for God - everything on the periphery fades away and we see only our Lord.
Text of chat during the group:
00:09:13 Fr. Charbel: page 223 no 11
00:24:18 Kate : “What more do you want, 0 soul! And what else do you search for outside, when within yourself you possess your riches, delights, satisfactions, fullness, and kingdom - your Beloved whom you desire and seek? Be joyful and gladdened in your interior recollection with Him, for you have Him so close to you. Desire Him there, adore Him there. Do not go in pursuit of Him outside yourself. You will only become distracted and wearied thereby, and you shall not find Him, nor enjoy Him more securely, nor sooner, nor more intimately than by seeking Him within you.” St John of the Cross
00:30:42 Rebecca Thérèse: Can the Holy Spirit shine light on the soul directly, for example if there is no suitable spiritual director or if there are people actively trying to corrupt and mislead the soul?
00:39:08 Nypaver Clan: Is it healthy to have a spiritual director who becomes ones “best friend”? Where are the boundaries to be set for a spiritual director?
00:41:54 Rachel: Yes, it jeopardizes their capacity to love, purely. As we cannot love purely with a gaze directed towards self or creatures
00:43:40 Rachel: it reduces the capacity to see God in the other and the only way a priest can help another or lay people help another is to first know God, to seek God and the ultimatele friendship in God, " I call you friends"
01:08:00 Fr Marty, AZ: I wanted to add to spiritual direction discussion. Everything that was said about spiritual directors is important. Boundaries and confidentiality are needful and we’re also meant to grow in detachment; that’s part of hesychasm. Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean without care and affection. I’ve been close to spiritual directors, especially after ten or fifteen years of direction. And I’ve also became good friends of their other spiritual children. In a detached way, we had joy, love, and openness, but still my spiritual directors were not friends. And boundaries were still maintained. And when we’ve buried them, the other spiritual children fondly remembered their care for us. On the other hand, I once asked a friend who is an exceptional spiritual director to be mine but it didn’t work out.
01:10:09 Eric Ewanco: I observe that stillness and silence plays a central role in the desert fathers, but I don't recall it being discussed in Scripture. Is this based on experience and tradition, or is it rooted in something in Scripture?
01:13:31 Greg C: Thank you, Father!
01:13:38 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:13:44 Jennifer Ahearn: Thank you.
01:13:48 Lori Hatala: Happy Birthday
01:14:27 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father.
01:14:35 Jeff O.: Thank you! Great to be with you all.
01:14:38 Nypaver Clan: A blessed birthday, Mrs. A.!

Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XII, Part I
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
We picked up this evening with Hypothesis 12. The subtitle is on avoiding idle talk. However, this does not do justice to what we are given in the text. It is revealed to us how we are to kindle within our hearts the fire of love for God that then gives rise to a holy sacrifice of praise.
Thus, the greatest thing that we can give God is to emulate the angels who praise Him without ceasing. Our love for the Lord should give rise to an urgent longing within the heart to call out to Him constantly and without distraction.
Likewise, when we pray in common, we are to be attentive to the fact that we are responsible for the attentiveness of those around us and seek to preserve their focus. We do not pray or chant in an individualistic fashion but again imitate the angels in crying out to the Lord with one voice of love.
What a blessing monks are for the church. The fathers tell us that Christ perfects the praise of infants; that is, he prefects the prayer of the monk in his innocence and childlike simplicity. It is through this humble prayer and sacrifice of praise that the demons are conquered. What makes this even more powerful is that it is often done hidden from the eyes of the world. Such prayer is offered without pride or self-consciousness. Rather it rises unimpeded to the very throne of God on behalf of all.
Text of chat during the group:
00:46:55 Forrest Cavalier: Since you mentioned the comment of the monk, I was thinking that every vocation is "impossible". Hence the need for grace.
01:06:33 Lorraine Green: Thank you!
01:07:05 Lisa Smith: Thank you Fr. And God bless you.🙏
01:07:26 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you

Wednesday May 29, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVII: On Stillness of Mind and Body, Part I
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Wednesday May 29, 2024
St. John Climacus brings us now to discuss the fruits of the ascetic life. We picked up this evening with Step 27 on “stillness of mind and body”. John is very hesitant to approach such a subject. He does not want to distract the warrior from the task at hand; that is, those who are engaged in the spiritual warfare against the passions and the provocations of the evil one. He only relents because he understands how important it is to see the goal of the spiritual life so that it might increase our desire for God and our detachment from the things of the world.
Holy stillness emerges when the Nous, the eye of the heart, has become impenetrable and undistracted by the noise of the world. The disordered passions have now become a purified and single passion or desire for God. The love of and immersion in silence deepens because it is there that God speaks a Word that is equal to Himself. The language of Love, beyond words, begins to well up from within - united to the Spirit that cries out with groans that are beyond our understanding.
St. John acknowledges that many will not perceive or grasp the holy violence of the Hesychast; that is, the radical turning away from the things of the world in order to turn completely toward God. This turning toward God, however, does not limit our vision or comprehension as those who are worldly often believe. Rather, it opens us up to an experience of infinite mystery of God himself; everlasting Life and Love.
Text of chat during the group:
00:06:16 FrDavid Abernethy: page 221
00:06:30 FrDavid Abernethy: Sept 27 On Holy Stillness
00:36:18 Anthony: How do we relate, then to people like I have met, pagan Hindus and a Muslim, who also appeared to me to have this spirit of peace?
00:41:16 Rachel: Yes!!
00:41:32 Rachel: Saint Charles de Foucald
00:41:55 Rachel: Algeria
00:42:05 Rachel: same as St. Charles De Foucald
00:43:55 David: O Gods and Men is the movie
00:44:25 David:
00:45:06 David: The original is French Des Hommes et des dieux
00:47:14 Jeff O.: When I was Nepal, the Christians would, instead of greeting with “namaste” greet with the phrase “J’amasee” - “I honor Christ (and his work) in you.” I thought that was a beautiful way to greet people with the honor and love of seeing Christ in the other…
00:49:17 Rachel: This happens in iconography as well/
00:49:31 Anthony: Reacted to This happens in icon... with "👍"
00:49:41 Rachel: Or I should say, sacred art as opposed to iconogrpahy
00:53:09 Rachel: I am not criticizing either but making a distinction when someone thinks that" abstraction" in iconography is simplified, yet, it is the overly realistic and naturalistic emphasis on every line that detracts from the mystery that is being revealed before us.
00:58:22 Rachel: Oh my goodness. That is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
01:00:03 Anthony: Reacted to When I was Nepal, th... with "👍"
01:01:09 Maureen Cunningham: Did Father Damion who lived among the leaders in Hawaii
01:01:27 Anthony: Replying to "I am not criticizing..."
Compare the "naive" ...
01:02:17 Maureen Cunningham: He would go on a boat to and yell his confessions. I was told
01:02:44 David:
01:11:26 David: Theology without practice is the theology of demons- Maximus the Confessor
01:14:34 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You Father
01:15:02 David: Thank you father!
01:15:02 Jennifer Ahearn: Thank you
01:15:05 Rachel: Thank you
01:15:05 Jeff O.: thank you!
01:15:19 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank yu

Monday May 27, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XI, Part III
Monday May 27, 2024
Monday May 27, 2024
As we conclude Hypothesis 11, we are given very solid food to nourish our understanding of the nature of prayer and our demeanor. How is it that we are called to worship God, to pray the psalms, and what is our demeanor to be following that worship?
A kind of liturgical asceticism must guide and direct our prayer and piety. Even the way that we pray and celebrate the liturgy, and one might say especially here, must allow the grace of God to guide and direct us. As always, Christ is the standard and the model. It is his humility, silence, obedience to God that must form and shape the way that we approach the altar and the manner in which we listen to the word of God.
We must pray in a manner fosters patience and that allows us to listen with the spirit of contrition. We gather before God not to alter our emotional state or to create an experience that simply elevates the mind. We come before God to offer him a sacrifice of praise and that sacrifice is the fullness of our self. We are to be completely given over to him in such way that we withhold nothing from Him and are capable of receiving everything He desires to give us.
Very few in our day think of worship in this fashion. May God give us the grace to offer him all that we have and are; for in seeking what He desires, God bestows upon us more than the mind in the heart can imagine.
Text of chat during the group:
00:21:49 susan: after MASS i have to go to my car to pray!
00:48:07 Carol Roper: it seems that the caution is against performing, vanity, pleasure seeking, even in liturgy. one's motivation must be examined carefully i imagine
00:52:59 Anthony: Let Us Build the City of God.....they still sing it. Sigh. Are you TRYING to get me to change rites?
01:02:16 Rebecca Thérèse: a bruised reed he will not break and a dimly burning wick he will not quench
01:02:17 Carol Roper: oppressed and afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth, like a lamb led to the shearers
01:04:52 Dave Warner (AL): A bruised reed He will not break - Isa 42:3
01:05:17 Rebecca Thérèse: Isaiah 42:3 Matthew 12:20
01:16:22 Lisa Smith: Thank you & God Bless you.
01:16:36 Cameron Jackson: Thank you
01:17:19 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:17:26 Dave Warner (AL): Thank you Father!
01:17:27 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father

Wednesday May 22, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVI: On Discernment, Part IX
Wednesday May 22, 2024
Wednesday May 22, 2024
We come to the end of Step 26 on Discernment and in doing so we begin to see, or at least get a glimpse of, its importance for the spiritual life. So often sin distorts are perception of reality. It prevents us from seeing with clarity both the dignity and the blessings that come from being a son or daughter of God, baptized into Christ - as well as preventing us from seeing the darkness of sin.
Christ tells us in the gospel that when the eye has been darkened completely, how great is the darkness! When the eye of the heart, the eye of the soul is darkened by sin then all that we see is the world before us in its most basic form. We see it as an object of consumption or we covet the things that we do not possess.
In this we can become more like beasts who walk on all fours with their eyes cast down to the earth. It is discernment that allows us to see the glory of God in Christ Jesus. In the end, discernment gives rise to the acquisition of love - that is to say, the perfect dwelling of God.
Text of chat during the group:
00:13:56 David: Father Mike Schmidt and neuroplasticity as well say with defects to right out the story or triggers. What leads to what and one often fines one needs to focus on the triggers and write a different story.
00:16:18 David: Like a dog returning to vomit. Can't get that out of my head now
00:27:38 Wayne: Very timely as suicide is being offered as an option if one finds their suffering overwhelming.
00:29:07 David: In one of my darkest times and despair I realized I had belief but no faith
which is tied with hope. Now I just think what am I to learn from this situation and it will pass.
00:34:33 Anthony: There is a particularly horrible thought: curse God and die
00:35:00 Anthony: That cuts at rather suffering soul's very hope
00:48:47 Anthony: Father, remember cooking and baking are arts, to be done the Cathdral of Monreale. 😉 but yeah, I get you. 😀
00:52:27 Maureen Cunningham: Christ dwell with in us when we gather we bring the body of Christ together
00:52:48 David: I think it got worse after COVID few shake hands and it seems there is little small talk.
00:57:58 Anthony: I've studied heresies and heretics for years. I observe that along with with religious differences - maybe preceding them - is a break in communion or a lack of peace: nationalism or personal trauma
01:10:51 Susanna Joy: My heart is still back at the dog and the priest...
01:10:57 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:11:00 Andrew Adams: Great class tonight! Thank you, Father!
01:11:02 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You
01:11:46 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father...excellent session!
01:11:48 David: God Bless thank you Father David!
01:11:49 Art: Thank you
01:11:50 Jeff O.: Thank you!!
01:11:58 Sheila Applegate: Thanks Father!

Monday May 20, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XI, Part II
Monday May 20, 2024
Monday May 20, 2024
All that we do is to be touched by the grace of God, shaped by it, and perfected by it. This includes our virtues, and also the manner in which we pray.
Psalmody has always been apart of the prayer tradition of the church and in particular of the monastics. The psalms capture within them both the adversities and the joys that we experience in this world. It is the most important thing that we can do as human beings; to seek to God and offer a sacrifice of praise.
Therefore, the monks are very careful to allow their prayer to be guided by God. We can be willful even in the fashion that we pray and sing. This is also true in the times that we set for prayer for ourselves. For example, the monks prayed many times a day together; emphasizing that they are part of the body of Christ. We do not pray as individuals, but always aware of the radical communion that exists not only with God but with one another.
Thus, we find among the fathers an emphasis upon praying and singing while remaining conscious of what is going on within their hearts. We do not want to fall into distraction or lead others into it. Simplicity and humility should be the mark of worship; that which guides us in order that what we sing and pray is reflective of the reality within our hearts and our desire for God. Once again, we are presented with a kind of liturgical asceticism. Liturgy shapes the interior life and the interior life shapes the way that we pray.
Text of chat during the group:
00:42:45 Lori Hatala: I have heard psalms chanted in different melodies. Is the melody of the chant relevant?
00:54:21 Tracey Fredman: Agreed, even if you do not have the time for a whole weekend at a monastery, even a visit while monks are at prayer can be life-altering.
00:55:06 Tracey Fredman: It can alter our prayer life, is what I mean.
00:55:41 Susanna Joy: Beautifully said...discipline is a silent "word" back to God
01:11:07 Wayne: If you have the opportunity to attend Matins or Vespers in the Eastern churches, the changing can have a very positive affect on you.
01:13:40 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father!
01:13:48 Edgard Riba: Thank you!
01:13:50 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙏🙂
01:13:56 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father.

Wednesday May 08, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVI: On Discernment, Part XIII
Wednesday May 08, 2024
Wednesday May 08, 2024
Every week it is as if we are diving into living waters that renew and refresh the soul. This is particularly true of step 26 on Discernment and St. John’s summary towards its conclusion. So often as is true with the Fathers, St. John makes use of concrete and colorful imagery to capture for us the nature of the spiritual life and in this case discernment.
What one gathers in so many of the teachings is that Faith involves seeing; a pulling back of the veil that allows us to see with perfect clarity the love and the mercy of God. St. John describes the many things that hobble us in that regard: Avarice, pride, attachment to our appetites and desire for the things of this world. It also describes the things that sharpen that vision and open us up to receive the gift of faith. Our pursuit of the virtues, and of the truth in our life lays the foundation to receive the greater gift of eternal Truth. This kind of seeing is not passive but rather involves the whole self. The deepest part of ourselves, the Nous, must be purified by Grace and asceticism so no impediment prevents us from moving toward God. The Nous becomes the “helmsman” then to lead us through the rough waters of this world.
Text of chat during the group:
00:12:54 FrDavid Abernethy: page 219 number 42
00:49:30 Lisa Smith: It reminds me of the verse where Christ asked if there would be faith in the end time.
00:51:43 Wayne: How do you respond to the remark I am spiritual but not religious?
00:58:48 Lisa Smith: Thoughts on church attendance? I'm struggling with this presently. I'm not Catholic, but I'm interested in this faith. Thank you Fr.
01:00:34 Lisa Smith: 🙏 Thank you
01:03:14 Cindy Moran: Teilhard de Chardin comes to my mind as an example.
01:03:40 Cindy Moran: Too complicated
01:15:07 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:15:10 sprou: did you see that a blind woman Dafne Gutierrez was healed by St
01:15:12 Lisa Smith: God bless you Fr. Thanks for sharing
01:15:51 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father!
01:16:02 Jeff O.: Thank you! Great to be with you all.

Monday May 06, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis X, Part III and Hypothesis XI, Part I
Monday May 06, 2024
Monday May 06, 2024
The focus of the Evergetinos this evening was on praying the psalms. However, as always with the writings of the fathers, the focus isn’t simply on the external actions, but the meaning of them. How do we pray as members of the body of Christ? Is there a kind of liturgical asceticism that must match our bodily asceticism? What is the measure of our prayer? In other words, as those who live in a spirit of repentance and seek purity of heart, how do these realities shape the way we pray.
The fathers this understood very well our tendency to focus on externals and that we can fall back into a modern day Pharisaism. We can be satisfied with the appearance of religiosity while giving scant attention to what God has revealed to us and the life that he has called us to embrace. Whenever this happens, it not only weakens our capacity to bear witness to Christ but it can undermine the life of the Church as a whole. If our hearts are fragmented by our sin this will manifest itself or be mirrored in liturgy. And when this takes place the entire culture around us - as well as within the church - can collapse.
It’s a sobering presentation, but something that afflicts the Church in every generation. If the Evil One is going to attack the Church, he is going to attack it at its heart; that is, how we pray.
Text of chat during the group:
00:25:00 Kate : There’s also the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is very suitable for the laity.
00:25:13 Vanessa: Reacted to "There’s also the Lit..." with ❤️
00:25:22 Adam Paige: Reacted to "There’s also the Lit..." with ❤️
00:39:40 iPad (2): That is a wonderful book and he also has a podcast series on the book
00:50:47 Rod Castillo: The Endarkenment
00:54:30 Bob Cihak: Reacted to "The Endarkenment" with 👍
00:57:03 Maureen Cunningham: Oh no
00:57:07 Vanessa: Lol
01:04:40 Kate : Our family has witnessed many a liturgical battle which seemed good and urgent at the time, only to realize that God has been lost in the battle. The battle took center stage, and striving for holiness took back stage.
01:14:53 Maureen Cunningham: Thank you It is wonderful .
01:15:48 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:15:54 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father.
01:16:22 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father!
01:17:13 Maureen Cunningham: Wonderful choice I trust. The lord is leading you as the Captain of the ship in the studies
01:17:26 Vanessa: Reacted to "Wonderful choice I t..." with 👍
01:17:47 Maureen Cunningham: Where would we find the book
01:17:54 Lorraine Green: Thank you, Father, God bless! The Divine Office talks sound very good too.

Wednesday May 01, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVI: On Discernment, Part XII
Wednesday May 01, 2024
Wednesday May 01, 2024
As St. John draws us forward with these simple sayings about discernment and its fruit, we begin to see the immeasurable beauty of the ascetic life and the action of God’s grace. The life that God calls us to is not one of frenetic activity but rather the cultivation of purity of heart and humility in order that He might act within us. We do not seek simply freedom from sin but rather the life of the kingdom. It is the love, the virtue, the goodness of Christ that transforms the world. It is our entrance into the Paschal Mystery, the dying and rising of the spiritual life (with and in Christ), that makes the love of the kingdom present to the world.
The life of the hesychasts, the ascetics who set all aside for Christ, is at the very heart of the church. When we lose sight of their love and desire for God, the church grows cold. It is in the spirituality of the desert that the church will find renewal; when the minds and the hearts of men and women are open to the beauty of the life that God has called us to by His Grace.
Text of chat during the group:
00:37:24 Anthony: In a way, some of the response to church scandal has been like an ill- guided peasants crusade.
00:39:35 Anthony: The peasants crusade led to harm for thr peasants
00:54:23 sprou: does solitude equal spiritual warfare?
00:55:33 David: I liked what Bishop Barron said about love being willing the good of the other. (St. John Paul) but first one needs to know what the good is and what is truth.
00:56:03 Vanessa: Reacted to "I liked what Bishop ..." with 👍
00:56:58 Jeff O.: I’ve often wondered about the connection between the cultivation of
hesychia and Paul’s admonition to stand in Ephesians 6…it seems there’s some sort of relationship there as it relates to warfare
00:57:01 David: This was in response to a lot of virtue signaling and some of the strange things in our culture.
01:04:43 Kate : A priest told me that hesychia is a form of quietism. His comment confused me, and I did not know how to reply.
01:06:47 Anthony: Uh oh, Palmas vs Barlaam again..... 😉
01:08:39 David: In Latin America it is common with quasi liberation theology priest and lay
people to call them navel gazers but this is just seeing the outside aspect not understanding what is being developed. I always call the fathers the intranauts boldly going to the root of our condition.
01:13:18 David: Holiness attracts and people seek what they feel and see in joy and peace of others. N
01:13:32 Vanessa: Reacted to "Holiness attracts an..." with ❤️
01:13:51 Vanessa: Really enjoying class tonight. Lots of good discussion.
01:14:25 Kate : Father, prior to listening to these classes and discovering the Fathers, my ladder was propped against the wrong wall for years…as you stated earlier. These classes and the Fathers have so transformed my interior life. I have only begun to understand the love of God.
01:15:04 Nick Bodmer: Jesus even rebuked Martha because she was discontent that Mary was not being "worldly enough" in her eyes. The spiritual life was established even while Jesus was still with us.
01:21:40 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:21:51 cmoran: Thank you, Father!
01:21:53 Lisa Smith: Thank you God bless you
01:22:29 Andrew Adams: Thank you, Father! Praying for you!
01:22:33 Jeff O.: Thank you! Blessing to be with you all.
01:22:41 David: Thank you father will pray for you!

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVI: On Discernment, Part XI
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
We continued with St. John’s summary of discernment and its particular fruit in the spiritual life. However, it does not read like a summary. Each saying opens us up to a divine reality and a participation in the life of Christ that comes to us by grace and the ascetic life. One cannot help but be captivated by the beauty of what St. John describes. It becomes evident that what we are being drawn into is the very beauty of Christ and that of the kingdom. Grace has the capacity to transform even the darkest of things within us and to illuminate the mind and the heart to see clearly what has eternal value. With the reading of each saying one begins to experience a holy desire growing within the heart. Thanks be to God!
Text of chat during the group:
00:06:34 FrDavid Abernethy: page 217 page 14
00:25:57 Anthony: He says this while I'm making dinner....
00:31:19 David: Despair is suffering without meaning- Victor Frankl
00:49:34 Eric Ewanco: Reacted to "Κλίμαξ αγίου Ιωάννου.LadderClimatuspdf" with ❤️
00:49:43 Eric Ewanco: Reacted to "TheLadderofDivineAscent.pdf" with 👍
00:50:29 Lisa Smith: Reacted to "TheLadderofDivineAscent.pdf" with 🙏
00:57:24 David: The gate also opens like Grace and one needs to be drawn to the opening in the fence.
01:02:59 Anthony: If our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts....
01:20:11 David: They are finding so much in neuroplasticity that the fathers described ages ago. One the pathways are established it becomes a cycle. Lots of talk about "rewiring the mind". I think fasting might actually help with rewiring because you are not rewarding a undesired behavior.
01:20:36 Rachel: That was in relation to the other discussion
01:21:56 David: No money in fasting
01:22:10 Rebecca Thérèse: Fasting literally rewires the brain because the body starts to generate new neurons after 48 hours of fasting.
01:22:24 Vanessa: Reacted to "Fasting literally re..." with 👍
01:22:30 David: Autophagy as well
01:23:28 Rebecca Thérèse: Reacted to "Autophagy as well" with 👍
01:25:14 Rebecca Thérèse: Autophagy is where the cells start to digest damaged parts of the body and damage interior to cells
01:26:04 Bob Cihak: Autophagy is also known as apoptosis. I call it cellular recycling.
01:26:32 Rebecca Thérèse: Fasting stimulates growth hormone which os useful in repairing damage and is also useful if you're a body builder
01:26:49 Susanna Joy: Love this clas🙏🏻💖
01:26:59 Lisa Smith: Too Fast. Thank you Fr
01:27:41 Sophia: God bless you fr.Abernethy!
01:27:42 Susanna Joy: Thank you, Father.
01:27:42 Art: Thank you Father!
01:27:43 Jeff O.: Thank you!
01:27:43 Cindy Moran: Thank you Father
01:27:43 David: Thank you father !
01:27:51 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂

Monday Apr 22, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis X, Part II
Monday Apr 22, 2024
Monday Apr 22, 2024
We continued our discussion of prayer and the things that often become an obstacle to it. Much of the discussion this evening focused upon the things that make us lazy or weary in prayer or lead us to drowsiness.
One of the important things that the fathers teach us is that sleep is an appetite that is to be ordered like any other appetite. Our life has been given to us for repentance; that is, to turn toward God and to seek to love him with all of our heart. It is this reality that should shape the way that we look at prayer, the way that we discipline ourselves - and yes - even how we sleep.
Rising at night is one of the most wonderful times for prayer for a number of reasons. The mind and the body are humbled. The thoughts are often not moving so rapidly nor the world around us and its noises. Praying at night provides us with an opportunity to enter into deep silence, so as to listen to God and the word he wishes to utter in the depths of our hearts.
Therefore, there are times when we will have to force ourselves in order to strengthen our will to not only bring ourselves to prayer but to remain there. Whenever we experience drowsiness, we must resist it firmly. Often we will give up a discipline when we face difficulty. It is our love for the Lord, however, that must send us out at night seeking He alone who can satisfy the longings of our heart.
Text of chat during the group:
00:02:04 FrDavid Abernethy: we can hear you
00:02:21 FrDavid Abernethy: page 89
00:21:49 Anthony: I did that. I'd go back. It drove me nuts, playing on scrupulous feelings
00:49:25 Ann Thelen: Quick question regarding food/ do we deal with the temptation to vanity when we are attempting to fast? We know fasting has wonderful health benefits. One of those benefits is that we look better and more healthy which can feed into vanity.
01:04:22 Anthony: Menaion?
01:17:14 Lisa Smith: Thank you & God bless
01:17:56 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father!
01:17:57 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:18:04 Nicole Dillon: Thank you ☺️
01:18:08 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father. Praying for you.
01:18:19 Ann Thelen: Thank you.
01:18:26 Cindy Moran: Thanks

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVI: On Discernment, Part X
Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
As we come toward the end of Step 26 on Discernment, St. John begins to offer us a summary of all that we have considered in the previous pages. In doing this, he alters his typical way of writing. One may speculate that he does this because of the importance of the virtue of discernment; both in fostering it and in protecting it. Using brief sayings, very much like those found in the Philokalia, St. John begins to lay out for us the path to perfecting this virtue as well as to speak of the fruits of it in our lives.
Our capacity to see spiritual realities in an unimpeded fashion allows us to be attentive to all of the vices as well as the remedies that the fathers set before us for overcoming them. In summarizing the step in this fashion, St. John presents us with the truth very much in the way that we receive it from the gospel. It overturns the worldly way of viewing things. It allows us to experience the discomfort of having our sensibilities challenged in regards to our patterns of thought and our most basic desires. It compels us to ask ourselves, “For whom do I live? Who do I love above all things?”
Text of chat during the group:
00:02:46 FrDavid Abernethy: page 215
00:02:51 FrDavid Abernethy: number 85
00:03:29 FrDavid Abernethy: number 185
00:08:47 Tracey Fredman: Thank you, Fr. David for referencing the book "Toward God" by Michael Casey. It's amazing!
00:08:57 FrDavid Abernethy: great!!
00:09:11 FrDavid Abernethy: he’s a wonderful writer
00:09:40 Kate : I am reading it too! It is wonderful. Like nothing I have read before.
00:09:41 FrDavid Abernethy: his book on lectio divina called Sacred reading is great too
00:26:15 Anthony: Do you have any comments on discerning the origin of thoughts without playing with the thoughts?
00:43:12 Anthony: That makes sense since Eros is a seeking, inquisitive movement.
00:51:38 David Swiderski: Especially prayer with gratitude.
00:52:19 Andy Nguyen: Replying to "Especially prayer wi..."
00:52:21 Wayne: Reacted to "Especially prayer wi..." with 👍
00:58:03 Lisa Smith: I just read this today.
01:01:41 Andy Nguyen: Social media in general is an addiction
01:02:00 Rod Castillo: I go on to Facebook every day to see what you
have posted, Father
01:02:36 Lee Graham: I go to X
01:03:05 Susanna Joy: Reacted to I go on to Facebook ... with "❤️"
01:03:35 Lisa Smith: Yeah, there was a time I would turn the internet off totally. It was easier to pray more fully then. I struggle with that these days.
01:03:44 Susanna Joy: Replying to "I go on to Facebook ..."
I do often...
01:04:26 Lisa Smith: But on the flip side I discovered Eastern Christianity online.
01:04:40 Art iPhone: Reacted to "But on the flip side…" with 👌
01:04:46 Art iPhone: Reacted to "I go on to Facebook …" with 👌
01:05:45 Art iPhone: Your posts Have real value Father.
01:05:49 BRIAN L: Your posting of On the Passion of the Saviour became part of my daily Lenten prayer so thank you 😃
01:09:17 David Swiderski: I have read this before with the Fathers I think Issac and I don't understand the relation between deer and snakes. Deer seem like fragile creatures and I grew up always being close to them. Destroyers of roses and alfalfa yes.
01:11:14 Jeffrey Fitzgerald: Father, what is the next book after Climacus?
01:11:24 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: Prayers, Father!
01:11:38 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂. Have a good retreat🙏
01:11:39 Jeff O.: Many blessings on your time there!!
01:11:49 Lori Hatala: and i will be guilty of jealousy
01:11:53 Susanna Joy: Praying for you.🙏🏻
01:11:55 Wayne: Replying to "Father, what is the ..."
good question
01:11:56 Art iPhone: Prayers!!
01:12:35 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father! Have a blessed retreat!!
01:12:37 David Swiderski: Safe travels and God Bless you father!
01:12:39 Jeff O.: Thank you Father!

Monday Apr 08, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis IX, Part II and Hypothesis X, Part I
Monday Apr 08, 2024
Monday Apr 08, 2024
Breaking the night for prayer!! The very idea either never comes into the mind of modern Christians or it sends a shudder through the heart. The idea of limiting something like sleep for the sake of prayer, of humbling the mind and body in such a way on purpose and regularly seems to express a type of insanity. Would I not make myself sick or incapable of working the next day if such a practice were embraced in modern times.
Yet, it is a constant practice throughout the spiritual tradition; to sanctify time and foster an urgent longing within the heart for God that causes the soul to rise, even in the night, to seek him. Admittedly, this may require that we simplify our lives. There is already a frenetic pace in our day-to-day lives; a busyness that is almost suffocating. Such makes the idea of adding night prayer to that seem impossible and even frightening.
One can only come to know the fruit of this through experience. In the stillness of the night, impediments that often plague us throughout the course of the day fall away. Creation itself grows quiet and with it the human heart. Such a heart filled with urgent longing for the Lord will rise eagerly and with joy to taste the sweetness of his presence!
Text of chat during the group:
00:59:01 Anthony: Perhaps a principle issue I'd reconciling the mind / interior thoughts with the heart / the noetic sentiment of affection for one's true calling.
01:02:04 Kate : Do the Fathers differentiate between vocal prayer and mental prayer, or is that a Western distinction? Is there a recommendation to the kind of
prayer that would take place during a night vigil?
01:02:34 Lisa Smith: I find the setting has a huge impact on prayer/ like a noisy city compared to the quiet woods. I find it easiest to pray in a rural solitary place. With minimal distractions
01:03:31 Ann Thelen: what is the best way to discern if waking in the night to prayer is something we are called to? or are we all called to this? Maybe I am overthinking this.
01:06:22 Ann Thelen: fear of failure in this resolve seems to be the thing that immediately presents itself when thinking about rising in the night for prayer.
01:08:42 Lisa Smith: Catherine Daughtery wrote a series called Poustina. I've been meaning to read that.
01:10:38 Wayne: Replying to "Catherine Daughtery ..."
I do have a copy of this book
01:10:58 Lisa Smith: Replying to "Catherine Daughtery ..."
01:10:59 Ambrose Little: I wouldn’t suggest that’s a healthy model! 😄
01:11:07 Rebecca Thérèse: Before the modern era it was common for the night to be divided into "two sleeps". It was really the industrial revolution that ended this practice.
01:11:50 Ambrose Little: Replying to "I wouldn’t suggest t..."
Saying that as one who’s helped his wife stay sane through 7 kiddos. It’s not a time we want to extend or further.
01:14:47 Anthony: Another ill effect of the "reformation," particularly the English variety.
01:16:37 Anthony: Yes
01:17:15 Ann Thelen: I appreciate the analogy of nursing the baby. We have five children and the youngest is 7 now. My excuse has been that I will be tired if i get in the night to pray. That analogy shed light on my excuse. It actually spoke to my heart saying "Ann, you've done this before. Don't be afraid of it"
01:20:00 Maureen Cunningham: Susan Wesley would put an apron over her head she 12 children everyone new she was in prayer
01:23:31 Lisa Smith: Thank you Fr. God bless you.🙏
01:23:32 Maureen Cunningham: Blessing Father
01:24:09 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father!
01:24:10 Ann Thelen: Thank you
01:24:11 Dave Warner (AL): Thank you Father!
01:24:20 Steve Yu: Thanks, Father!
01:24:22 Maureen Cunningham: You are to kind of
01:24:25 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:24:43 Leilani Nemeroff: Thanks

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVI: On Discernment, Part IX
Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
With each passing week, as we read St. John’s thoughts on discernment, we begin to see how it touches every aspect of our life. So often we confuse this gift with intellectually analyzing the circumstances around us or internal experiences and feelings or our perception of others’ actions.
Yet discernment is not rooted in our private judgment. Rather, it arises out of union and communion with He who is Truth and Love. We engage in the ascetic life and seek purity of heart in order that we comprehend the truth unimpeded, to see things as God sees them and to see and respond to what he wants us to perceive.
Anything less than this leaves us completely vulnerable. St. John says, “let us watch and see which demon uplift us, which cast us down, which harden, which comfort, which darken, which pretend to communicate enlightenment to us, which make us slothful, which make us cunning, which make us sad, and which cheerful.” It is only in Christ that we have the capacity to see these things. Strength and virtue of any kind comes not from climbing up a ladder of virtue on our own, but rather having Christ live within us. His virtue must become our virtue and his strength must becomes our strength. This is a difficult thing because it means letting go completely of the illusion that we can see the truth of the spiritual realities outside of our relationship with Him. It means being humble.
00:02:32 FrDavid Abernethy: page 214 number 172
00:26:36 David Swiderski: I struggled with discernment most of my life and got far too intellectual analyizing everything. A wise friend made a comment that helped me- you only need to think of two things- does this lead us closer to God or away from God.
00:27:10 Lisa Smith: Reacted to "I struggled with dis..." with 👍
00:30:31 David Swiderski: My grandfather always said wisdom is absorbed slowly over time while being intellectual is something to grasp.
00:32:37 Jeff O.: julian of norwich seems to say the same thing about affliction going so far as to say to actually pray for it as it is one of the greatest graces of God.
00:36:27 Lisa Smith: Sufficient is the evil of today, Is that what Christ said?
01:02:47 Johnny Ross: God forgives seven times seventy-so long as the will is there
01:03:12 Vanessa: Reacted to "God forgives seven t..." with ❤️
01:12:15 Kate : At what point and in what circumstances can we make a judgement about a situation?
01:14:50 David Swiderski: Everytime I see arguments on how to make the sign of the cross or taking communion in the hand or on the tongue I feel like both sides want to be right rather than acknowledge each is seeking to get close to God.
01:16:11 David Swiderski: The focus falls to Pride as you mentioned before.
01:19:11 Tracey Fredman: Most recently, Romans 15:1-6 has been quite helpful for me - it's not about pleasing myself, but for building up others and letting go of what I think they should do: St. Paul wrote "... let each of us please our neighbor for the good , for building up. For Christ did not please himself …"
01:23:55 Rebecca Thérèse: God is often presented to us by people who want to control us.
01:24:06 Ambrose Little: Avoid “Catholic” Twitter/X. Social media in general.
01:24:27 sheri: Thanks Father. Gotta go...
01:24:52 Kevin Burke: Thank You Father!
01:25:30 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father!
01:25:36 Jeff O.: Thank you!!
01:25:36 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:25:43 David Swiderski: Thank you!

Monday Apr 01, 2024
Monday Apr 01, 2024
The fathers continue to speak to us about service and work and the disposition that we are to have in doing it. Our understanding must move from a functional understanding of labor; engaging in it in a way that is determined by private judgment or by the desire for worldly things.
Everything that we do must be tied to our service of the providence of God. In other words, we are responding to the call of Love. The way that the Christian works and responds to the needs of others (as well as the one’s own needs) is tied to our relationship with the Lord. We are given the task of being the guardian of souls; our own and others’. We are to attend to our own needs, trusting that God will provide us with what is needed. We are to serve others without making excuses for our avoidance or negligence in doing so.
We are to seek first the kingdom of heaven. This is what shapes everything for us. We always return to the nest of prayer, there to be nourished upon the love and the grace of God. And it is only from that nest that we step out in response to His call to love and serve others.
So often we fill our life with needless tasks; more often than not to give us a sense of security and safety. Yet to do so draws us away from He who is the Lord of love and the Governor of history; the One who provides for every one of our needs.
Text of chat during the group:
00:10:07 Ann Thelen: hello everyone. I've been listening to these podcasts for the last year or so. tonight is the first time i've been able to jump in live due to Easter Break. No children's activities. Happy and grateful to be joining you.
00:10:25 Adam Paige: Reacted to "hello everyone. I've..." with 👍
00:10:32 Ambrose Little: Southerner joining early…
00:10:37 FrDavid Abernethy: Reacted to "hello everyone. I've..." with 👍
00:10:41 Lori Hatala: Reacted to "hello everyone. I've..." with 👍
00:18:13 Dave Warner (AL): Reacted to "hello everyone. I've..." with 👍
00:22:01 Steve Yu: Social media has enhanced the spirit of rudeness. I think it has to do with interacting with others in a non physical manner. We gain a certain “freedom” from politeness and respect, in my opinion.
00:22:15 David C: Reacted to "Social media has enh..." with 👍
00:23:54 Carol Roper: Reacted to "hello everyone. I've..." with 👍
00:24:23 Steve Yu: Cultural difference?
00:40:24 Nypaver Clan: Do you think St. Philip got that imagery from St. Isaac?
00:47:28 Susanna Joy: On the previous section: The bird has to hurry back to the nest because the egg needs warmth or the baby bird is hungry and waiting...what stuck with me from the nido image is taking what gleaned from the world and hurty back to care for this tender growing "baby" life within the love Divine...the goodness received from the sheltering nest of the hand of God...
00:51:34 David C: Reacted to "On the previous sect..." with 👍
00:55:23 Erick Chastain: where are we in the evergetinos?
00:55:41 Nypaver Clan: Top of 85
01:04:49 Ann Thelen: Is there a book or something of the sorts that gives a good recommendation for what the structure of what our daily prayer life should look like as someone who is married or taking care of family. Specifically, the amount of time spent in prayer that should be non negotiable.
01:10:48 Ann Thelen: haha
01:12:47 sharonfisher: Thank you — I needed this instruction and I need to heed it.
01:13:06 Lori Hatala: Reacted to "Thank you — I needed..." with ❤️
01:13:16 Kevin Burke: Me too.. “Prayer is a relationship”
01:13:46 Ann Thelen: Thank you. Thats very helpful
01:16:02 Kevin Burke: Thank you Father, very profound teaching tonight…
01:16:02 sharonfisher: And with your spirit!!
01:16:04 Susanna Joy: When my son was small I was at a retreat, and some were going to devotions while those of us with small ones to the children out on a hike. A community member remarked to me, too bad you cant be in worship...It occured to me that my life with my child is a devotion...
01:16:06 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:16:15 Troy Amaro: Thank You
01:16:20 Erick Chastain: have a good night father
01:16:31 Lisa Smith: God bless
01:16:33 David C: Thank you God Bless all
01:16:40 Susanna Joy: Thank you, Father

Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVI: On Discernment, Part XIII
Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
Discernment, St. John tells us, arises out of humility. It also allows us to see the value of humility in the spiritual life. It is the virtue above all virtues, that we must cling to in the spiritual battle. The enemy will seek to confuse us in one way or another; by flattery or by seemingly knowing our thoughts and placing ideas before us which then make us fear their control over us. However, discernment and humility, both protect our capacity to live in He who is the truth.
It also allows us to see the truth about ourselves as human beings and our dignity. We are not created with the passions. They rise out of our sin and the distortion of the desire that God has placed in us naturally. It is desire that makes us long for him and the life of virtue and it is anger that allows us to fight the good fight of faith and strike down the evil one and the temptations that are placed before us.
We also find, over the course of time, that discernment allows us to let go of our judgment and what gives us security in the spiritual life and to trust wholly in God. Therefore, when life seems to crumble around us and all seems to be wrapped in darkness, discernment allows us to step forward with trust in God and his love. While it keeps us from acting in rash way it also protects us from false prudence that hides cowardice and lack of courage.
What we begin to see is that any struggle in the spiritual life to overcome the passions, any sacrifice that we make to follow the Lord, promises what is beyond imagination. Even to lose all in this world is to lose nothing if we have Christ.
Text of chat during the group:
00:06:22 Rachel: Hello everyone
00:11:11 Rachel: lol
00:12:42 Rachel: No one will take me😭 I guess trying to convince people what sinners they are and so need to go to the Holy Annointing as well as drive me was not a good stategy
00:13:28 Rachel: I have been but I went to Mass at noon, and others have other obligations
00:13:42 Rachel: When Rory gets home, Ill try to convince him. LOL
00:14:08 Rachel: He will gladly go. He loves the Byzantine Liturgies
00:17:48 Ambrose Little: I resemble that.
00:31:21 David: Virtue is nothing without the trial of temptation, for there is no conflict without an enemy, no victory without strife.-St. Leo the Great
00:33:09 David C: Reacted to "Virtue is nothing wi..." with ❤️
00:34:12 mhinckley: incisive anger: I always struggle with being just with it
00:34:36 David C: Reacted to "incisive anger: I al..." with 👍
00:34:39 mhinckley: not to mention charitable
00:40:01 mhinckley: I have always appreciated the use of "thorn" with sin. You never intentionally grasp for a thorn, only things that thorns surround.
00:40:51 David C: Reacted to "I have always apprec..." with 👍
00:42:58 Rachel: no. he is frozen
00:43:03 Lisa Smith: Same here.
00:43:04 Bob Cihak: Me too.
00:43:08 David C: Yeah he was frozen on my screen as well
00:43:29 Rachel: I only have Rens screen
00:43:38 Bob Cihak: Rising from the Frozen!
00:43:43 sprou: Reacted to "Rising from the Froz..." with 👍
00:43:46 David C: Reacted to "Rising from the Froz..." with 👍
00:47:29 David: I always try to remember what Mother Teresa said - I am a little pencil in the hand of God. At least when good flows through me however I often need frequent sharpening and a good eraser when I write :)
00:48:11 David C: Reacted to "I always try to reme..." with 👍
00:49:53 mhinckley: Reacted to "I always try to reme..." with 👍
00:53:40 Bob Cihak: What about St. Paul? "You have fought the good fight."
00:57:29 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: Examples??
00:59:26 David: Would this be something like instead of dwelling on a temptation and agonizing vs. simply casting the thought from our minds in the beginning?
01:00:26 David: Evargius a good example
01:15:38 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:16:13 Bob Cihak: Blessings to you, Fr.
01:16:20 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father!
01:16:21 David: Thank your Father!
01:16:24 Rachel: thank y ou
01:16:25 Jeff O.: Thank you Father!
01:16:25 mhinckley: buona pasqua tutti!
01:16:31 Semai: Oh i joined late 😭
01:16:38 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: Blessed Easter!
01:16:41 Mitch: Thanks!

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis VIII, Part I
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
What a beautiful group! Beauty, however, is not only found in the things that are attractive or appeal to our sensibilities. What is beautiful is found in the truth – the truth that speaks to the depths of our hearts and our religiosity. Once again, the fathers speak to us and present to us the gospel in unvarnished fashion.
What is the disposition that we are to have in our service of God and others? If we give ourselves over to task with obedience, then we can be assured that God will provide all the grace that is necessary. If we do these tasks poorly, if we make mistakes, these do not diminish the value of our work. What gives shape to the work is the love and the humility of Christ.
There are so many things that rush to our minds as to why we cannot bear something or why we cannot do a certain work. However, the fathers show us that so often such things are excuses; that is, plausible lies. They are reasonable because they are rooted in the reality of our own weaknesses. They are lies because they do not take into account the grace and the mercy of God. So often when we take up a task we engage in the labor abstracted from Christ. However, if we simply offer that labor to Christ, if we take it up by his grace and for his glory, then it has more value than we could ever imagine.
Text of chat during the group:
00:03:54 FrDavid Abernethy: page 78
00:04:01 FrDavid Abernethy: New Hypothesis Tonight
00:06:45 Arthur Danzi: Hi Fr David
00:07:01 Arthur Danzi: I’m fine, how are you?
00:07:06 Arthur Danzi: My internet connection is poor…
00:29:12 Rachel: yes
00:40:27 sharonfisher: Thank you for the comment that even the monks struggle. My priest, after 2.5 or 3 years, revealed that he, too, sometimes struggles to keep the prayer rule. It was helpful to me to hear that.
00:54:21 Rachel: This is a magnificent passage. It needs to be read very slowly. Finding humility, doorkeeper, etc. This is so rich and multilayered. One can only understand through experience I am sure.
00:55:08 Rachel: No,but I think it needs to be unpacked
00:55:17 sharonfisher: 😂
00:55:29 Tracey Fredman: Experiential understanding is really hard to go through, though. This discussion is really helpful to me this evening.
00:55:49 Rachel: There is more to it..when one finds humility, one finds Christ, but what happens when we become the doorkeeper, or christ becomes the doorkeeper of our heart?
00:58:16 Rachel: He speaks about finding salvation by finding humility. Either way, we learn by experience whether we want to or not. But we may not experience what Our Lord desires that we experience. We may go kicking and screaming instead of finding the humility that the desert fathers speak of. He desire that we experience Himself
00:58:21 Liz D: It is consoling that you have shared this Father, about persecition with the Church, thank you. It can difficult to trust people in the Church when one experienced being persecured from within the Church. Also, to remember to go to Christ first-because sometimes I realize I go to God last for some areas of my life. As if in some things I subconsciously believe I am expected (by God) to go it alone--only turning to Jesus for help when things become nearly unbearable
00:58:39 sharonfisher: Reacted to "He speaks about find..." with ❤️
00:59:56 sharonfisher: Reacted to "It is consoling that..." with ❤️
01:00:06 Keith Abraham: Reacted to "It is consoling that…" with ❤️
01:00:56 Rachel: Oh we can trust them alright! trust them to be very human like ourselves lol
01:01:31 Lisa Smith: My favorite verse is where Christ speaks of faith as a grain of mustard seed.
01:01:56 Rachel: I'm too melancholic for my own good, sorry i will be quiet again.
01:02:13 Rachel: lol
01:04:11 Lisa Smith: lol Amen on the doorkeeper, Fr
01:04:23 Adam Paige: Saint Brother André was a porter
01:05:11 Lisa Smith: not for the socially anxious.
01:07:23 Steve Yu: I love the parable of the mustard seed because Jesus starts by comparing the Kingdom to someone who plants such a seed in a garden. The problem with that is someone would have to be crazy to do that. They grow enormous and quite ugly in my opinion. It would ruin a garden.
Isn’t that reflective of the spiritual life? We search for the beautiful garden not realizing that the ugly or inconvenient event may have Christ hidden within. I *think* this is attributable to humility. Christ has us see Him where we least expect Him.
01:09:07 Andrew Adams: Reacted to "I love the parable o..." with ❤️
01:12:48 Keith Abraham: “Domesticating” Christianity is one of the worst things we can do.
01:12:49 Steve Yu: That went by fast
01:12:56 Rebecca Thérèse: thank you🙂
01:13:37 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father!
01:13:42 sharonfisher: And with your spirit!!
01:13:43 Dave Warner (AL): Thank you
01:13:49 Troy Amaro: Thank You

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVI: On Discernment, Part XII
Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
Discernment is so much more than our analyzing the realities and circumstances around us by the use of intellect and reason. These faculties, as wonderful as they are, have inherent limitations. They are not infinite, nor can they speak of God as he is in himself.
What God begins to show us in the spiritual life is that the more that we enter his love and truth, the more we are drawn into a mystery that is beyond us. Faith is described by many of the Saints as a “dark obscure knowing”. It is God‘s light, his divine light, that pierces through the darkness, and reveals to us the beauty of his love. It reveals (draws back the veil) and shows us that this love is worth everything to pursue and attain. “Love never ends”, the scriptures tell us. Discernment opens the door to that reality and allows us to step towards the beloved who desires to give us all. Our destiny is to move from glory to glory in the never-ending love of God.
Text of chat during the group:
00:07:32 FrDavid Abernethy: page 209 para 139
00:40:44 Daniel Allen: Is the inverse then true?
00:42:28 Amale: What can the demons see or not see within us?
00:46:21 Rachel: The Elder would also know that in turn.. they could merit by true charity towards each other
00:47:33 Rachel: Where despite the feelings of animosity that arose, the monks would then more purely offer charity in the only way they can due to their limited capacity to love purely without unholy attachments
00:47:55 Maureen Cunningham: Father can demons reproduce? i was just wonderfing
00:48:00 Maureen Cunningham: Wondering
00:48:49 Kate : Can the demons hear our confessions to a priest within the context of the sacrament?
00:49:19 Maureen Cunningham: Best News
00:49:25 Jeff O.: Cassian seems to say in his conferences that they cannot reproduce
00:50:23 Amale: Do any souls who go to hell end up becoming demons?
00:51:10 Vanessa: Replying to "Do any souls who go ..."
I thought demons were the 1/3 of heavenly beings who went with Lucifer.
00:51:17 Jeff O.: He talks about it in the eighth conference on the principalities
00:51:24 David: In organization studies clicks can start which can create toxic results for teams.
00:51:53 Rachel: It is like the story of the Desert Father who, as soon as he instructed his Spiritual son would quickly leave him
00:52:39 David: We becomes us and them
00:52:51 Rachel: I suppose that was not for the community but purity of heart
01:00:58 David: I have heard a critism of the western church that we try to explain everything while the east embraces mysteries to be contemplated more. When I was younger I wanted the answers the older I get the more I love contemplating mysteries more.
01:01:15 Vanessa: Reacted to "I have heard a criti..." with ❤️
01:01:28 Jeff O.: Reacted to "I have heard a criti..." with 👍
01:01:57 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "I have heard a criti..." with ❤️
01:04:08 Daniel Allen: That’s an interesting comment (re poetry), because oftentimes poetry can calm my thoughts, and give me a jumping off point for prayer
01:04:42 Vanessa: Replying to "That’s an interestin..."
01:05:30 David: The Syrian fathers write most things through poetry as well.
01:05:55 Cindy Moran: This relates to the need for formative spirituality.
01:06:20 Rachel: Gregory Narek
01:06:30 Daniel Allen: Reacted to "Gregory Narek" with ❤️
01:06:35 Rachel: Pope Francis
01:11:25 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you ☺️
01:11:40 Rachel: yes
01:11:41 Cindy Moran: Yes
01:11:46 Jacqulyn Dudasko: Thank you!
01:12:24 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father!
01:12:27 Rachel: thank you
01:12:29 Jeff O.: Thank you!!
01:12:29 Cindy Moran: Thank you
01:12:31 Arthur Danzi: Thank you Father
01:12:32 David: Thank you father! May God bless you

Monday Mar 18, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis VI, Part II and Hypothesis VII
Monday Mar 18, 2024
Monday Mar 18, 2024
We are drawn ever deeper into the subtle manifestations of Avarice and how the demons make use of this passion to draw us into other sins. Indeed, it is a fearsome vice. The evil one can convince us that our identity is dependent on our having a certain objects or money and the security that it seems to offer us. Once we have given ourselves over to this thought, it gradually oppresses the mind and heart of the individual. Our incapacity to discern the truth of avarice’s grip upon us, we lose the ability can see what has enduring value.
Such oppression undermines our commitment to God, others, and the pursuit of the path of sanctification he has set us upon. Suddenly we can no longer see what is good about a godly life and fidelity. We begin to see the weaknesses of others and the failure of a community to reach the ideal. We become hyper-critical. This the Evil One uses psychologically to make our exit from our vocation more acceptable to the mind. He first makes us despise what we once loved. What we once entered into with zeal, we now turn away from with cowardice.
When given over to avarice we find ourselves falling under the control of the demons who continue to torment us; making us more vulnerable to the darkness of other passions. In this particular vice, we see the truth that “sin is its own punishment”. The more we grasp for the things of this world, the more we descend into darkness and ingratitude.
Text of chat during the group:
00:12:18 FrDavid Abernethy: page 69
00:12:30 FrDavid Abernethy: midway down the page. second para
00:13:05 Keith Abraham: Thank you very much!
00:23:09 Anthony: This sounds like what happened in the hundred years prior to the reformation. The vices preceded an explosion leaving the Church and the religious life.
00:46:23 Alexandra: Can avarice be wanting to have control. Control of Knowing everyone's business?
00:50:10 Anthony: This story is funny. Dragons are associated with the avaricious guarding of gold. The serpent is like a mirror for his avaricious
01:24:31 Rachel: No career changes according to one's whims
01:30:40 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father!
01:30:42 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you 😊
01:30:44 Rachel: Thank you Father and everyone
01:30:51 Dave Warner (AL): Thank you!
01:30:57 Lisa Smith: Thank you Fr
01:30:57 Troy Amaro: Thank You
01:31:12 Kevin Burke: Thank you !

Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVI: On Discernment, Part XI
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
This evening we continued our discussion of discernment;in particular, developing an awareness of the action of the demons and their attempts to lead us astray. However, John also seeks to make us aware of the fact that it is not only the demons that we have to be aware of but our human nature in its fallen state. We are often weak of will and changeable in our mind. We are filled with contradictions and will often choose that which offers nothing over the love and the mercy of God. We have within certain destructive tendencies that are beyond reason. St. John would not have us over analyze these things but be aware of them so to avoid them and turn more radically toward God when we see them arise within our hearts.
What is most striking in this section of the Ladder is that divine light shines through John‘s own words. The open up reality for us and we see on the horizon our dignity and destiny in Christ so brilliantly that one can only gasp. It creates within the heart an urgent longing to run to the Beloved. It reveals in a fraction of the moment the entire meaning of the ascetical life. It is not about self-perfection or endurance, but rather about Love. It is about acknowledging that what has been fashioned from clay has now been placed and seated upon the very throne of God. Joy!
Text of chat during the group:
00:03:27 Carolus: Good evening Father.
00:03:34 FrDavid Abernethy: good evening
00:13:08 Genesius B: Father Michael of the Eparchy of Parma can only grow a goatee
00:13:36 Genesius B: we still love him though
00:19:18 David: Is this related to as one gets closer to God sometimes the attacks of the demons become stronger and often in different ways?
00:23:46 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: this translations says "greedy and grubby flesh" not corpulence
00:28:18 Genesius B: How can such inquisitiveness lead us to pride? Surely trying to understand Divine Providence can only reveal our own wretchedness? Is it that merely trying to understand is itself beyond us and thus an act of hubris?
00:28:25 Genesius B: and self assetion?
00:34:30 Genesius B: then when gifts are given should we seek to hide them, lest we become prideful in them. I see this in many saints but how does this not violate the Divine command to not hide our light?
00:35:58 Carolus B: Replying to "then when gifts are ..."
Or to not burry our talents.
00:55:58 Kate : St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, a French Carmelite saint, wrote, “Let yourself be loved by God.” I often ponder this quote. Why do I run from this love? We do I not allow myself to be loved by God?
00:59:50 Ren Witter: I don’t think, though, that we run from the love of God when it feels like love. I can’t even imagine doing that, honestly. I think we run from what we are taught is the mysterious love of God, because more often than not it feels like something terrifying, or threatening, or even wounding.
01:00:05 Ren Witter: We are told to trust that these things are manifestations of the love of God.
01:02:02 Daniel Allen: Christ says, “everyone when he is fully taught will be like his teacher.” Imitating Christ, and the saints in deed teaches us little by little until we our not like our fallen selves but like Christ.
01:03:41 David: When I used to teach catechism I heard many comments when discussing the saints saying they are not like that or it is not reachable from teens and even my sons. It seems helpful to discuss the whole lives of the saints like the difficulties and sinful past of St. Ignatius. Most writings seem to focus on them being perfect and so special rather than the journey.
01:06:55 Rebecca Thérèse: I find that reading what the saints wrote themselves is very helpful because they're very honest about their struggles and that makes them more relatable to me.
01:08:28 Rachel: Yes, this is true.We are all starving. For Christ.
01:12:55 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: One's image of God is so important - a distorted one gets in the way of living faith truly. This needs to be examined and renovated many times in one's life. Important to see self in God not outside of Trinity/grace.
01:14:30 Andrew Adams: Reacted to " One's image of God ..." with ❤️
01:16:11 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father!
01:16:11 Cindy Moran: Excellent session...thank you Father!
01:16:12 Jeff O.: Thank you Father!! Good to be with you all.
01:16:13 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:16:13 David: Thank you Father David!
01:16:14 sue and mark: good night

Monday Mar 11, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis IV, Part III
Monday Mar 11, 2024
Monday Mar 11, 2024
We take up this evening a new hypothesis (VI) dealing with the ownership of property. At the heart of it, however, is the temptation to avarice and the impact that it has upon the spiritual life and upon our commitments to God and others.
The monks relinquishment of property, their embrace of a life of poverty and simplicity, highlights for us the subtle temptations that are involved in our attachment to the things of the world. Where lust and gluttony perhaps fail to satisfy - avarice often step in to test us. It can become something insatiable. The more we amass the more we desire.
Our attachment to things can begin on a very small level. Yet unchecked, it can affect the way that we enter into our relationship with God. We slowly begin to seek our security and identity in things. This, in turn, can make us ever so vulnerable to the demons attack against our commitments. The possession of things can make it seem more plausible to change and alter our life; to pursue another path of salvation, for ourselves, that does not require hardship or that offers more satisfaction. It gives room for our internal instability to drive us away from what challenges us internally to overcome the ego. What begins with a small attachment eventually can develop to the point where a demon tells us that “if stay where we are we the place our salvation in jeopardy. It is better to take what we have, and to create something better in our own judgment.” In this, we often place our own judgment above God’s. It creates an atmosphere of infidelity and strips us of long-suffering.
Text of chat during the group:
00:11:21 FrDavid Abernethy: page 64
00:23:46 Eric Ewanco: 2nd maccabees
00:28:24 Eric Ewanco: Replying to "2nd maccabees"
00:41:56 Michael Hinckley: I know I’m that way about books. Desire for more
00:42:38 Eric Ewanco: Reacted to "I know I’m that way ..." with ❤️
00:48:28 Eric Ewanco: Replying to "I know I’m that way ..."
There is a Japanese term, "tsundoku" (積ん読). This word describes the habit of acquiring books and letting them pile up, without reading them.
00:52:21 John I.: Replying to "I know I’m that way ..."
I used to think that reading a lot of good Catholic books would make me very virtuous....
00:54:39 Eric Ewanco: I can see those worries about the future being very real
00:56:33 Lori Hatala: I have always feared thinking "I deserve". I probably would not like getting what I deserve.
00:57:13 Kate : As an aside, we have a daughter who is a Carmelite nun. When she received the holy habit, all of her hair was cut off. We were given this hair to keep as a momento. She had a beautiful head of hair, but she gave it up with great joy. And now, I think there is more beauty in her Carmelite veil and all it signifies than in her hair.
00:57:21 Tracey Fredman: There's an emotional type of attachment to un-needful things - why is that? Not necessarily security - things like … I don't know, teacups - are hard to part with for some people. I'm very much aware of this in myself and I trying to declutter - it's really hard.
00:58:34 Vanessa: Reacted to "As an aside, we have..." with ❤️
00:58:51 Jacqulyn: Reacted to As an aside, we have... with "❤️"
01:00:42 Eric Ewanco: There is a tradition, I think in the Romanian churches maybe, at the wedding of the priest saying "You are now each other's crosses"
01:27:51 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you,🙂 sorry I was late. I'm in the UK and forgot about daylight saving time.
01:28:32 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father!
01:28:38 Sophia: 🙏
01:28:45 Kenneth: thank you Father

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVI: On Discernment, Part X
Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
As we read St. John Climacus, we begin to see discernment as rooted in our relationship with God; a relationship that is founded upon the revelation of God‘s love and the desire that it stirs within the human heart to respond in kind. If we love God, then it is not going to seem to be a burden to us to take every thought captive and bring it before God for his blessing or judgment. Nor is waiting upon the Lord going to be a point of frustration.
Rather, when we love God, we understand that he is going to desire what is best for us. This desire leads him to test our intentions so as to purify them. What God looks for is humility and a spirit of repentance. Faced with our own weakness, and the darkness that sin brings into our life and into the world, we must cling to God and allow him to guide us with his light. Often only one step ahead is illuminated for us. We must be at peace with this if we have faith in him and trust in his love.
Part of what this requires from us is an honest heart; one that avoids distractions and holds fast to innocence. Often our sensibilities can become hardened through our experience of the world, and we lose the capacity not only to be vulnerable to others but to God himself. It has been said that “haste destroys the poet and the saint”. In the face of the frenetic pace of the world, let us hold on to simplicity and silence in order that we might hear the Beloved when he speaks to us.
Text of chat during the group:
00:08:06 FrDavid Abernethy: page 206 number 114
00:16:33 Susanna Joy: It can be years and years...
00:16:56 Susanna Joy: must have the patience of Job.
00:27:28 Susanna Joy: I have a friend who says, "Set all your thoughts, words, and actions as flowers at the feet of the Lord." Then whatever the result, the intention is right.
00:28:10 Paul G.: Reacted to "I have a friend who …" with ❤️
00:30:37 Rebecca Thérèse: Therese thought of herself as a plaything of the infant Jesus so sometimes he would discard her in order to play with something else.
00:32:09 Genesius B.: Would it be imprudent to treat everything as beyond us, or perhaps prudent so we might never overreach?
00:33:35 Susanna Joy: Replying to "Would it be impruden..."
There is the riddle ...
00:34:50 Susanna Joy: Replying to "Would it be impruden..."
...we must do our be...
00:42:31 sharonfisher: But how do we deal with the ‘warped souls’ in life as we encounter them and recognize them as too familiar to our circumstances? It seems scary.
00:43:00 Kate : Father, Could you offer any guidance on finding the balance between overreaching in the spiritual life versus not pushing oneself enough? I find it very hard to get the right balance. It is a long, hard struggle.
00:46:23 Anthony: 1. Thanks for explaining the unforgivable sin.
2. No need to fall I to scrupulousity over this sin because concern about it indicates one has not confused good and evil.
3. I like a sentiment by St Paisios you shared on Facebook about keeping a calm soul so the devils can't cast their lines in our soul.
00:51:18 Susanna Joy: Replying to "1. Thanks for explai..."
That is such a great...
00:52:20 Susanna Joy: Replying to "1. Thanks for explai..."
Fish are tempted to ...
00:52:30 Susanna Joy: Reacted to 1. Thanks for explai... with "❤️"
00:53:10 Carolus B: Replying to "1. Thanks for explai..."
Should we avoid holding personal goals, instead endeavoring to only hold the single goal which is the desire of God, regardless of how we feel about the outcome?
00:53:52 Anthony: Hahaha. Yes he might
00:54:07 Paul G.: Reacted to "Hahaha. Yes he might" with 😇
00:54:16 sharonfisher: This is an aside that you may or may not want to read re: what we deign to touch or interact with. I was crossing, on foot, an intersection to the metro station and my luggage got all sideways. This homeless-type fellow ran out and collected my stuff for me and handed it to me on the other side. I gathered a few dollars to give him. I didn’t realize what I was doing when I went to grab the bag handles, but he did — he asked, pointedly, if I was afraid to touch his hand. Apparently, I had avoided contact with him, even after his assistance. I’m ashamed to this day. And I have another story equally shameful. Won’t bore you with it. Point, I think, is to be aware of our own actions, and how others perceive them.
00:55:14 Genesius B.: how do we discern when one malevolently disputes with us, vs one who disputes due to a misplaced but genuine and fervent care for the soul?
00:55:20 Carolus B: Should we avoid holding personal goals, instead endeavoring to only hold the single goal which is the desire of God, regardless of how we feel about the outcome?
01:07:33 Rebecca Thérèse: People admire athletes who train physically from dawn to dusk but if people want to "train" spiritually people think they're mentally disturbed!
01:07:37 sharonfisher: Not sure if Eastern Church recognizes Alfred and Briget and other English saints prior to Great Schism (other than Patrick, perhaps)?
01:07:38 David: I always loved a tradition in northern spain. They celebrate "Tu Santo" or saints day which often is more important or more celebrated than a birthday. These celebration's always explain about the life of the saint.
01:08:24 Art iPhone: Looking forward to the Frances Cabrini movie coming soon.
01:08:33 sharonfisher: Reacted to "People admire athlet..." with ❤️
01:09:03 Cindy Moran: Teresa of Avila & her young brother tried to run away from home to become martyrs.
01:09:13 sharonfisher: Reacted to "Looking forward to t..." with ❤️
01:09:18 Joseph Chiappetta: Reacted to "Teresa of Avila & he..." with ❤️
01:10:16 Carolus B: Replying to "Teresa of Avila & he..."
When asked by her parents why she ran away she answered: "I want to see God, and you have to die first."
01:10:38 Anthony: The serious troubles caused by religious nuts make us wary of asceticism
01:11:03 sharonfisher: Fasting could bring one to extremes.
01:11:04 Ren Witter: When I was little I heard the story of a martyr who died being boiled in oil. I used to pray that that would be the one way I wouldn’t be martyred.
01:11:07 Genesius B.: can we go back to 124 briefly
01:11:15 Rebecca Thérèse: A lot of trouble is caused by atheists!
01:11:43 Kate : Who was it who said “I could be a martyr if they kill me real quick?”
01:11:58 Anthony: Replying to "Who was it who said ..."
St Thomas more?
01:12:00 Genesius B.: Replying to "can we go back to 12..."
how do we ensure our kids have an appropriate upbringing which would best instill these virtues beyond the mere basics
01:14:22 Genesius B.: Replying to "can we go back to 12..."
i.e. how do we instill a proper spirit of mortification and humility in our children?
01:14:43 Alice Hirsch: By saying the 12 year St. Bridget prayers, a person can become martyr like. The promise is stated as follows: “The soul who prays them will be accepted among the Martyrs, as though he had spilled his blood for his faith.”
01:14:58 Genesius B.: Replying to "can we go back to 12..."
w/o simultaneously being too harsh
01:15:11 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:15:13 Lee Graham: This was a most informative and spiritually strengthening teaching. So glad I attended even though I was not well. Thank you and bless you.
01:15:21 Nypaver Clan: Reacted to "By saying the 12 yea..." with 🥰
01:15:45 Lori Hatala: feel better Lee
01:16:20 sue and mark: Reacted to "feel better Lee" with 🙏
01:16:25 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father!
01:16:28 David: Thank you Father!
01:16:28 sue and mark: Reacted to "This was a most info..." with 🙏
01:16:28 Jeff O.: Thank you!!
01:16:31 sharonfisher: And with your spirt!!
01:16:31 Genesius B.: Thank you father
01:16:33 sue and mark: good night
01:16:38 Kevin Burke: Thanks you Father!
01:16:41 Cindy Moran: Thanks Father's

Monday Mar 04, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis IV, Part II and Hypothesis V
Monday Mar 04, 2024
Monday Mar 04, 2024
Sometimes in the simplest teachings is found the greatest wisdom. Such is true in tonight‘s readings from The Evergetinos. The focus is on work, how we engage in it and also how we engage others with whom we work.
What becomes evident is that the Christian works in a distinctive fashion. Above all charity is to guide the manner in which we work, our diligence, and also the way we treat others. Whether they are good workers or not, we do not compare ourselves to them or the quality of our labor. Nor do we hold up the weakness or defects of people for others to see and so diminish their character.
It is for this reason that our spiritual work must always take precedence over and shape the work that we do within the world. We take up all things from the hand of God. And in doing, so we keep before our eyes the dignity of the other. There is nothing that we could produce within this world and nothing that we could accomplish that has more value than our own soul or that of others. Love and humility in all things!
Text of chat during the group:
00:06:16 Tracey Fredman: I've been thinking a lot about the question "How is your prayer life?" - what would be a proper response?
00:09:48 sharonfisher: I would respond that it’s in fits and starts — frequent during the day but not very structured. I need to do better.
00:25:39 Steve Yu: Is the Constitutions of the Holy Apostles another title for the Didache?
00:28:46 Anthony: I think the Constitutions are on librivox app
00:28:54 Steve Yu: Reacted to "I think the Constitu…" with 👍
00:29:00 Steve Yu: Replying to "I think the Constitu…"
00:29:03 Adam Paige:
00:29:09 Steve Yu: Reacted to "https://en.m.wikiped…" with 👍
00:29:10 Anthony: Also latin and slavonic
00:29:33 Steve Yu: Replying to "https://en.m.wikiped…"
00:30:07 Kevin Burke:
00:36:50 Adam Paige: Reacted to "Thanks!" with 👍
00:37:26 Rachel: Whoah
00:37:49 Steve Yu: Reacted to "…" with 👍
00:38:01 Steve Yu: Replying to "…"
Thanks much!
00:39:00 Rachel: So, I would have trouble having a poker face in that situation. I love the grace I have seen in others who handle these things, even great things in stride. The humility it takes to cover anothers faults and mistakes
00:46:22 Rachel: I do lol
00:52:28 Anthony: These men have complete freedom but choose to discipline their lives for the vision of something better than a "Batchelor life."
00:52:45 Vanessa: Reacted to "These men have compl..." with 👍
01:00:55 Anthony: An interesting book: "Catholicism, Protestantism and Capitalism" by Amintore Fanfani
01:01:29 Rachel: Some nuns who gave a talk to a prayer group a talk spoke about guarding oneself from touching in a layperson's life as well. It seems strange on the surface to the world. There are naturally affectionate people who want always to hug others. As an introvert I have admires the way in which the nuns held themselves. When we are not intruding on another's space, in charity or not, it is a way in which we can respect the image of God in the other. In the context of the talk, which was given about friendships and the life of prayer, I could see how there are many behaviors that on the surface seem charitable but are subtly self serving.
The actions lack true humility and charity.
01:04:10 Liz D: Are there any prerequisites to praying the Prayer of the Heart, also known as the "Jesus Prayer.” mentioned as a way to pray in the morning? Also, can we pray this way during work times? I read an admonition from one of the Fathers that it can be ill-advised to pray this prayer if one is not ready for it. Perhaps it had to do with certain breathing while praying. I’m sorry I don’t recall the exact quote or admonition. How may I discern if ready to try this prayer as a non-monastic Catholic? I’d like to pray the "Jesus Prayer" in the morning as discussed in the previous hypothesis discussion. I apologize if this question is from the prior chapters or was covered previously.
01:12:35 Liz D: Thank you, Father.
01:12:45 Rebecca Thérèse: Such a priest probably doesn't understand it or finds it offensive and doesn't want his parishioners asking him awkward questions or judging him harshly
01:12:47 FrDavid Abernethy: Reacted to "These men have compl..." with 👍
01:13:41 Rachel: My comment was Irrelevant, we had moved on =)
01:14:47 Maureen Cunningham: Thank. You
01:14:49 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:14:52 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father!
01:15:07 sue and mark: good night
01:15:36 Rachel: Thank you

Wednesday Feb 28, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVI: On Discernment, Part IX
Wednesday Feb 28, 2024
Wednesday Feb 28, 2024
Discernment, as we have said, is the fruit of humility. Having removed the impediment of pride and having purified the heart of the passions, one comes to comprehend the things of the kingdom and the will of God. St. John gives us one example after another of how discernment helps us to perceive the things that lead us to God and that teach us to embrace that which endures.
As one progresses in the spiritual life, however, discernment is not simply the ability to know God‘s will, but rather also the ability to fulfill it in the way that God desires. In this, a soul can begin to trust in the action of the Spirit within the mind and heart. Therefore, although spiritual guides may be lacking one is not abandoned by God. Rather, God makes all things work for the good of those who love him.
In fact, the more one lays side ones will and turns to God in prayer and fasting, the more one lets go of the need to be driven by creativity, productivity, and one’s own intentions as a whole. The deeper the communion becomes with God, the more one finds joy in being drawn along whatever path He desires.
Text of chat during the group:
00:08:12 FrDavid Abernethy: page 204 number 105
00:46:02 Rebecca Thérèse: I think Teresa preferred the priest to be learned rather than just intelligent because she thought that even holy priests could be misled. A learned priest wuld be better able to communicate the infallible teaching of the Church, in her view.
00:50:33 Michael Hinckley: Re: lack of elders… we miss not having enough monks & nuns available in communities.
01:00:37 Susanna Joy: This is so similar to a practice I learned from muslim friends, where one fasts and prays 3 days begore taking decision, that God may clarify what action one should take...The fast is called istakharra...means the right path. :)
01:03:21 Susanna Joy: It is so good to rest in God's wisdom before taking action.
01:06:32 Michael Hinckley: Modernity and technology have much to blame since many things can be created ex nihilo. Tempts thinking “ye shall be like Gods"
01:10:48 Anthony: Yes
01:10:50 Rachel: Id love to see that
01:11:38 David: I volunteered for catechism but was surprised there was no assignment with a spiritual director and it seemed to become more of a quasi entraining push by those who were the directors by the parish. The focus was keeping the kids coming back and making faith "fun". It seemed so different from my experience here an in Spain.
01:13:42 Susanna Joy:
01:13:43 Michael Hinckley: Replying to "I volunteered for ca..."
Precisely the problem.
01:14:40 Susanna Joy: Here is a beautiful song for you all. "Who puts his trust in God most Just"
01:14:41 Anthony: Pierogi making brings my parish together
01:14:58 Michael Hinckley: TLM communities also see the young coming b/c of lack of “fun” things
01:15:08 Ambrose Little: I’m not “young” and feel more or less that way.
01:15:25 Adam Paige: You’re young at heart, Ambrose !
01:15:31 Ambrose Little: Reacted to "You’re young at hear..." with 😅
01:15:35 Jeff O.: Reacted to "You’re young at hear..." with 😆
01:15:46 Jeff O.: Reacted to "I’m not “young” and ..." with 👍
01:16:08 Susanna Joy: Reacted to Pierogi making bring... with "❤️"
01:16:17 Michael Hinckley: Gnocchi are pierogis
01:16:20 Rachel: haha I need to go to PA
01:16:54 Rachel: Can activism be another way of intellectualizing the faith?
01:17:08 Susanna Joy: Thank you so much, Father. God bless you.🙏🏻💗
01:17:09 Anthony: Reacted to Gnocchi are pierogis with "😂"
01:17:13 Rebecca Thérèse: thank you🙂
01:17:50 Sophia: Thank you so much fr.Abernethy. God bless you!
01:17:51 Louise: Thanks, Fr. Abernethy!
01:17:55 Jeff O.: Amen, thank you!
01:17:56 David: Thank you father!
01:18:01 Rachel: Thank you Father Thank you evryone

Monday Feb 26, 2024
Monday Feb 26, 2024
Everything about what it is to be a human being should be touched and shaped by the grace of God. Our identity and purpose comes through Christ. When we lose sight of this, a kind of disorder and imbalance enters into the way that we work, the kind of work that we take up, and the time that we spend engaged in it.
This evening we were given one story after another about the nature of the work the desert monks did. Their focus was on manual labor that allowed them to be attentive to God while engaged in it. They also worked enough to provide for themselves modestly but always with an eye towards the needs of others. We do not work for ourselves. Nor do we work and labor to the extent that it reveals we want to reach a point where we will no longer have to bear that burden. Work prevents us from falling into idleness, but also allows us to provide for others in their needs.
When Christ is absent from this part of our life, then “our toil shall be great, our path unsteady, our grief inconsolable, and our lives care-worn.” The one who is focused upon Christ and seeks him first will labor temperately and freely. In the absence of Christ, however, one is driven by agitation and fear.
Text of chat during the group:
00:21:26 Amale Obeid: How do hermits balance the solitude with the duty to serve others?
00:28:13 Anthony: We Americans have the farce of the Puritan work ethic, though. We are people, not human resources. That is a point of resistance for me.
00:37:50 Rebecca Thérèse: A siev is a strainer
00:38:02 Rebecca Thérèse: sieve
00:39:25 Anthony: As a matter of historical note, in the middle ages, cloth was the first commodity, and a source of wealth. Weavers were treated poorly, like the way treat robots. The heresy of Waldensianism spread among weavers, perhaps during to their social condition.
00:42:07 Lilly: Saint Francis of Assisi, comes to mind. He left his dad's linen business to live a monastic life :)
00:43:19 Anthony: Reacted to Saint Francis of Ass... with "👍"
00:59:29 Amale Obeid: How much work is “enough” to not be slothful or idle? Secular life does not let you step down or slow down. It feels more and more like it’s an all or nothing choice
01:09:33 Anthony: On the neglect of the most important things when work is too long or too heavy: St John Bosco & St Frances Cabrini looked after children whose families were forced to work to the neglect of children....and the boys themselves who worked so much but neglected their souls.
01:10:54 Vanessa: Reacted to "On the neglect of th..." with 👍
01:11:17 Anthony: Thank God Pope Francis preaches on the evil of usury /
debt culture.
01:15:53 Maureen Cunningham: Thank You Father David
01:15:56 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:16:37 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father!
01:16:43 Rachel: Thank you
01:16:47 Nick Bodmer: Thanks!

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVI: On Discernment, Part VIII
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
In St. John’s discussion of discernment, he reveals to us the beauty of a human being transformed by the grace of God and living in communion with Christ by removing every impediment within the heart and by constantly crying out to him in prayer. At the very center of this reality is the “eye of the soul”. It is extremely beautiful, St. John explains, and next to the angels it surpasses all things. The angels constantly gaze upon God and the purified eye of the soul, the nous, allows us to contemplate the beauty of God‘s love.
There is also a freedom that comes to the soul through this purification. Our capacity to discern spiritual realities enables us to engage in the warfare with the demons more diligently and to avoid the pitfalls that are set for us. Furthermore, it allows us to understand that there is no such thing as a small sin. If neglected, it can consume the entire person. Likewise, there is no part of our life that we are to take for granted. The eye of the soul allows us to see that each moment is an opportunity for us to respond to God and to others with love; an opportunity embraced or lost. Thus, it is a very high view of the human person that is set before us; a view that allows us to understand the radical communion that exists between each of us and to see our destiny in Christ. Beautiful indeed!
Text of chat during the group:
00:29:50 sprou: virtue beyond our ability?
00:50:31 Nypaver Clan: “Familiarity breeds contempt.” My Mom used to say this if we spent too much time with friends.
00:50:54 Vanessa: Replying to "“Familiarity breeds ..."
My mom used to say that too lol
00:52:59 Anthony: St Paul, 1 Cor 7 (?) Talks about spouses separating for a bit.
00:53:38 Marypaz Mencos: I’ve been listening to your podcasts for a year, this is the first time I’m able to be in real time with y’all. It’s so good to put faces to all of your voices.
God bless you Father, this podcasts have been a blessing to my spiritual life.
00:54:08 Vanessa: Reacted to "I’ve been listening ..." with ❤️
00:55:16 Amale Obeid: Replying to "St Paul, 1 Cor 7 (?)..."
“Let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.” Gibran Khalil Gibran (Lebanese poet)
00:56:14 Susan M: Reacted to "I’ve been listening ..." with ❤️
01:05:40 Vanessa: Enjoying this very much tonight.
01:07:43 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: Yet St. Basil came back from the desert saying the complete Gospel calls us to include service of others in one's authentic spiritual life...
01:13:27 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: Sacrificial intercessory prayer for others is also service of the Body of Christ
01:13:52 Amale Obeid: Reacted to "Sacrificial interces..." with ❤️
01:18:37 Anthony: That kind of sounds superstitious, like an augury.
01:19:27 Anthony: Morning offering....yes. but there's repentance to a bad start and a possible bad end to a good start.
01:26:08 Maureen Cunningham: Thank you Father from Maureen & Kenneth
01:26:11 Arthur Danzi: That was wonderful. Thank you, Father!
01:26:14 Louise: Thanks, Fr. Abernethy!
01:26:18 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:26:21 Jeff O.: Thank you!!
01:26:21 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father!
01:26:24 David: Thanks Father!
01:26:34 Alexandra K: Thank you Father!

Monday Feb 19, 2024
The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis III, Part III
Monday Feb 19, 2024
Monday Feb 19, 2024
We continued our discussion from The Evergetinos on idleness. What begins to emerge from the wisdom of the fathers is that everything that is part of our life as human beings is filled with meaning and touched by grace. God has ordained that we provide for ourselves by the work of our hands. Furthermore, by this very same work, we are attentive to the needs of others. Work allows us to show charity to others in their needs. Avoiding idleness not only allows us to engage in fruitful labor but helps us to remain focused in our thoughts and avoid temptation.
The fathers also understood that when our work is taken up as from the hand of God, as an act of obedient love, we give ourselves over to it with zeal and attention. We are prevented from falling into laziness. Such an understanding also allows us to engage in work in such a way that others see what motivates us. The intentions of the heart are often revealed in the simple way that we engage in our day-to-day labors. When we love, we take up that work diligently and joyfully. We do not complain or fall into resentment. Nor do we compare our work with others. When we take up our work from God, it frees us from the pitfalls that often plague us on a daily basis. A balance emerges in our life. When our identity is rooted in God then we take up our labor from him and knowing that it is completed by his grace. Work is not what gives meaning to our life. It is love in our hearts that shapes that work.
Text of chat during the group:
00:15:59 Suzanne: Father, I'm just popping in to let you know I am going offline for Lent. I'll see you after Easter.
00:16:20 FrDavid Abernethy: Replying to "Father, I'm just pop..."
ok. God bless
00:16:21 Suzanne: Thank you!!!
00:16:44 FrDavid Abernethy: page 52 top paragraph
00:21:32 Amale Obeid: The toil when working with the mind seems paradoxically heavier than the toil of working with the hands. How might we think about the difference between working the corporate grind versus what the monks consider work?
00:34:45 Louise: A beautiful book about being with God inwardly and with the world outwardly is The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence.
00:35:48 Maureen Cunningham: Yes a wonderful book
00:35:50 Anthony: Read it. Supposedly it was a Carthusian work. Very good.
00:56:26 Alexandra K: This is the issue I have while working remote. I really really really don't like it. Need to remember that I should work for God.
00:57:41 Amale Obeid: Reacted to "A beautiful book abo..." with ❤️
01:16:20 Maureen Cunningham: Do you think they were so hard on Monks because they understood Spiritual Warfare
01:19:44 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:19:49 Maureen Cunningham: thank you many Blessings
01:19:53 Amale Obeid: Thank you
01:20:29 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father!
01:20:36 Sophia: Thank you, Fr
01:20:38 Alexandra K: Thank you for doing this Father! I'll pray for you

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVI: On Discernment, Part VII
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
As we have discussed, the fruit of humility is discernment. But what is that? Is it simply private judgment, a human wisdom that has deepened over the course of the years?
St. John gradually begins to reveal to us that it is a freedom that emerges from the removal of the impediments of our passions. A sole passion, the desire for God, begins to direct and guide our lives as well as reveal to us the truth about our actions and the realities around us.
Yet, it is humility that must continue to guide and direct this gift of discernment. It is to see things as God sees them only because we are allowing ourselves to trust in His providence in the warp and woof of day-to-day life. Whether we are embattled or at peace, whether we are called to be obedient or to guide others, we must rely upon the grace of God. It is His love, the love of He who is the truth that allows us to comprehend the realities of this world and the world come. Thus, St. John shows us, we can never think of ourselves or the gifts that we experience abstracted from a deep intimacy with the Lord. It is only in Him and through Him that we can live the life to which he has called us and through Him that we who were blind can see!
Text of chat during the group:
00:18:44 Arthur Danzi: I'm sorry, what chapter are we reading?
00:19:53 Barbara: lost sound
00:19:59 Rebecca Thérèse: no audio
00:30:48 Anthony: Maybe another example is the miser who wears shabby clothes, just to save money?
00:45:18 Cindy Moran: Would oriental catholics call this yin-yang?
00:55:50 Cindy Moran: Replying to "Would oriental catho..."
01:03:06 Anthony: Another thing to be careful of is to try observing what is a true state of affairs but to stop short of having unholy judgment or even feelings or inclination to hound something bad out or to resent something.
01:08:23 Carol Roper: Beware the leaven of the pharisees
01:09:21 David Swiderski: I used to waste a lot of time thinking and rethinking about decisions and people. Even doing this I often made bad decisions and was taken advantage by or attacked by people. I now simply concentrate on - does this lead me closer to God or further away from God. I also pay attention to the mood, other things around me much more.
01:11:42 Cindy Moran: Would oriental catholics call this yin-yang? My ? maybe not seen?? My relatives say that all religion is the same...
01:13:03 sam: I think he (John Climacus) also says elsewhere that vainglory has no birthdate but with pride is the mother of all vices. Humility he also says is one of the destroyers of its fruit and source.
01:16:05 Cindy Moran: It's always a struggle for me . They are new age.
01:18:12 sam: Could we say that the all religions are equal idea is from a vainglorious attempt to please everyone and avoid real arguments about ascetical struggle?
01:20:41 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂
01:21:10 Maureen Cunningham: Blessing
01:21:20 Cindy Moran: Thank you, Father
01:21:27 David Swiderski: Thank you Father!!!
01:21:29 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father!
01:21:29 Jeff O.: Thank you Father!
01:21:34 Art iPhone: Thank you Father!
01:21:36 Arthur Danzi: Thank you father!